would you marry a girl who slept around

This was probably written by a hoe. I say how many men she has slept with should not matter. Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. Here is what I can get from you: Just broke up few months ago from an LTR and first girl you were intimate with (? Which will deter women from not being the innocent virgin that so many men desired. Evaluate that person for who they are now, not who they were previously. These are odds I wouldnt take. I applaud you that you have been able to wait, but that doesnt mean now you should look down on others who have not. If a woman was promiscuous and had sex with numerous men, she was a bad mate choice due to the fact that he may be mistakenly wasting his resources raising another mans child(ren). As soon as women get that into their thick sex driven heads they will realise the truth. By your logic she could look at you and say wow what a loser he's only ever had one person interested in him. Hah! So, somebody who has raped a person years agoshouldnt have that counted againstthem because that isnt who they really are now? Trust me, there are men married to or in a relationship with women they think has had very few sex partners, when in reality the numbers are much higher than he will ever know. Men do not. Blanksie_11 you make excellent points and I do not disagree with you. Means mentally you are stronger. Listen all the way through their logic, even though your blood might boil a little. I think it would be best for everybody to wait or minimize how many people they have sex with, but that does not change the fact that we should not judge a woman based on her past. So this research would directly indicate that the women who sleep with the most men and marry late have the lowest divorce rate. I dont ever wonder what I missed out on, I know the answer is not much! I started at 18, averaged 2.78 a year. If he looks upset, I'll just say something like, 'I'm sorry,' when he stops talking. The past is relevant to understanding who the person was and now is. Whats up bro? Thats why I put old-fashioned in parentheses, and said If being old-fashioned for a woman means not being a slut, then old-fashioned will always be in style when men look for a mate to settle down with.. with.. someone to come along and love you for who you are? A promiscuous past can definitely lead to issues in the present, but that is not always the case. So that we, too, can be raised with you on the last day! As women and men i am very sure we have all made mistakes and hopefully learned from them as well. Ive been through it, luckily with no children involved, and Ive known others whove gone through. Ive been involved with both chaste and promiscuous women. GTFO, it should not work that way. What do her previous partners have to do with who she is today? It would be a lot easier to have a healthy attitude about others sex lives if we can accept our own without pressure to be a certain way by the world around us. number is half your age. You feel a strong connection with her, and she does not display any emotional baggage or have any disease. Thank you for your comment it is one of the most spot on and helpful in the thread. People rarely change. I support this and I agree with this. If you are afraid to admit how many men you have been with then its obvious you are ashamed of it. I disagree 100%. Are you worried that you're bad at sex and she'll know because she's had more experience? And, after that, he paid the most endearing miraculous amazing act on our behalf. for their partners. Well written article. Past DOES matter. If u need to walk away sometimes and have a breath of fresh air. severely damage your relationship and possibly end it; trust is very important. What girl will you marry? If she is what you need her to be, but then you find out she had X amount of partners, well that shouldnt override who she currently is. 1. I dont think number should be the issue but how they went about the promiscuity if they were having sex in back alleys and getting double teamed etc how could someone want to be with them if they just had alot of partners its a little easier to swallow. Im happy to hear this article could help you in any way to move in a better direction. I recommend a highly-qualified psychiatrist. Like my mother told me when I was a teenager, if Men are dogs, which they are usually. On the surface all may look well, but when you go deeper many women will acknowledge they were never truly in love or connected with their mate. How can we embrace each other if we continue to hold over a persons head what they once did, and even allow it to overshadow what they do now. If you want to examine the paper, look it up yourself. So if a person once upon a time slept with 30ppl (just pulling out a random number) but in the last two years slept with nobody, do you judge them on their 30ppl or the fact that they have come to a place now that they no longer behave the same way? And I wish I didnt. I'm not sure how many guys she has slept with partially because I feel like asking that question is a sign of insecurity and I'm trying to avoid showing I'm insecure about it as well as being terrified by what the answer could be. Women have 10 lb babies & tighten right back up with the right maintenance (from experience). Remember, "your feelings" are usually a "you" issue, but some are also cultural and environmental. Tough shit. That does not mean you have to agree with it. I like her a lot cause she is smart, funny, outgoing, pretty, and we just have the exact same sense of humor and get along better than I do with almost anyone in my life as we're really similar people. Thank you for your writing this article. If you refuse to give a woman a chance because of her past, you might be missing out on a really good woman. Big breasts which are an indication of youth (because old ones sag), long hair which is a sign of health (because malnourished people have brittle hair that breaks off), hourglass figure, high cheek bones, and pouty lips (all signs of high estrogen or fertility). Wild oats = sewn. Some guys are really looking for that one who has waited. A dream. Well, let me tell you what i mean She used to introduce me to her exs here and there and i had no problems with thathowever, she met one of my exs once and I was in the dog house for a week, verbal abuse beyond verbal abuseIt was ok for her to flirt because she wasnt going to have sex with them, but if i even looked at a girl or talked to a girl or commented about a girl in a movie a week of hell would start!This is really just a sample of things that turned to be the double standard in our relationship. I completely understand where you are coming from Kabdog but I have to respectfully disagree. Not sure if humor is the best way to express this maybe I should stop but at the same time not making jokes about it would be weird as that's kind of just how our personalities are. I can go on for days about this. That should only matter! You two date and now are boyfriend and girlfriend for several months. Have you ever heard of kegel exercises? Your notions of beta this and slut that are so divorced from reality where do I begin. I never liked hooking up; I just wanted a long-term bf and thought "hooking up" was the way the cool kids did it. Some women are not the same person they once were and I think more weight should be place on who they are now, not who they once were. I feel if a man wants his ideal to have had less past partners than I have had, then there isnt a future between us. Im not going to explain my sexual past or how many men Ive been with because at the end of the day IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!! Maybe you think yes, but I say no, and I say that the actual number should not be the true focus in evaluating a potential partner. understand that men careand crafty ones will attempt to figure out Men have to go out to 10 women and hope 1 of them chooses him. You can mutter no, no, no as long as you want, but that doesnt change evolution. Normally the good man doesnt have half the number of the slut girl. I do not agree that the more partners she has had the more likely the marriage will fail. At the end of the day, its all about what works to pass on genes. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And women can go a long way in updating the image of women in society. So when women say that having sex with lots of men is somehow acting like men, they are wrong. The fluids can be washed off easily by men, however the mans fluids or remnants of it can remain inside the woman for years before it can leave her system. haha Also A LOCK that is open by any KEY is a USELESS LOCK!, To my point of view we all have our premises on how we chose our partners (size, color of eyes, color of hair, etc) for me the number of sexual partners of the person I would chose it would be also a factor I have to admit that bumping into a ex partner would be a negative effect but to me is more the idea of this person being more able of controlling herinstincts a bit better than an animal or not.. You are correct that you cant do anything about the man before you being bigger but I most certainly believe you can still be better. I do have a job and a life. I told her not to be judgmental. And she is ten times prettier with larger breasts and better complected, better hair, better teeth, more intelligent, etc His wife would feel intimidated and feel she can not compete especially if the other woman dumped him and he had been in love with her. I know that might scare you, so you are reacting defensively, but its just the truth. Have you been on cdc.gov lately or follow @cdcstd on twitter? That scares me more than anything else. That is precisely why He came to to do what we couldn't do for ourselves. No one wants a beat up dick either. I am one who believes people can evolve and they can change. There are numerous other examples too. If nothing else you Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Your email address will not be published. So it is hilarious when it is a bad thing to judge someone for something thought to be bad but dont make such a big fuss about it when someone is being JUDGED for doing something good. So I take it that you would have no problem dating a former child rapist? I dont think u r being objective. about you. Do you feel it is because she has cheated in the past or because she doesn't have to be in a relationship to sleep with a guy? I mean you right we shouldnt judge by tha way Im a lady but come on get real please no matter wat you say a woman first of all sleeping with over 20+ men shouldnt expect to be in a healthy good relationship with a man who hasnt slept around like she does this article is ridiculous for real cause you didnt mention that a woman should be a woman and have respect for her body and self-respect as a woman period. People kill me acting as if this isnt real life and in real life people do things that they may not be proud of nor can they change it. Those who belittle this concern are just those who have a sketchy past and don't like being possibly judged for it. I agree I have learned it had more to do with how I was raised,I am a better person today. Is it the number of acts, the number of partners, or the types of acts? Also as I stated, women know that regardless of this article most men will judge them. The fact that men are completely excused from this behavior while women are chastised for it left and right is just amazing to me. I completely disagree. Yet a man can have sex with 50 women and ejaculate in all of them and expect at least 50 lives in a year and knows damn well hes the father backed by 50 women also saying so! Unless you are interested in being swingers, your best bet would be to only get involved with someone who has a solid sense of morality. To those guys dating a girl that has been around you know your boys are all laughing at you behind your back. have and wield. You are not. You make a great case for why women should not be promiscuous, but what the article is trying to convey is that their past should not be held over their head forever. There is no way in hell that I can possess every great quality of all 15 of those men, and none of the flaws. When done, breath deeply,. to ask. That's what these things do. Why don't you take up this fun quiz and see who the future queen of your heart is going to be? As a woman, if you are ashamed to reveal the number of partners you have had in your lifetimethen why should the male be ok with that? I just still think we have to evaluate that person for who they are now, or in many cases just trust GOD if you feel he has told you this is the woman for you. Dont get me wrong, I understand that with higher numbers there is a higher chance of certain issues coming in to play that most men will not want to deal with. I slept with the majority of these guys between the ages of 18-21 but now that Im in a different place I dont have sex as freely. Let it go. Thanks for your input man I appreciate it, ErmdudeI don't think you are in the best place to be with anyone right now tbh. C) Two long-term sex partners, had sex a total of 100 times, and many were threesomes? Granted there are some women who embrace being free to do as they please sexually, and then there are some that get caught up for various reasons. B) Twenty sex partners, had sex a total of 100 times. It has nothing to do with risks of STDs in my book, because, as you say, one can get tested. In todays age just go to pub or bar and buy the drinks for the women and they can have sex with any unknown person ( what does that mean Slut right). He is allowed to his opinions and values as much as u are allowed to your body You would have to be in it to understand. It encourages an atmosphere of male entitlement. Start this quiz to find your result. Its sad but girls qnd guys are just not wired the same You can choose to disagree but believe it or not there are a lot of men with women they know have a past and are in great healthy relationships. Just women who act out and try to dodge the consequences of doing illogical stuff. You are referencing a single paper? Just that the second one gets paid for it? Im a guy who never really had any girlfriends, I turned down or was just completely blind to all advances to me and missed all opportunities, I never really cared (or told myself I didnt, but probably I did), I would be a virgin if it wasnt for the few random prostitutes I slept with yeh, something Im not happy about but I only did it cause I was lonely and never believed in myself, I had my heart broken a few times (yeh wahh wahh, I was young and a sensitive human being), I had chronic anxiety and the thought of even going on a date made me want to vomit so I never met anyone or just avoided it I was 28 before I finally met someone who actually loves me, I was blown away. 4) Past baggage (Kids, men, pictures, etc ex lovers who know her, pics or video of ex partners doing unspeakable things to your significant other, stories and reputation) LoL! Your girlfriend will likely be very reassuring about everything, and you'll feel better after talking things over. contraception. So the only difference between there relationship now, and there relationship if the truth came out, will be how he decides to let a number affect the way he moves forward with her. As you are starting to realize, it isnt worth holding over someones head, especially when it is the woman you love. Ive broken hearts and have been burned myself. Embrace that, and keep your focus on why you love her today, not what she was before you ever even knew her. Which is why so many will lie about there number. I believe it is completely dependent on the person and what they are looking for. Dirty Runs girl that you can pay 500 to sleep with turns out to be a millionaire today. Everything you could ask for and more. Its just societal ideals and norms. Like legitimately, tell me why it matters. And they be passing around STDs. Women on the other hand get slandered, disrespected, and chastised for their choice to be promiscuous at any point in their lives. And Im about to have a daughter. she has slept with in the past as evidence for if she is someone to be People are simply not willing to marry unless they are certain that the person they are marrying is compatible.. I completely understand where you are coming from Jeraldel and I assure you I will address these issues moving forward. Also, You dont get to judge. And, dude, Im going to say this to you, and then Ill be signing off. My guy friend in #1 is doing exactly that. good to remind your lover that it was in the past and you cant change it. You know, there are a lot of people who always try to talk HIM out of existence maybe because they're really HOPING that HE doesn't exist. By your logic, nothing matters, and we should all turn our brains off. Its all psychology. It would make it harder and harder for you to bond in a marriage and eventually be happy. The only men who have sexual power would be BILLIONARES and FAMOUS men.thats IT. *if you admit to regrets* which is the biggest of your life. Mainly because I got tired of men judging me. Yes the chances that they wont see eye to eye may increase based on her sexual past, but it will not always be the case. . Hell, slavery once was a part of our past and I think most would agree that they dont want to see that practice emerge again. There is nothing worse than dating a women with weak will power! It is the exact reason why there are tv shows depicting men on how to pick up women, but there is no show where women can pick men, because there is no science to it, women only have to spread their legs to get it. Im also pretty sure she wants to be with me and nobody else at this pointon top of the fact that shes cried in front of me and feels super ashamed. Sorry, no thanks. Frankly, education and the age of marriage are the biggest predictors of marital stability, not the number of penises a woman has been privy to prior to the marriage. Maybe teach you to stop overthinking trivial things like her sexual history and maybe help you learn to enjoy being in the moment? As of today a lot of women in late teens and 20's are in a "hoe stroll" and this article in just another trash it makes them have a reason / justifying their action. Even though men have the choice too without fame a lot of money a social status its a losing battle. Ladies need to just respect themselves overall. My personally opinion, 10 partners in a lifetime for men and women should be enough. However, many men, when looking for long term partners, will look to women who have shown they can control themselves and not get ridden like the town bike. for their own well being and for that matter You know I feel you Jennifer. Rest are the best women who should be given salute and Respect in the society and Life and they had earned the title to be called Wife and not a Slut (as Whore does sex for MONEY not Satisfaction or ENJOYMENT). Phsyically, Id agree. I've bumped into the men who've used her and they all have told friends that they were embarassed to sleep with her and treated her as joke. Remember that 50 years ago it was men who mostly had the affairs and was generally accepted that wives take it because boys will be boys. It's a case of attraction. Take that Woman, Do as I say and not as I do double standard mindset and flush it down the toilet! they hold higher standards for their partners, as they should. JESUS is calling souls that believe, know, love, trust,and have set their lives apart for HIS second coming, those HE is saying, HOLD ON just little while longer everything is will work as HE has plan it from the beginning. Women are raised differently from men and each carry different values. Unless, an individual has medical issues I dont feel I am with you 100% on everything you said I am just wondering because I like your input you said everything for me! I wonder how many marriages would last if they really even knew. It is a misconception and must be updated to reflect women as real human beings and not abstract ideals. its not my pussy they love right my personality and attitude. I actually thought it was clever. Im not the same person now, and I know what I did is wrong, so obviously, there should be no consequences for my past behavior. Women call men dogs when they have slept with numerous women so why would you in turn do the same thing that you're condemning them for? And them same niggas see her walking around town with you..smmfh Hell Naw!!! esp on the parent side of things. This month marks the 20th anniversary of Elizabeth's return home and on this week's episode of All In, we speak with Chris Thomas who acted as spokesperson for the Smart Family throughout their entire experience in searching for Elizabeth. Who has the power there ??? We should strive to be righteous. irrelevance of your girlfriend/wifes number of sexual partners is If sex shouldnt be used to judge someone then nothing else about that persons past should be of any relevance because after all, theyre in the past. Well a lot of us men would have been very happy just meeting a woman that could love us for who we are just like they did years ago since money was never an issue, and many women Accepted their men back then since many marriages did last very long like our Parents and Grandparents did. So if you have a woman who has X amount of partners but have truly addressed her issues then I do not believe she will have a higher rate of divorce over the woman who has only had one partner but a slew of issues she has not properly addressed. If she's interested, there's clearly no problems from her end. That is my opinion, and I guess we can agree to disagree on this one. You are also right about men having to work harder to get sex. Everyone has different tastes. lol But, even tho guys work harder at it I still think its a little anti-social for even guys. This is a common question on all first dates; keeping more information private saves more hearts and feelings. But I hope u find the great guy tho. I suggest maybe going to a counselor or therapist that can help you both get through this. and she does not like sex and has never had an orgasm. You just got the best husband around! SMARTS are power, yet women are so blind.fuck them. Nothing wrong with that. For those who choose not to tell their mate about their pastWell, their mate just wouldnt know about it. I am not a whore or a slut. The woman you marry gets excited about marriage and starting a family with you. Definitely dated and slept with two different things. in order to let me know she is relationship material, yet shes slept with 100 people, well.I wasnt born yesterday. Whatever. Would you marry a girl who slept around? It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. Because the why rather than the number of men is what really should be discussed in order to better understand who this woman has been and has become. And guess what? Alpha men who are looking for long-term partners are free to choose whomever they want, and they have the choices available to do so. I want to marry someone different from me: a woman. I had a serious relationship with my ex wehn i was 26, i lost my virginity to him, however he did not lose it with me, i knew he had an ex..but that never bothered me i loved and cared for him just the same, we both wanted to get married but it was not able to materialize as parents would not agree. When I was younger I was molested by two male cousins on serveral occasions until someone walked in. All of the feminists and white knight's pretending that men are applauded for sleeping around do not live in the real world. They want a woman, someone different than they are. The amount of people Ive had before automatically being a jerk and walking away. There is a strong correlation between stable marriage rate, and lack of sexual partners for the woman. So sure, women can be sluts and then claim they have grown, and changed, and moved past that time of their lives. If you love the chick it doesnt matter. Tell her your own. No way either of us could get bored and look elsewhere!! However, you chose to explain a womans promiscuity with abuse, mental issues, and low self-esteem. So what if she runs across someone she slept with in the past? During this time in my life I was searching for love but going about it in the wrong way. Men are not exempt! That would make you the asshole. The DNA basically latches on to your brain and works its way into your On genetic make up. Many times the stroll occurs in high school or college, but it varies for different women. Really think about this! "If you are prepared to be the man she needs and you have a genuine connection with her, then all that other stuff really does not matter." If you want to compete with this rest of the world then by all means go right ahead, Ill get in line right behind Wesley Pipes. I am coming from a place that is old-minded and is small island, so something like dis should spoil your name and make u feel embarassed even if for you wasnt that big deal.. On d other hand tho you cant judge a woman by that, but society does, no matter what so its better to think wisely before you do. Xper 5 Age: 23. I confronted her about it and she responded the number was 5. I personally would have never dated a guy who has slept around a lot. One of the men I sleep with wants to marry me and is very jealous. You men make so many assumptions about us women but just know that a woman with a few notches under her belt is just as capable of loving you emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically like any other woman. 6. Yep happened to when I was with hera familiar face from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Having slept with others casually certainly doesn't mean that someone will cheat. 6. He is a very successful and attractive man so I know for a fact that he has been with many, many women so I think we both know to not bring up the topic. I think at the end it all comes to self respect I dont think a woman who shares herself with anyone who gives her attention will be able to commit to a monogamy relationship It is just against the nature of herbehavior, you cant pretend to have adifferentvalue system regarding sex (how you call it in your post) and then embrace monogamy and change that values all over again Other topic I would like to suggest you analyze is the fact that if a woman has slept with 100+ men for example what is the difference between getting married to that woman that to a prostitute? Its only because it does matter to us that we may not want But once you get into the booty call territory, or some other lines of just having sex with men because it is satisfying makes men look at you cynically. Women behave as sluts for many reasons. Cheers for the educuation, random 17-year-old. It is to say that not all women who have once walked that path are still the same person today. Oh yes it does. Either your a virgin and done sucked so many dicks or your not a virgin and hjad sex with alot of people. I do feel that there are always exceptions the rule and we should seek further understanding if willing. Personally I believe that everyone should date whoever they want. Hi Stephan, I dont see where you think I was insulting others. I think she just slept with them because she was desperate for love, she was getting it from no-where else and probably didnt know how to get a guy without offering herself physically. You can love sex without being a slut. HOLD ON TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST. Act on our behalf work harder to get sex admit to regrets * is! Can evolve and they can change do with who she is relationship material, women! Both get through this choice too without fame a lot of money a social status a! Ll feel better after talking things over, it isnt worth holding over someones,... Its just the truth partners for the woman you love her today, not what she before. 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