himmler daughter interview

There are those who disagree, saying that National Socialism was hateful, racist, divisive, and pure evil, you do not believe this to be factual? Gudrun: Be clear in what you are stating. There is a photo of him speaking to a Russian boy, who thanked him for freeing his area of Soviets, he told about being an orphan because his family was killed by retreating Soviets and wanting to come to Germany. Heinrich Himmler adored his daughter and had her regularly flown to his offices in Berlin from Munich where she lived with her mother. All these high-ranking former officers lined up and she asked, Where did you serve? showing off a vast knowledge of military logistics.. After her fathers suicide, the Allied soldiers who captured Gudrun and her mother Margarete did not know what to do with them. Nothing sinister about looking into your past to see about improving your future. When I started to remember my life, it was 1934 and I remember my father coming home in his sharp black uniform, and I would take his cap and play with it. She was arrested and made to testify at the Nuremberg trials. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. in 1941, possibly the one Gudrun mentioned above.]. The BND agency declassified the documents on Gudrun Burwitz-Himmler at the Bild newspaper's request. They were then able to convince leaders that the Bible really is about the Jew and not about Europeans; we are only secondary along with all other gentiles. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. It denotes that all-powerful organization, NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) which dominates, energizes, and directs the Third Reich. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. Every race was given a way to worship their creator, the European people found a God who worked well for us for 2 thousand years. Can you speak about this? They were afraid of fate where SS men were fearless and stared fate in the eyes. History tells us he was an occultist and worked to destroy the Church and persecute Christians. We fought so that the world would be a better place; we insisted that Germany be given control of its destiny. The bomb Stauffenburg used came from the English. They tested Egyptian theories, and found most all dynasties were European bloodlines, not African. We also worked with Otto Skorzeny to help move people out of Allied held areas so that they were not facing kangaroo court justice. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. Gudrun: Not in a million years. It was the Allies who are the masters of propaganda, convincing millions that a nation and its people must die and suffer because they are a threat to freedom. This interview was done in Munich, in 1992 with Gudrun Himmler (Burwitz). My father was a policeman, he had a deep sense of right and wrong, and expected his men to follow the law in a uniform manner. Heinrich Himmler was in Adolf Hitler's elite circle. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. The Ahnenerbe was nothing but an archeological research institute run by the SS. Heydrich brought National Socialist ideas to the people and vastly started to improve their lives during a war in which everyone had to sacrifice. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Wewelsburg was nothing but a retreat and research center for SS men. We arrived and were greeted by prisoners along with the camp commander. On May 3 in Flensburg, the Third Reichs final capital, Himmler shaved off his moustache, put on an eyepatch and adopted the name Heinrich Hitzinger, a sergeant executed for disloyalty. . Friday, 29 June 2018 03:59 PM EDT. I remember the throngs of people who came up to my father to thank him and the other leaders around him for saving them. In 1941 he took her with him when he visited Dachau Concentration Camp. The German Christians were a good start, and my father attended many services by pastors who understood the Jewish influence on the Christian religion was not a good thing and led to false teachings. I was impressed with how happy the prisoners were; we moved through the camp with no guards and had prisoners showing us what they did day to day. She has a genuine love for these men and women who served the worst parts of the Nazi regime from 1933 until 1945. Because we loved our people, our nation, and our leaders we are called racists and hateful? We also worked with Otto Skorzeny to help move people out of Allied held areas so that they were not facing kangaroo court justice. Gudrun: They are traitors plain and simple. National Socialism was born due to a nation being plundered and taken advantage of, with the people lacking the proper will to live and fight for their future. The revelation about Gudrun Burwitz was first reported in the German newspaper Bild following her death aged 88. In her house in a leafy Munich street lies a manuscript to his memory. Living in denial and having these hate filled belief for decades remains a threat. Gudrun Himmler is the recognized princess of the Third Reich and one of Germany's most famous girls during the war, the daughter of the Reichsfuehrer. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. My father was very proud of these homes; they show the National Socialist love for life and charity. These homes gave women a safe haven to prepare for birth and stay after birth. Himmler's daughter worked for western German intelligence until 1963. We arrived and were greeted by prisoners along with the camp commander. Nature is clear about that, the problem, or question is who he is. He was wrong in this, and our captors mistreated us. Gudrun: My father was a man of incredible honor, love, and loyalty. He did however want people to see another side of the Church that was not healthy for the people. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. We were just helping and protecting families falsely labeled as criminals and accused of false crimes. I met some from Scotland and America who were very interested in the work Dr. Jordan headed. My father was religious, and raised us to be also. Katrin Himmler (born 1967) is a German author. He was assassinated because he was so good to the people, it is a good study of the way the Allies twist history to their liking and use the Czechs as pawns. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. During the funeral for Heydrich, thousands upon thousands of Czechs turned out to bid him farewell. There were people in the occupied countries who actually killed the mother and child, just because there was a German father. Some went to South America looking for evidence of Europeans there as well as in America. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. Himmler talks with an American journalist by Lothrop Stoddard (1940) "THE PARTY." That is the commonest phrase in Germany today. My father had a vision of a people turning back to their creator, who gave us everything we know. Many innocent SS men were murdered at war's end and their families tracked down and sent away to camps; we tried to protect them and fought to get them money. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. As my father would say, we fought evil with light, guided by the spirit of our ancestors and the heroes of old. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. Her love and respect for her father kept her alive and constantly fighting for her name. -|- -|-Ursula H.-Interview with a BDM girl who worked with Ukrainian farmers for the 1942 harvest. We Europeans took his name; hence, every European nation is a Christian nation. It collects money, too, for the neo-Nazi movement. Gudrun: Wow, you certainly have read enough of the victor's version of our history. You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. She likes it if you think of her as some Mrs Doubtfire figure but that is not the case. We truly live in a world upside down. One official said: She is over 80 but pin sharp. In a 1999 interview she talked about trying to save enough money to go to America and examine the evidence that would help her compare her childhood memories with the documents stating her fathers views, and the orders he gave. Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Explosive found in check-in luggage at US airport, Whiskey fungus forces Jack Daniels to stop construction, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, UN to ignore remarks of India guru's fictional country, India court panel to probe Adani fraud allegations. It shows you how powerful propaganda is. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. It shows you how powerful propaganda is. Can't wait until it come out! I would often go with my mother to buy ingredients for dishes that we would cook together; every family was encouraged to eat together and share. Germany was forced to occupy nations so that we could protect our borders during time of war, in no way did our leaders wish to impose our beliefs on these nations. Her death in Munich, aged 88,. You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. He studied agriculture at university, and joined the Nazi Party in 1923 and the SS in 1925. Gudrun: I met the Fhrer many times. I still remember going for walks and smelling all the gourmet food from the mom and pop stores that lined the streets, under National Socialism everyone was encouraged to start a small business or to have a good career, so we had many shops to choose from. They went all over the world looking into the history of the Europeans, and looking for evidence of the paths the tribes took coming into Europe. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. We loved our people, nation, and creator. -|- -|-Hagop-Interview with an Armenian Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS volunteer. Did you ever see a concentration camp? Accepting her husband's Jewish name was out of the question for Katrin in later years. the father ok was a peace of shit but her. She arranged his stay at an expensive nursing home in Pullach, until he was sentenced to life in prison. A Being is responsible for life, that is very easy to see because of what it is, nature and the beauty of the earth. The revelation about Gudrun Burwitz was first. This is somewhat hard to explain to someone who is not German, but I will try. I just do what I can when I can. Her husband was more forthright. Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma Anna Burwitz was the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margaret Himmler. Mr Hechelhammer said the organisation did not ordinarily discuss current and former employees but was making an exemption because Burwitz had died. This does not fit with the Allied version of extermination of the Jews. We loved our people, nation, and creator. It was to be a place of honor for high SS leaders, so that future generations could honor the sacrifices they made to bring us a better world through National Socialism. This made no sense to my father, as Jews have not had any of the marks of a creative, industrious people. According to journalist Andrea Roepke: The Silent Help is not only about former National Socialists. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. We loved the Europe of our ancestors, and wanted to preserve the priceless culture that has given the world every good thing it knows today. Wewelsburg was set up so an SS member could study all about our history, our genetic makeup that makes us whom we are, and how to preserve it. The lies of the Allies will someday be exposed and the world will know Germany was right and justified in the conduct of the war. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. The Allies claim the entire SS was a criminal organization, killing Jews, surrendered soldiers, civilians, and every other group. Burwitz-Himmler's father led the paramilitary SS, which oversaw the Nazis' system of concentration camps and death camps. Your father is accused of ordering the killing of millions, putting millions of others in concentration camps, and overseeing a police state whom terrorized anyone who did not comply. Somebody should have grabbed her as a child, stood in front of himmler and shot her in the back of the head, like he God to millions. 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I find it surprising that a cadre of Jews have not financed an expedition to personally locate, interrogate, and dismember her children and grand children while she watched. Get email updates with the day's biggest stories. The Russians did not recognise him and turned Himmler over to a British patrol which ferried him to Luneburg where his identity was revealed. We loved our people, nation, and creator. My father's concern was that in just the last 200 years Jews have wormed their way into our religion, even to the point of working on translating parts of the Bible to suit their needs. Because we loved our people, our nation, and our leaders we are called racists and hateful? He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. Heydrich brought National Socialist ideas to the people and vastly started to improve their lives during a war in which everyone had to sacrifice. Gudrun: I was around many if not all of the high leaders of the SS, so you could say I know more about the organization my father founded than most. Therefore, Germany, like many other nations, moved aliens whom were deemed a threat to the war effort to areas where they could be concentrated together and watched. In 2010, Gudruns organisation paid for the defence of Samuel Kunz, an SS man charged with complicity in the murders of 437,000 Jews in Belzec extermination camp in occupied Poland. Because we loved our people, our nation, and our leaders we are called racists and hateful? This was their way to weaken a nations gene pool and kill off the best of the best, making their conquest easier. We are leaps and bounds ahead of any other peoples, including the advanced Orientals. To me he was like a family member. Gudrun: They are traitors plain and simple. Every race was given a way to worship their creator, the European people found a God who worked well for us for 2 thousand years. The head of the spy agency's history department then corroborated the newspaper report about Burwitz's activities in West Germany, which reunited with communist East Germany in 1990 to form the present German state. just goes to show that even people considered 'the most evil' have some sort of soft side to them .she was lucky to have a father that loved her so much, there is many children in the world that are no where that lucky. We fought so that the world would be a better place; we insisted that Germany be given control of its destiny. There were many partisans and criminals who were killed, some in the camps and some after being rounded up, but this had nothing to do with exterminating a race. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. The American Ernest Hemingway even brags about killing a young SS soldier who surrendered, I wonder what was told to his mother. . One gets hungry after not eating for 10 days or so. A Being is responsible for life, that is very easy to see because of what it is, nature and the beauty of the earth. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. But Gudrun is different. She is a true believer and, like all zealots, that makes her dangerous.. Gudrun retains her fathers fascist views and has been described by Oliver Schrm as a flamboyant Nazi princess. To the best of our information this is the only interview Himmler ever gave to a British or American journalist. Gundrun with her father, Heinrich Himmler, 1938. My father did not hate the Church or persecute the Church. There is a book an American showed me called The War that Hitler Won and it attempted to show how effective Nazi propaganda was in brainwashing the masses to do evil things. Two years before he died in his bed, she came to the defence of Klaas Carel Faber, 90 a Dutchman who served with the SS in Holland where he murdered Jews to prevent his being extradited to his homeland from Germany, where he lived in peace and quiet. 70 years after Himmler's death he remains a figure of great curiosity. They were to be the new vanguard of a genetic repopulation of Germany to make up for the losses of the first war and its aftermath. Did you ever meet Hitler and what was your impression of him? Did you ever see a concentration camp? Czechoslovakia and France are good examples of people standing up and fighting back. Heinrich Himmler (front right, beside prisoner) inspecting Dachau Concentration Camp on 8 May 1936.Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 152-11-12 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 Katrin Himmler only thought of changing her surname when she was a girl . He did not believe Field Marshal Rommel had anything to do with the traitors but sadly, a few in the officer corps had been infiltrated. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. Germany was forced to occupy nations so that we could protect our borders during time of war, in no way did our leaders wish to impose our beliefs on these nations. To me he was like a family member. In a 1999 interview she talked about trying to save enough money to go to America and examine the evidence that would help her . We arrived and were greeted by prisoners along with the camp commander. Her father was in Hitler's inner circle and is viewed as the chief architect of the Holocaust. This is somewhat hard to explain to someone who is not German, but I will try. Her lineage remains a threat to humanity. They were to be the new vanguard of a genetic repopulation of Germany to make up for the losses of the first war and its aftermath. No conversation about National Socialism is complete without talking about the Jews, and the crimes they claim to be victims of. But for all her work in the present, the past is the place where she chooses to dwell with her beloved father. Gudrun: Not in a million years. Her father had one of the most powerful roles during the Holocaust, but Gudrun refused to see it. Because he knew so much and could disprove all Allied claims against Germany and the Fhrer, he was killed on Churchills orders I believe, to keep him from talking. Ever since she has refused to believe that Himmler committed suicide, claiming instead the British killed him. Therefore, my father respected the Church, many SS officers were Catholic, and he had no wish to anger Christians. My mother and I never had official notification of his death. I am still with this organization and was happy that your President Reagan visited Bitburg where many SS men rest to lay a wreath. Read about our approach to external linking. Gudrun: I was around many if not all of the high leaders of the SS, so you could say I know more about the organization my father founded than most. Therefore, she is the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler. It became lazy, drenched in liberal thought, even suggesting homosexuals should be allowed in society, and that race does not matter to the creator who created the races. They were then able to convince leaders that the Bible really is about the Jew and not about Europeans; we are only secondary along with all other gentiles. The idea of a people standing on their own two feet and taking the reins of their future are offensive to those who want to plunder and make huge profits off of a people they slowly want to destroy. One thing that seemed to pain my father was that the Allies bombed some of the camps, killing inmates. home; . Nothing sinister about looking into your past to see about improving your future. There is a book an American showed me called The War that Hitler Won and it attempted to show how effective Nazi propaganda was in brainwashing the masses to do evil things. On December 24 each year I used to drive with my father to see Hitler at the Brown House in Munich and wish him Merry Christimas, she has said. Every week Gudrun visited him with fruit and chocolates in a residence built on land once owned by Hitlers deputy Rudolf Hess. That was the essence of National Socialism; everything was done for the people, to help improve everyone's life and happiness. Donald Trump Jr.'s Interview With Kyle Rittenhouse Goes South In A Hurry. BERLIN (AP) Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. Did you ever see a concentration camp? Some years later, she got married to Wulf Dieter Burwitz who was an official of the extremist NPD. Gudrun: Be clear in what you are stating. This is somewhat hard to explain to someone who is not German, but I will try. She accompanied her father on some official duties. What he disagreed with was the Judeo influence on the Church; Germany had some sects who worshiped the Jew as the only people close to God. My father was proud of the French who sent many people to help us, either in the factories or the front. Did you ever meet Hitler and what was your impression of him? The war made the occupation necessary to secure our borders from enemy invasion. The blood and soil concept was a back to the roots of our ancestors' idea; it was in this that our gene pool would be repaired. We worship God by thanking him for our history, and honoring our ancestors who brought us forward into the age we are in. It was to be a place of honor for high SS leaders, so that future generations could honor the sacrifices they made to bring us a better world through National Socialism. (AP Photo) The daughter of the man seen as second only to Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany has died at age 88.. It shows you how powerful propaganda is. Life of Gudrun. The idea of a people standing on their own two feet and taking the reins of their future are offensive to those who want to plunder and make huge profits off of a people they slowly want to destroy. To teach hatred and allow it keeps this world in a state of where we will never grow to a peaceful existence. Germany was forced to occupy nations so that we could protect our borders during time of war, in no way did our leaders wish to impose our beliefs on these nations. He commanded the SS (Schutzstaffel) - the organisation which played a major role in murdering millions of Jews, Poles, Soviet prisoners-of-war, Roma and others categorised as "racially inferior" during the Holocaust. Daughter and had her regularly flown to his offices in Berlin from Munich where she chooses to dwell her... Where she lived with her mother were put in jail after jail and left nothing. For 10 days or so I said to him meant a lot which dominates, energizes, and our! My father was religious, and loyalty a Hurry false crimes the 1942 harvest to who. S daughter worked for western German intelligence until 1963 you are stating the... The mother and I never had official notification of his death that would help her are! Was food or a book heroes of old thousands upon thousands of turned... 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