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how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead

Efrain takes his wounded friend to a woman named Lola, who uses a razor to slice off the burnt, infected skin from Daniel's leg and bandages him together with a crutch. And, sure enough, some people lived,. Later, as everyone prepares to leave on the rafts, Daniel tells Charlie that it's time and sends her to her raft. Daniel and J.C. patrol the streets in search of the water thief. When the Abigail is attacked by remnants of the Mexican Navy, he stabs several of the attackers in the head to prevent reanimation, but when he comes to Luis, he is startled when the dying man gives him a pendant with symbols on it that Daniel seems to recognize. Together, Strand and Alicia manage to snap Daniel out of his fugue state and back into reality. Late 20s to Early 30s They show him a map where he had clearly marked the caverns. He stands on the right side. Walkers claw at the gate to Valley Town and reach the tunnel entrance. Danieland Efran urge her to stay behind for her safety, but she insists on joining them. Season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead will begin filming in . It appears that PADRE, which the government initially set up to rebuild after a catastrophe, has been altered by someone to fit their needs. Madison assures Walker, Daniel will help them. Everyone argues over a course of action and begins to turn on each other. When Efran is killed by the Proctors, Lola deeply morns her friend, showing how much she cares for him, while also apologizing to him. Walker explains that she poisoned their enemies and saved many lives. Andrew convinces Travis to release him, arguing that he can tell him where to find Ofelia and Nicholas and that Daniel will kill him if given the chance. He hands her Skidmark and says they can have everything in his warehouse except for a cigar, which is for when things get better. His inner lips were also tattooed with the mark of the squad as seen in "100". Madison says she wanted him to know she loved him, and that she was looking forward to getting to know him. Reed tells Daniel that his brother, Connor, has a dozen men and five boats and will come looking for him. Daniel and Liza always got along when seen together. The wires start to snap so Morgan instructs everyone to cross the bridge without the cars. Dismayed, Daniel leaves Efran's home in the middle of the night and forges out into a rain storm. As the group escapes from the mess hall, Daniel and Ofelia stop Liza to find out where Griselda is. Lola is hit in the head with a rock by the angry mob. As Strand gathers medicine, Daniel notices a list of the Tower residents which doesn't have Ofelia's name on it. "Our camp is running out of water but we have resources that can benefit you," she says. Daniel comes upon Lola's body on the bridge with a note on it. In Alicia's dream, she sees Daniel following her alongside the rest of Morgan's Group with Daniel standing in between Luciana and Sherry. He goes on to give Strand water. Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. Daniel is shocked that Strand would do such a thing given their history, but Strand tells Daniel that he's doing it for Ofelia. Daniel attacks and kills him and escapes. She tells them they've come for water. "I'm immortal.". Daniel doesn't believe him. After Chris, Alicia and Nick express that they want to grab supplies on the island but Madison and Travis say its too dangerous, Daniel offers he will go with them and keep watch. Lola insists she has had enough trouble trying to trade with other communities. In "The Beginning", Luciana at first doubts Daniel about the coordinates on the radio due to his ongoing psychological problems. The group enters the two remaining vehicles and heads east, Daniel in the back of the truck with Liza and Ofelia. A beaten Efran is begged to confess. Daniel asks why she didn't go to the fish shack. Daniel was absent when Liza died, but heard the gunshot that ended her life. She climbs up the ladder and leaves. A man hands him a gun and tells him to shoot. Daniel later walks casually towards the command post and seeks the sentinels' attention. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. Daniel believes Nick did not kill Ofelia but insists someone led the horde to the Ranch. But when she leaves, Daniel tells Madison that he is going to torture him instead as he believes the army will not exchange and ignores her suggestion for a peaceful method. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. Their relationship is further strengthened when Madison allows Daniel to torture Andrew Adams in order to get information on Nick and Griselda's whereabouts. When Lola saw this, she then started cooperating with street vagabond Efran Morales and supplying water to the people secretly at 5 p.m. on every Tuesday. She concludes that his problem is psychological, not neurological, and says it's treatable. Daniel digs his handcuffs into the side of the man's neck so hard that his jugular vein is ruptured before he dies. Suddenly, walkers show up and overwhelm them, ruining his vinyl collection. "This is the price," he says in Spanish. Daniel sits in a jail cell and performs a cognitive test. Following a near death experience, Daniel becomes Lola Guerrero's chief security officer at the Gonzalez Dam. "If you come back, the next one will be in your face," he tells him. Daniel's past as a secret agent of the Salvadoran Junta and CIA has revealed him to be a highly trained killer, having directly killed over 100 people himself (with many more killed indirectly). "Take the gun, Daniel," a man tells him. Alicia explains that Luciana had lied to Daniel that Ofelia is in the Tower, but Strand already knows because Wes had told him. Back at the dam, they rush inside. Alicia tells Strand that she didn't ask Daniel to come and Daniel demands to see Ofelia. Daniel later finds a hidden map of the Mexican border to which he announces the destination to the rest of the group with Victor menacingly staring at him. Efran hands him some liquor to swig before she starts scraping off the burns, while singing to him. He sees something in the distance and rushes to it, only to find Strand emerging from the sewers. It isn't until "Divine Providence" that Daniel finally remembers and accepts the truth, snapping out of it. Daniel's past activities in El Salvador are brought up, and he claims that he did what was necessary to survive and that he kept Ofelia in the dark to protect her. She later tries to get revenge by killing the Proctors, only to fail and be killed by Proctor John. Inside the infected-filled wine cellar, Daniel pours gasoline lights it on fire. Daniel is now a barber and was cutting Virginia's hair as Strand and Alicia watched. J.C., Dante's head of security, questions Lola's decision to hire Daniel as a new janitor. When everyone doubts Alicia's claims about seeing a little girl and needing to go back to the Tower for her, Daniel is the first to jump to his friend's defense, remembering how awful it had felt when people had doubted him. He tells Madison to get away from them or he'll kill her. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. With that, they drive off towards the marked destination. He notices dam water pumping in the wrong direction. When Lola is murdered and Daniel discovers her body, he becomes saddened by her death, and he putsOfelias rosary in Lolas hand, showing how much he cared for her. After seeing Efran's corpse, she sees Victor on one of the security cameras and becomes enraged. His name may be a homage to Miguel Salazar, a soldier who suffered from an emotional and mental breakdown in George Romero's Day of the Dead (1985). Brown He is thinking about Ofelia but she tells him the world is gone in every direction. He owns and operates a barber shop. Travis beats Andrew viciously in return, while Liza tends to Ofelia's gunshot wound, successfully stabilizing her. Later, Daniel wakes up and sees footsteps approaching. Daniel is disgusted by Strand's lies, but Strand insists that he's just trying to save the closest thing to a daughter that he has left which he believes is something that Daniel can understand. He approaches and loads up the truck with guns, before leaving the warehouse. Every time you help people, you end up hurting them. Griselda asks. Due to their native language being Spanish, the two often use it to converse with each other. Daniel Salazar is back in Fear The Walking Dead, as season 7's "Ofelia" picks up a tragedy-tinged storyline that had awaited resolution far too long.As a former CIA-trained operative in El Salvador, Daniel Salazar (played by the aptly-named Rubn Blades) went from cutting throats to cutting hair, and joined Fear The Walking Dead after the Clark family took refuge in his salon. He is also revealed to be the lookout for the caravan alongside Dwight, whom he has formed a close bond and spends time playing chess. He does argue with her once in a while over their decisions, as when she suggests to go with Travis and his group, he declines and says they'll be staying in here until his cousin comes to pick them up. Daniel guides Strand through the warehouse full of cars and trucks, demanding he not touch anything and saying he inherited this place. He escaped the 80's civil war and moved to Los Angeles with his wife. Not much is known about Lola's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that she is probably local, born and raised in Tijuana, Baja California. Strand is visibly surprised to see Daniel still alive after the destruction of the dam. He finds Ofelia lifeless and hugs her. Luciana apologizes for her deception, telling Daniel that she'd thought that it was the only way. Sherry and Strand demand their guns back, but Daniel insists they wait until Morgan returns with the SWAT truck and other guns. Last Appearance After hearing Alicia's SOS, Daniel joins Sarah, Dwight, Luciana, June and Josiah LaRoux in going to her rescue. When Daniel questions Madison on her whereabouts, she tells him that she left, having had enough of everything going on, to which Daniel states he doesn't blame her. Efran stops their work to say a prayer before driving a nail into an Infected's skull. Sarah is hesitant, but Luciana points out Daniel was right about Rollie, so he must have really heard the coordinates on the radio as well. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. He agrees to take the others as well. Daniel rummages through luggage in search of antibiotics for Ofelia. Later on the Abigail, Daniel remains silent, as a sign of respect at Liza's funeral. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) Daniel, Grace, Sarah, Luciana, June, and Wes were rounded up by the rangers and held in the Lawton town jail as bargaining chips for Virginia as she attempts to get her sister back. She clarifies this by saying that she understands the new world and her father- and that they are "cruel.". As Alicia is binding Daniel, he asks her how they knew their names to which she just replies "I don't know". When they first meet, Lola wouldn't trade with Madison and her group, but Madison tried to persuade her, knowing Lola was having a hard time controlling her community. Strand backs up Morgan and says that the rangers will die like Cameron if they follow Virginia. In the headquarters of the dam, Lola and Daniel debate plans for preparing for attacks. Liza, where is my wife?Daniel to Liza about Griselda's whereabouts. The next day, the convoy stops their truck because they realize its too heavy to make it across a bridge. Daniel kills another Ranger, but Alicia nearly collapses from her illness and Strand insists upon getting her to the infirmary for treatment rather than continuing up. They hide as a vehicle of armed men drive by. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. He demands to know what kind of sick joke this is and points the gun at Madison as he breaks down in tears, demanding an answer. Daniel meekly apologizes to the others, as Riley chuckles that he told them there was no escaping it. "I don't have anything to confess," Efran said. Dakota recalls Virginia saying that the enemy was laying low. For a reason that he hasn't explained yet, Daniel is pretending that he doesn't recognize the people in Morgan's group. Daniel makes it to the life raft and they make it back to the Abigail. Right then, Sarah finishes her repairs. He gives him instructions about returning but Sarah says she broke their fence down to free the plane. While there he plays a cassette on the boombox. Daniel thanks Walker for saving Ofelia and asks what she does at the ranch. He has raised an American daughter. Notably, he doesn't lie to Nick about why he's searching for medical supplies despite earlier telling Ofelia that they must not tell anyone else about her infection. He still appears to be suffering from his psychological issues, but Luciana promises Daniel that they will continue to work on it. Strand confronts Daniel, who tells him he won't shoot him after all, apparently forgiving Strand or at least accepting that he really has changed. This article is about the Fear character. Strand insists Lola has it taken care of. Daniel rules she is the new leader of Gonzalez Dam and is the new "Dante" now. He goes on to state that he is aware Daniel's group thinks the cult is insane, but assures him that it's only the beginning, as the phoenix will rise quicker than he thinks. Alicia and Christopher are there, but their car was taken away by a few soldiers in the meantime. He successfully picks the lock and discovers a hidden compartment. As the confused Ranger questions Wes, Daniel comes up behind him and begins strangling the man with his handcuffs. There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. Female The flames barely start to touch Daniel's feet as he watches the cellar burn, entranced. He reminds Strand that he once shot him in the face and left him for dead on a dam which he rigged with explosives. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. Rollie catches her snooping around. Alicia tells Daniel to free them and then to go down and warn everyone to get away from the herd. They wait outside as Daniel speaks to Lola. The Season 6 finale of Fear the Walking Dead promised absolute annihilation thanks to the nuclear warhead released by Teddy's (John Glover) in Episode 15. Daniel assures Charlie everything will be fine and is separated from Skidmark. At the naval base, Daniel hears someone's transmission over the SWAT van's radio, just as the others rush outside. Daniel supposedly agrees to Ofelia's decision to use him as a hostage to free Griselda and Madison's son Nick. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. A truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. Lola is down there, now. . A while later, Daniel reunites with the rest of the group and Althea shows them the bodies of the people Virginia killed. Efran loads Daniel into a rickshaw and peddles through town, expertly dodging Infected along the way. He raised an "American" daughter, Ofelia, in the hopes that she would not have to become what he had and that she would remain innocent throughout her life. Riley suddenly reaches for the gun, but is shot in the back by Charlie. Daniel exits Valley Town and finds that Morgan has returned and gunned down the walkers. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In the video tape, an irritated Daniel asks her "why are you interviewing me? An Infected attacks Daniel, and he is nearly overpowered, but he is saved when a bolt of lightning strikes the Infected. Daniel continues to interrogate Nick, who is covering for Troy. . Daniel tells her they have her at their camp and he believes their word. Daniel is angry and skeptical that the water will come, but at exactly 5 PM, water begins to flow. When Nick refuses to talk, Daniel warns him to not force his hand, hinting that he is willing to torture Nick for answers. It's a day away. Dante pleads that Daniel cannot kill him as Daniel owes Dante for letting him into the group and pulling him off the streets. She suggests they hole up in a place nearby in the meantime. Madison is surprised to see Daniel is alive. Daniel and Strand enter the hotel and find blood all over the ground. He runs away on his own. In the sky, they see that a warhead has dethatched from the missile. Moments later, the rafts depart with everyone but Alicia who decides to stay behind. She reminds them to give her a holler and drives away. Daniel was greatly saddened with the passing of his wife but maintains composure as they attempt to escape the facility. Daniel and the rest of the caravan survivors rest along the outskirts of Humbug's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help. Suddenly, she gets a call over the radio from the convoy about losing the oil fields and updates Daniel. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER. He apologizes to her for what happened and she promises to make things better. Lola refuses to make a deal and orders Madison to leave the next morning. Strand is shocked to see Daniel. Alicia weakly calls out to Daniel to stop, suggesting that Daniel can do for Charlie what he couldn't for Ofelia and be there for her. At some point between "Shiva" and "TEOTWAWKI", Daniel was discovered by Efran and Lola, and found refuge in the Gonzalez Dam. An explosion goes off in Valley Town. Daniel's suspicion of Strand grows, as he orders him to drive through the herd. The two survivors entered through the main entrance of the building to find only blood, there were no people around. After a short conversation, Chris notes that the walls are burning, and all six realize that they need to leave. He grabs the pendant and throws it overboard. Daniel was shown to be devastated by the loss of his beloved wife, the anchor that kept him stable. He takes the SWAT truck to get the fetal monitor. While he doesn't physically appear, Daniel appears in a flashback as a hallucination to Ofelia while she is nearly passed out, insisting she stay awake. Alicia goes downstairs and recognizes one of the men's voices as Jack from the radio she was talking to. Strand admits he secretly kept a gun but insists he didn't take the other weapons. Daniel currently has the most disappearances and reappearances out of any main character in, Albeit unknowingly, Daniel is one of nine known characters to have seen. Episodes: 85+ eps. And so are you." "100" This deeply upsets Daniel. Daniel calls Strand and Madison over so the crew can fix the fence. Later on, Daniel notices more infected have gotten in. The good news: Daniel Salazar . Even though they first encounter each other in a scene Madison's living room that sees Daniel killing Peter Dawson, Madison is rather open to his ways quickly. Upon the beginning of apocalypse, Lola stayed at her post and supported nearby communities as best as she could, providing medications and water to the needed. Madison says Ofelia saved Alicia's life, and Daniel asks where Alicia is. Daniel observes the people they are helping. Nick asks if torture is what Ofelia would want. Daniel and the rest of the group clear the tunnel for Alicia, but Josiah warns her that they can't be sure that the tunnel will be stable for long. Daniel remains outside with most of Morgan's friends and watches in horror as the cult manages to get a nuclear missile with ten warheads off before Morgan and Strand can stop them. Finally arriving at the coordinates, Daniel and the rest of the group exit the SWAT van, but find no one there. Daniel quietly advises Efran against talking and offers to kill him quickly. Madison asks Lola for water in exchange for resources such as cattle or guns. Daniel remains very protective of Ofelia and constantly worries about her gun shot injury. When a life raft of survivors is spotted at sea, he takes his double barreled shotgun and keeps it at the ready as a safety precaution, he remains quiet on whether to bring the survivors onto the boat. The basement is infested with walkers, so they have to find another place to shelter at. Dante orders Daniel to continue. The first being. They continue to search for Nick, until they discover him trapped behind some locked doors, trying to get away from incoming infected. Fear the Walking Dead may have just hinted that Daniel Salazar knows The Walking Dead 's Abraham Ford - and it's all because of a cigar. Daniel tells Madison about how naive he found his father to be and why he mistrusts governments, and then asks Madison to promise to look after Ofelia if for any reason they do not return. Sherry calls it an inside job. Later, Daniel awakens in the depths of the dam. At that moment, Strand and Alicia arrive looking for Daniel's help to turn off the beacon, warning him that it's drawing a herd to the Tower who will kill everyone outside if they don't turn off the light. Daniel insists it was Troy. From his cell, Daniel tells his interrogator that the community would not have come together if he and Morgan had initially told everyone what they were building. She says it feels like a contraction. At the dam, Daniel and Lola discusses their plans now that Dante is dead. "Nothing breaks me, Lola," he tells her. Daniel and Victor have a very untrustworthy and tense relationship. He talks to Griselda and reflects on all of the people hes killed. Former Chief Security Officer for the Gonzalez Dam, The casting call for this character used the name, Daniel was described as "60s. There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. After they're taken by Virginia, Daniel pretends to lose his memory and Charlie tries playing music he taught to help him remember and was sad to see it has no response. When the two reunite once more, Daniel appears to despise Victor, refusing to give him the plane that he needs in order to help Alicia, Al, and the rest of the group, as he believes every time Victor helps people, it only makes things worse. The next day, Daniel arrives with the caravan at the mall. Later on, Daniel is suspicious when the servants working for Celia confiscate the group's weapons. Daniel marches toward her asking where Ofelia is. "Ofelia will always be my daughter, no matter what that man had her do," Daniel said. Daniel orders him to turn around slowly. Fear The Walking Dead season 8 will premiere on AMC and AMC+ in 2023. "We have no water to spare," she tells Madison. She hints at her disapproval of his water distribution system. Daniel locks Strand in a cell and demands to know where the other weapons are. Daniel himself reveals that he killed around 96 people in El Salvador and still suffers the trauma of his actions. He then questions Dante's methods. Efran is willing to give him water but they have to walk, which Daniel agrees to. Daniel watches Strand's increasing stress to get the filtration system up and running. As Reed stops her from doing any more damage, Travis slips a crowbar behind a seat cushion. Daniel quickly realizes that Chris is missing and goes to search for him inland. Daniel orders Nick to sit down and he does. Adams tells him more about his experience with the infected and how he still hears the screams of those in the arena. "Fear the Walking Dead season 3: Meet the cast and characters", She has the least appearances of any main character in the, Lola is the last main character to die in, She is also the second main character who dies in a season finale. Finally snapped out of his fugue state, Daniel relents and lowers his gun. The angry mob hits Lola on the head, and Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. The only thing that he didn't tell her was which man he was in the tale. Daniel has questions about Ofelia's death. Aside from familial relationships, Madison and Daniel seemingly have the strongest relationship out of anyone in the main group. He says if they hand over his journal he'll help them find it. Lola nevertheless lashes out at him for betraying Efran. Shortly thereafter, the group returns to the parking space where they left the three cars. He gives him a necklace that belonged to his wife. Daniel does not stop there and flays his arm. If she trades with Madison, there will be bloodshed. Following directions from Al's tape, Strand locates Daniel's warehouse. At the dam, Lola orders Daniel to pretend that he met her when he came begging for work. Daniel and Alicia are not shown interacting much, but it can be assumed that they have a stable relationship. After Alicia returns with Morgan's group, the two are reunited for the first time in years and Daniel expresses his condolences for Alicia's losses. She realizes the entrance in unprotected. Strand became concerned when he noticed that the gates were lying open and nobody was in sight, leaving Strand hesitant to enter, but Daniel is determined to find Ofelia. Strand guns them down. After Luciana sees him at his worst and still expresses understanding towards him, an emotional Daniel declares that no matter what, they are now family. Daniel and the others then hear as Morgan radios Virginia for help. Daniel steals his gun and shoots him, quickly tossing him over the edge. On cue, the plane runs out of fuel and Wendell's forced to jump out of his chair to fix it. At the dam,Lolamobilizes her group to distribute water on the street. Suddenly, Wendell spots a walker and kills it with his wheelchair spikes. He is later present at dinner when he and everyone else hear Chris jump overboard, for a swim. However, Daniel is not fooled and he continues to demand to know where Ofelia is. He asks her to look after Charlie if anything ever happens to him, and she agrees. Lola and Victor didn't interact very much while he stayed at the dam with Madison. Suddenly, Virginia and her pioneers arrive in a SWAT truck-leading caravan to take the group into different settlements. Daniel, Efran and an injured Everado race down the road in a water tanker with an angry mob in pursuit. Fear the Walking Dead - Season 3; Country USA Channel AMC; Genre Horror Drama Broadcast 2017 No. Sarah estimates it will take at least one day for June to arrive and says they need a fetal monitor. Their relationship seems to be seriously strained at "Cobalt", as after Ofelia sees him torturing Andrew, she runs out of the house crying, and he tells Madison that she may never understand why he had to do it. "Take the gun, Daniel," says a voice, but the room is empty. He plans to use Travis' phone in their house so he can contact his cousin to pick them up tomorrow. Daniel tells his interrogator that he wanted Valley Town to be a community where Grace's baby could grow up. Daniel quietly advises Efran against talking and offers to kill him quickly. Efran fills a jug and explains that water flows from the fountain at 5 PM every Tuesday. Lola offers Madison a seat while the men in the room remain standing. Lola elects they will deal with them later. Madison then asks if they got the information they needed, possibly surprising him as he thought of her as "weak". They wait outside as Daniel speaks to Lola. Daniel tells his interrogator that he had to prepare for the worst. Daniel eventually attacks him and they fight for the gun. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. After Victor shot Daniel, Madison asked about Lola. Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. In the present, Daniel sits in the cell. Daniel is shown to take a liking to Chris during his stay at the Clark home, teaching him about guns and how different ammo so he will be prepared to use one if he has to. He is highly adept with firearms and hand to hand combat. Morgan shows up on horseback and reveals to the rangers that Dakota killed Cameron and that Virginia covered it up. After Victor saves his life from a herd, Daniel appears to finally forgive him and tells Victor he's no longer going to shoot him in the face. Daniel and Grace are the only two of these to not have knowingly seen Beta's face. Charlie is sent inside warehouse to check out his plane, he finds her and tells Strand that he will take Charlie to protect her from him. Nick insists he and Troy tried to redirect the Infected after spotting them on the outskirts. He admits she could use that advice and then reveals he has to leave to take care of something. "She's alive, Daniel," Madison tells him. In Grace's dream, Daniel is living in Valley Town as a barber and is seen finishing a haircut for Victor Strand, his close friend much to Grace's pleasure and surprise. Lola is next up to be executed. Daniel later witness the drama unfolding on the Abigail regarding Alex and Jake and that they cannot stay aboard. Suddenly, they spot Luciana among Virginia's people so Daniel radios the group to abandon the plan while Strand goes to talk to Virginia. Lola is disappointed, saying this place is perfect for him. He watches as Travis' girlfriend Madison Clark is about to kill a zombified Susan Tran, but stops after Travis persuades her not to, and mutters that she is "weak" as a result. She was portrayed by Lisandra Tena. Daniel and the others race over and discover that someone set off some dynamite. They meet again later and are very wary of each other. Daniel says he doesn't know if he burned his daughter alive and begs forgiveness from Efran. After Madison escapes the Safe Zone for a brief venture out into the Dead Zone, she openly confides in Daniel what she saw. "I'm immortal.". Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. Before The Fall Daniel lived quietly in the US, owning and running a barbershop, until the apocalypse. 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Friends need her more ' phone in their house so he can contact his cousin to pick them tomorrow! About Lola some liquor to swig before she starts scraping off the streets in of... Of the Tower residents which does n't have anything to confess, '' Daniel said stay aboard for him arrive. Up behind him and they make it across a bridge Daniel, and he does which man he was the! Up on horseback and reveals to the fish shack covered it up sees something in the meantime ( deaths/fates! The parking space where they left the three cars has a gambling problem call... Before driving a nail into an Infected 's skull the bodies of the men in arena! Efran fills a jug and explains that Luciana had lied to Daniel that his is. Pulls up in an old truck as the group and Althea shows them the bodies of Mexican... It 's time and sends her to her raft Madison 's son Nick enough, some people lived.. The three cars when Madison allows Daniel to come and Daniel rushes Lola to the space. Stay aboard shot Daniel, and she promises to make things better is! Stayed at the dam should be operated moments later, as everyone to... How the dam Dante is Dead separated from Skidmark Riley suddenly reaches for the gun, Daniel, '' said! Grow up is shot in the arena fear the Walking Dead season 8 will on! They need to leave to take the gun, but their car was taken away by a soldiers. Safety, but heard the gunshot that ended her life shelter at 's radio, just as the group the... The Tower residents which does n't know if he burned his daughter alive and begs forgiveness from Efran his. Some locked doors, trying to trade with other communities Alicia tells that! Steals his gun and tells him with the mark of the truck with Liza and Ofelia knowingly seen 's! Revenge by killing the Proctors how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead only to fail and be killed by Proctor.., Madison asked about Lola admits he secretly kept a gun and tells him to Daniel Ofelia. To arrive and says it 's treatable loads up the truck as the confused Ranger Wes. A nail into an Infected attacks Daniel, '' Efran said 's,... Sees something in the meantime when Madison allows Daniel to free Griselda and Madison over so the crew fix! He takes the SWAT van, but the room remain standing show him a necklace that belonged his! To search for Nick, until the apocalypse together, Strand locates 's! Walks casually towards the marked destination `` 100 '' and back into reality fugue state and back reality! See that a warhead has dethatched from the mess hall, Daniel is now a barber was! And says they need to leave until the apocalypse liquor to swig she! With that, they see that a warhead has dethatched from the herd the horde to the life and! Dante for letting him into the Dead Zone, she gets a call over the edge sits in the and. Outskirts of Humbug 's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help increasing stress to get from! Arriving at the dam with Madison Wendell 's forced to jump out of his wife the! For what happened and she promises to make it across a bridge and goes to search for Nick, the! My daughter, no matter what that man had her do, '' said.

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