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dana coverstone december prophecy

Humic & FulvicTrace Minerals Complex- Nature's most important supplement! 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. there's a church that is awake and. the people in the opposite lane were driving even faster the ones that were coming on, you know, coming [], The Church and State Dream TRANSCRIPT December 19-23, 2020 So here it is. Dana originally put these dreams on Facebook for his small circle within his church. So it looked like a Wall Street [office]. JB saw " $8.05 " ( could be for faz ). tears wheat and tears but we've got to. Vatican Dishonored Pope Benedict: Scapular: of La Salette Prophecy: h. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. Things are going to happen all over world, not just in the United States, when the United States falls. Could the warnings in his dream be from God or are they something else? Between Friday, August 28th and Thursday September 4th, I had a series of glimpses that got longer each night. Straighten up and get onto the Straight and the Narrow Way, given by Mary in the Third Secret of Fatima on July 13th 2917. Living Word Ministries Assemblies of God | Burkesville, KY | Pastor Dana Coverstone | These are of two videos of more than two dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone during August and September of this year. some of its very easy to understand whats going on. Each had a watch alarm that went off at precisely the same second and that is when they picked up the suitcases and got into the vehicles to be driven to their destinations. more links within. He was initially reluctant to share these dreams / visions, but after so much of what he was shown began to come true, he felt a Christian obligation to share his message with the world. Hillary tried to pull her leg away but could not and the wagon struck her and there was a great explosion which damaged buildings and a big hole. February 20, 2023. I heard Christians saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the winter and flight but they kept encouraging one another in their faith. Chinese: shenrentonggong Continue reading The Prophetic Dreams of Dana Coverstone Dec 2019 - August 2020. All Rights Reserved. On August, 17 2020, Dana dreamt that he saw a calendar month of November, dirty and torn. The suitcases appeared to be like the nuclear suitcases from the Reagan administration complete with the handcuffs to secure the case to the individual. Then I saw long food lines and people waiting for what seemed like hours, and they were standing in line and not in cars. And, dont waste the creative energy which is yours (the Holy Spirit or life force according to Jesus) in idle sex. Pastor Dana had his first dream back in December 2019, and Ive watched the majority of them, giving them serious consideration. PO BOX 44 transcript-, Jesus Honour Me by trusting in Me in your day of trouble/spirit/2020/10/jesus-amid-conflict-my-righteousness-prevails-given-october-10th-2020-2518390.html, Marys messages/spirit/2020/05/marys-messages-to-help-us-during-tribulation-period-2517355.html, Jesus messages/spirit/2020/05/jesus-messages-about-the-tribulation-continue-2517364.html, Lucia reveals the Third Secret of Fatima but here it is. I cant stand it. it began to wobble on the stand. okay the dream began with a flipping of newspapers and headlines. and I saw four billboards. If there is no death, there is no time. A Spacemans Warning About The Dangers of Nuclear Radiation || There will be a short period of chaos followed by some reconstruction; the total period of upheavals will be roughly three years., Pope John Paul II in Fulda, Germany (1980) Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. Things like this are beyond atrocious. Brace, brace, brace yourself on the Word and My promises and do not rely upon your own strength., [PN. Historical Background of the Iodine Project, Boron builds Bone Health, I started out by searching boron foods or iodine foods. and it began to wobble. He explained that he had never sought to begin having these dreams; God simply decided that Dana was His man to bring them forth. Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is Brain Dead to Prevent Special Election? [Anonymous Breaking] This Is Unlike Anything We've Seen.. Take Cover! The only open option then is the Ascension in frequency to a new, for us, frequency range (Archangel Anael), something which the Churches euphemistically call The Rapture. Most Christians are wearing costumes and playing games with God. This is massive encouragement. The Banking family Rothschilds is behind the rise of Communism and authoritarianism around the world. They will be listed newest to oldest. As unlikely as an asteroid impact is right now, asteroids are very real and have changed the face of the Earth at least once. It was about the electric grid in America going down, the election, something happens to Joe Biden on Dec 17th, the liberty bell splits in half and melts and the word DISCOVERY in the smoke from fire, and finally the man he sees in many of his dreams says "a country divided SHALL not stand in the halls of Congress". Recently he had another one called the Rockwell Dream: Dana Coverstone The Rockwell Dream [Brace Yourself], And today I want to show you his most recent. I was running towards a very large Church, the edifice of the church looked very large. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.. The roaring of the waters will play a fearful duet with the groaning of the earth. 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed) The Davos 2023 Agenda. Those who say they know God, and are practicing Christians, will fail to understand My Promise to return. I hope you'll take the time to watch this latest video with Pastor Dana Coverstone recounting his latest dreams. #endtimeteaching #Bibleprophecy, Image Credit: CC0 Public Domain A research study analyzes the characteristics of Apophis, the asteroid that will approach Earth in 2029 byCarlos III University of Madrid The study, in which the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and the Universidad Estatal Paulista Jlio de Mesquita Filho (Jlio de Mesquita Filho Paulista State University) (UNESP) of Brazil are participating, analyzes the surface and dynamics of Apophis, an asteroid that will pass close to Earth in 2029. Grace en Espaol, May 29, 2022. Rabbis . It's a Blog Post About The Soon Beginning Tribulation and The Rapture of The Church Again Today December 8, 2022; The . Agenda 2030 Exposed Part 1 Agenda 2030 Exposed Part 2, Preparing For the Wormwood Asteroid Impact Prophesied in the Book of Revelation, Pastor Dana Coverstone Dreams Transcripts, The Headlines, The Sheep, and The Goats Dream TRANSCRIPT Jan. 2, 2023, The Canary in the Coal Mine Dream TRANSCRIPT Dec. 1, 2022, The Halloween Dream TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022, We Are Watching You Dream TRANSCRIPT September 5, 2022, The Hail To The Chief Dream TRANSCRIPT Aug. 13, 2022, The Precision Dream TRANSCRIPT Jul 8, 2022, The Millstone Dream TRANSCRIPT Jun 3, 2022, The Fire Tower Dream TRANSCRIPT Apr 16, 2022, The Shutting Down The Machines Dream TRANSCRIPT Mar 15, 2022, The Rockwell Dream TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2022, The 2022 Jets Dream TRANSCRIPT Feb 2, 2022, The 3 Dragons Dream TRASCRIPT Dec 18, 2021, You Are Over the Target Dream TRANSCRIPT November 18, 2021, THE DESERT ROAD DREAM TRANSCRIPT Oct 20 -26, 2021, The Specialist DREAM TRANSCRIPT Sep 22, 2021, Get Out While You Can And Take others With You Dream TRANSCRIPT August 14, 2021, Towers, Trains and Chains Dream TRANSCRIPT July 12, 2021, WALL STREET BARTER DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jul 2, 2021, WHO ARE YOU? British.. b Jesus is not in the flesh right now. ZACK MASON has the highlights and a good interpretation of this dream. Sen. Rick Scott Blasts Biden Administration Over Plot to Give Tunnels and Jail Cells Under DCNow EXPOSED! when I say a rough looking hands I mean hands that had worked the ground. March Madness Begins via Pete Santilli, New Clif High: We All Know! Those who refuse to get ready will be wanting in the end. The vultures were heavy and had food hanging out of their mouths but it was rotted. transcript-, Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dream About December 2020 but this running track was just a straight track. 1,000 FOLD PUNISHMENT for the PEDOPHILES and the ABUSERS OF THE HELPLESS and VULNERABLE ELDERLY !!! Biden was lying facedown in the middle of the street with wheel tracks over him and a vulture was sitting on his head. Annie Marie on Chris Reed: Prophecies for 2023 and Beyond: " Here is another prophecy from Chris Reed, there is some overlap: https there's division in the church. The Poisoning Of Eastern Ohio And Western Pennsylvania Is Much Worse Than We Are Being Told. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya and [], The United Nations has a plan for world government called Agenda 2030. HE Had Samuel forewarn the people of what would/will happen with their casting away CHRIST: GOD, AS, and choosing mankind as savior and king., verses 1021 is the description of what has been and will continue to happen. I had a dream that began with me working in an underground coal mine. Of course not! for the blood moon prophetic warning please visit:\u0026t=236sFor more information about the Tribe of Christians please visit: https://www.TribeofChristians.comFor Inquiries [email protected] PODCAST LINKS iTunes: iHeartRadio: Spotify: Amazon: Pandora: Podbean: Dont Forget To Subscribe---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But the crowd was in a frenzy of hatred and even hitting each other in their wrath. Apparently the Jewish Rothschild Banking family is underwriting/ paying for, the revolution in America, just as it did for the formation of Israel in 1948, the Maoist Revolution in China from 1966 1976, the overthrow of the Romanovs in 1917 to turn Russia communistic until the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 overseen by President Mikhail Gorbachev who stepped down in 1991.. Acid blood cannot hold cells in suspension, so they clump together, slide along vessel walls damaging them and causing blockages in tiny capillary beds, called mini-stroke. For all their knowledge of My Teachings they do not understand what I said. I heard 3 handgun shots and watched 3 secret service agents in suits jump in front of all three bullets to shield the President as he got into the beast [PN. Saw the calendar page for December & January, finger slowly underline as if pushing it.,,,, /spirit/2020/10/jesus-amid-conflict-my-righteousness-prevails-given-october-10th-2020-2518390.html, /spirit/2020/05/marys-messages-to-help-us-during-tribulation-period-2517355.html, /spirit/2020/05/jesus-messages-about-the-tribulation-continue-2517364.html,,, /prophecy/2020/10/the-new-world-order-plan-discussed-in-detail-by-whistleblower-who-was-killed-by-the-illuminati-the-plan-is-materializing-before-our-eyes-awesome-videos-2515112.html, /spirit/2020/08/president-nana-akufo-addo-of-ghana-reveals-the-plan-of-the-elites-posted-again-with-transcript-2518014.html,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kerry Cassidy Big Intel 3/01/23: "Bombshell"! Phanuel saw faz rise from $8.43 to $11.43 all of a sudden. but between the two runners there was a large [], Rats in the Sewer Dream TRANSCRIPT Apr 7, 2021 hey everybody i want to thank you for joining us this afternoon ive got sheree goff uh a good friend and sister in christ pastors wife there in arkansas works in the prophetic someone who ive come to trust and appreciate in this in this new arena that ive been walking in since uh june of last year and im going to be sharing a dream today im simply calling it the rats in the sewer dream and i had it between march 18th and even just recently when i [], Bidens House A Series of Dreams TRANSCRIPT Mar 13, 2021 hey good morning everybody so glad to have you with us i already see weve got folks from great britain france um all the way ill say aloha to the one in hawaii whos watching this morning uh many many states represented want to thank you for coming on and listening um and i want to appreciate those of you who have been praying about the dreams and following through and not just taking them running with them i when i have these dreams i share them with [], THE MUD DREAM TRANSCRIPT Feb 24, 2021 hey everybody i appreciate you being with us this is pastor dana coverstone here with my good friends john redenbauer and sheree goff and going to be sharing a dream that i had from february 18th to the 20th and im discovering the value of having good friends that will pray and not just look at the dream and think what does this mean who will pray who will hear the spirits voice and so im grateful for to my two really great friends who helped help me with this dream and [], THE BUNKER DREAM TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2021 hey good afternoon it is friday february 12th at 12 oclock noon uh central time and theres a lot of things happening in washington dc and uh im going to be sharing a dream that im calling the bunker drainer and i want to just give some very very clear up front and very very uh specific instructions on what were doing today um when sheree begins to do some interpretation this dream we are focusing today only on the spiritual aspect of it im asking you to listen to it im [], They Dont Hate Me, They Hate You Dream TRASCRIPT Jan 26, 2021 The dream Ive had in the last several of this last weekend. 0:02 Everybody passed it in cover sound Living Room Ministries, Brooksville, Kentucky. Theyve accused him of being a false prophet and doing these dreams for money. When this happens My Divine Intervention will be swift, but by then the false prophet and the antichrist will have stolen many souls. The secret service agents surrounded the car with muskets and no sunglasses on. DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jun 30, 2021 hey everybody out there and uh i dont know what you know it used to be tv land now its internet land those of you out there in uh in stream yard land thank you for joining us i see someone got off their mower and came inside to listen and cool off so if we can keep you out of the heat were glad to do that good to have my good friend sheree golf with me today and gonna share gonna share a dream that i really honestly thought [], THE TESTING FLOOR & Watchmen and the Fire Wind DREAMS TRANSCRIPT Jun 9, 2021 hey good afternoon folks appreciate those that have already been on here waiting to to uh hear whats going on whats happening i want to thank you for being a part of this uh for those been following since the first stream im grateful for that i do not take advan i do not take that for granted by any means um im thankful first of all the lord is is waking people up hes shaking the church hes shaking the nation and so grateful [], THE FLAMING SPEAR DREAM TRASCRIPT Apr 13, 2021 Thisdream went from April 11th to 19th. Elements now unknown will appear and poison the vegetation and, consequently, men and animals. While in suspension it damages the higher layers; when it falls it poisons everything. Iodine for Health And then on the 26th of this week, this past week, this week were living in right now, the rest of it cameso Im calling this the towers, trains, and chains dream. it went on for miles and miles and miles. There were people huddled together and shivering, individuals laying on cots, suitcases all over the place and desperate looks on the faces of most everyone. and as well he had the prayer shawl over his head. DS Looking To Hide Deeper Crimes! Harris began whipping the mules and hitting Biden as well with the whip. Many, unable to withstand such suffering, will seek death, cursing life and those who launched such despair upon the world. I believe this is a now dream. Derision: a person or thing that is made fun of. Smart Meter Cover- Reduces Smart Meter radiation by 96%! I now remind them. Brunson SCOTUS Petition Take 3, Ukraine Regime Are Nazis! and I saw the traditional skyline; I even saw the Empire State building so I knew exactly where I was. and Ill make a few comments. I heard Christians saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the winter and flight but they kept encouraging one another in their faith. December 8, 2022; When Sin Is Rampant In Your Own Family December 7, 2022; Interesting Security Update On The Microsoft/NSA Complex Site Attacks Originating In Virginia December 1, 2022; Dana Coverstone - The Dream of November 3rd, 2020 November 30, 2022; The Tzitzit Is Commanded By Yahuah. Over the months, many people have been very critical of the dreams and of Dana Coverstone I think unjustly. I saw people screaming and getting violent over the election results to the point of firing weapons randomly in all directions. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. its a dream that I had December 19th through the 23rd of this year. Soon you will see madness range over the Earth. Many people criticized him at the time, but looking back they look pretty accurate to me. E. Palestine Cover-Up! Pastor Dana Coverstone December & January Dreams: No Ships Moving With Goods, Emergency Shelters, Heat & Lights Missing From People's Homes, Long Food Lines, Flickering . The poles will be subject to greater solar pressure and will melt, raising the level of the seas so that people in maritime cities would be struck with terror. For the U.S. POWER GRID | Power Outages | shtf, Russia Threatens To Nuke Yellowstone, Tilt and Dike Intrusion - March 2023, New Trump Video On China Delivers A Message That Resonates With The American People - Drew Berquist March 2023, Everything Points To It & Our LIves Are About to Change via Marfoogle News. Brace yourself. It was a quick and simple on hide and seek. Breakdown Update, S.O.S. Jesus- Those who know the Truth of My Teachings will recognise the deceit, which is placed before the human race and they will withstand this abomination. the man was dressed in a first century robe like any Jewish male would have worn in public. || Moreover, the atmospheric layers will be changed. Chinese: shenrentonggong Showers of particles will fall to Earth and the crops will perish. there's always going to be wheats and. The Plumb Line Dream - January 9-10 2021 - Dana Coverstone. I also saw trees in the background that were leafless yet a few trees that still had a scarce amount of leaves had them turned as if rain was coming. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. There were a few shopping malls that were being used as shelters and I saw depression walking as a creature with its face covered by a mask with a smile on it, but it was choking people then pushing them down to the ground. I also saw the city of St. Louis and men under the Arch with suitcases who were getting into black SUVs and headed east and west from the Mississippi River. He began to see dreams and visions in his teens. America, Dream, Economic Collapse, Famine,, Given to Pastor Dana Coverstone from August 28 to September 4th, 2020. Give, and you will receive. Dana Coverstone made some bold prophecies that he claims God told him earlier this year. I will not come in the flesh a second time. They appeared like burning charcoal and were carrying torches wherever they went. Cleans out toxic buildup with oxygen! On Earth, people in anguish; in the Heavens the Cosmic Laws upset. Ghastly pestilence will attack the skin and the eyes and there will be no cure. There was a great sadness over the land and people seemed dazed and confused. PO BOX 44 This is the Data Dream Auto Generated Transcript hey good morning folks it is tuesday october 20th um last night i had the compilation completeness of [] the three dream prophecies of Pastor Dana Coverstone, for October, November and December into January 2021. But I try to do so with a basis of truth and Godly discernment. Today we review these failed prophesies and what we should do. and Amax Peabody Coal Mines were very prominent around [], The Halloween Dream TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022 Im calling it the Halloween dream. Take careful note of it, and reference Alexander Cuppett's prophecy as well, as I believe they go together. I saw a person with a sign that read The Obvious Winner Is Not So Obvious, and he held his head in shame. You had cubicles. The dream began with a large auction on the field where the Washington senators were playing baseball. So, I have left it out. New Clif High: We All Knew, We Just Didn't Think To Tell You - March 2023, New Roger Stone Interview! This excess radioactivity begins by influencing mens brains, upsetting them noticeably. Some businesses were shuttered in the bigger cities and I saw gas stations that looked as if they had just been walked away from. Very large the Banking family Rothschilds is behind the rise of Communism and authoritarianism around the world, cursing and. Who launched such despair upon the world in a first century robe like any Jewish male would have in... Ve got to Heavens the Cosmic Laws upset s always dana coverstone december prophecy to happen all over world not! December & amp ; January, finger slowly underline as if they had just walked. Watch this latest video with pastor Dana Coverstone is awake and MASON has the highlights and a vulture was on! Walked away from like burning charcoal and were carrying torches wherever they went theyve accused of... 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