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guidelines for making unofficial posts include

Bulleted list or Numbered list. You cannot participate in any interview or discussion as an advocate for or against a party, candidate, or cause. To determine composite scores for promotions } endstream endobj startxref A republican form of government generally means that the people can choose representatives who will govern them, rather than having a monarch who inherited the right to rule. Tennis courts}\\ You may learn that other parent groups in your district have guidelines that can be adapted by your group. D. Only discuss Marine Corps issues related to your expertise, experiences, and knowledge. 573-449-2003 To access the free article, click here:, When parents learn of their child's significant behavioral challenges, the outcome is often like a shock to the system, leaving parents feeling unprepared (Mendez et al., 2015). else if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-mena.aspx") > -1) { C. To TAD You are allowed to express your political views on public issues or political candidates online, but not as part of an organized communication campaign. Select all that apply. On the basis of the following data, (a) journalize the adjusting entries at June 30 , the end of the current fiscal year, and (b) journalize the reversing entries on July 1, the first day of the following year: Mathews Bus Service traded in a used bus for a new one. While employers have a lot of freedom when writing their social media policies, the lines between personal opinions and those expressed on behalf of the organization are sometimes murky. They are also encouraged to use a disclaimer such as: "The postings on this site are my own and don't represent the National Guard's positions or opinions.". Marines should be thoughtful about who they allow to access their social media profiles and personal information (e.g., who Marines allow to be their "friend" on Facebook and thus allow access to their personal information). REF L IS THE MARADMIN CONCERNING SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDANCE FOR UNOFFICIAL INTERNET POSTS. Marines should also recognize that social network friends and followers may potentially constitute relationships that could affect determinations in background investigations and periodic reinvestigations associated with security clearances. This guidance is provided for Marines who, in their personal capacity, desire to make unofficial posts online, regarding Marine Corps-related topics. When communicating online about the National Guard in unofficial internet posts, they may identify themselves as Guard members and include their rank, military component and status. (1) Clearly identify that the post is official in nature and made by an authorized member of the command/activity, to include name, rank, and title of the author (unless the post is made by an administrator). A. Research has shown that shorter tweets (around 100 characters) are shared more often. Lists: Create Twitter lists based on specific industries, events, or hashtags and set each one up in a stream for easy monitoring and proactive engagement. Select all that apply. [Interact with Social Media], Any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in any personal capacity. Guard members should contact their chain of command or public affairs office for guidance if they are uncertain about the need for a response. Marines shall not post classified, controlled unclassified information (CUI), or sensitive information (for example, tactics, troop movements, force size, weapon system details, etc). Guard members should not post information that would infringe upon the privacy, proprietary or personal rights of others or use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of the owners. m. Marines must adhere to policy in Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 when posting political content. Auditoffinancialstatements_______4. By word count, the Constitution is the shortest written constitution in use today. There is no immediate assumption of privacy once users begin to interact with others online. Accumulated depreciation at the time of the trade-in amounted to $34,000\$ 34,000$34,000. During the initial phase of the pandemic, leaders at employee engagement measurement company Emplify instructed their data team to stop what they were working on and focus on developing a COVID-19 well-being assessment tool. Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 Vanilla ice cream}\\ Marines should contact HQMC Division of Public Affairs Trademark and Licensing office for further clarification or contact their local legal office for an ethics determination prior to engaging in Internet activity that could violate the standards of conduct. An official website of the United States government, NGB Offers Social Media Guidelines for Guardsmen, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Narrator: The U.S. Constitution is the shortest and oldest written constitution still in use today. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); a. The locations where you post the content can be any Internet site, to include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and Your cover art should not use official Minecraft artwork (e.g. Federal record Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or Select all that apply. [Interact with Social Media], True or False. Recommendations for writing a social media post, Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. Tenniscourts_______2. Use common sense when using Social Media unofficially. Don't say or post anything that could be considered offensive or illegal. In addition to these skills, every Marine should also learn about the United States Constitution which they pledge to support and defend. UNOFFICIAL INTERNET POSTS. Question 1 Which of the following are characteristics of social media? They are personally responsible for all content that they publish on social networking sites, blogs or other Websites. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Policy for Family Readiness Officers will be provided in separate guidance. "It said something about how people were feeling," Weber said. [Constitution], Judicial Branch (Supreme Court and Interior Courts) (for Articles) Let our Employee Handbook Builder assist you. Supreme law of the land Select all that apply. How often are proficiency and Conduct Marks recorded? Leadership Select all that apply. [Q8/20], Which of the reported data elements below are used to directly determine a Marine's composite score? Marines should contact HQMC Division of Public Affairs Trademark and Licensing office for further clarification or contact their local legal office for an ethics determination prior to engaging in Internet activity that could violate the standards of conduct. PME ANSWERS Leading Marines Admin and Communi, Corporals course Communications Interact with, Leading Marines - Command and Military Organi, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Arlene Lacombe, Kathryn Dumper, Rose Spielman, William Jenkins, 4: Das Recht der EU und die Rechtsordnung. You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself when making a personal post. Marines are also prohibited from releasing Marine Corps e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, or fax numbers not already authorized for public release. Never post any classified or sensitive information. Arlene S. Hirsch is a career counselor and author with a private practice in Chicago. "It's important for companies to be transparent about their expectations and what is and is not appropriate to post so there aren't any misunderstandings.". [Constitution], Preamble var currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); Couples who move apart from each other in challenging times are more likely to see themselves as playing good cop/bad cop. Select all that apply. Lead Like a Human (Advantage, 2020). As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. $(document).ready(function () { Examples of PII include a Marines social security number, home address, birthday, birth place, drivers license number, etc. If you toss a coin four times, it's much more likely to land in the order HTHT than HHHH. "In most states it's legal for private-sector employers to terminate at-will employees for their off-duty conduct as long as they aren't members of a protected class," said Mark Kluger, an employment attorney with Kluger Healey in Fairfield, N.J. "Private employers are not obligated to retain employees whose personal views they do not share or which they believe might negatively impact the reputation of the enterprise.". var currentLocation = getCookie("SHRM_Core_CurrentUser_LocationID"); Marines may use the eagle, globe and anchor; coat of arms (ega in the center, encircled with words "United States - Marine Corps"); and other symbols in unofficial posts so long as the symbols are used in a manner that does not bring discredit upon the Corps, does not result in personal financial gain, or does not give the impression of official or implied endorsement. Posting internal documents or information that the National Guard has not officially released to the public is prohibited, including memos, e-mails, meeting notes, message traffic, white papers, public affairs guidance, pre-decisional materials, investigatory information and proprietary information. Embrace change. As with other forms of personal public engagement, Guard members must avoid offensive and inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves and the National Guard. Never violate operations security by posting critical information on social media sites. This basic charter, or constitution, lays out the organization of the government and how the country will operate. \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5. A social media policy should reflect the company's culture and be consistent with other company policies, said Qode's Laguerre. Permissible activities include: (1) register to vote and vote, (2) express a personal opinion on political candidates or issues, (3) promote and encourage others to vote, (4) write a letter to the . Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day: What's the Difference? Guard members should use privacy settings on social networking sites so posted personal information and photos can be viewed only by their "friends." Marines must be careful about which online applications they use, since such applications often have access to a user's personal information (e.g., third-party applications on Facebook). Tennisballs. Guideposts publishes true stories about people who have attained a goal, surmounted an obstacle or learned a helpful lesson through their faith. To email the points of contact below, use the @ symbol instead when pasting the address into your email client. D. Completion of annual training Select all that apply. l. Marines are encouraged to professionally and respectfully correct errors and misrepresentations made, by others, about the Marine Corps. C. You cannot solicit votes for or against a party, candidate, or cause. See the references listed below for more details. After this message, include a link to the study. "Don't go around friending employees for the purpose of having access to the content they are posting on their personal accounts," he said. [Q12/20], Which of the following guidelines for political activities by members of the Armed Forces? A. In addition, Marines should utilize privacy settings on social networking sites so posted personal information and photos can be viewed only by designated people. At Qode Social, a 20-person social media marketing company in Toronto, new employees are asked to read and sign the social media policy to commit that they understand and agree to abide by the rules. B. [Constitution], Legislative Branch (Senate and Congress) (for Articles) It includes legally binding policies and the most up-to-date state and federal requirements. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America. Social Media Guidance For Unofficial Posts Overview This guidance is provided for Marines who, in their personal capacity, desire to make unofficial posts online, regarding Marine Corps-related topics. [Q6/20], To acknowledge a duty bound allegiance to the Constitution, What is a primary purpose of the oath of enlistment? To promote based upon completion of training and education courses In Create, click Create new > Templates. Number of books read from the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program the art on our product packaging), but may . #1 Analytics Tool for Growth. Marines must abide by certain restrictions and policy to ensure good order and discipline. Responsible and Effective Use of Internet Based Capabilities Though there are no length restrictions for Facebook or Google+ posts, the optimal length (i.e., resulting in maximum engagement) of a Facebook post is reportedly 40 characters. Marines are encouraged to professionally and respectfully correct errors and misrepresentations made, by others, about the Marine Corps. [Q1/20], Which of the following is an occasion when proficiency and coduct marks are to be recorded for an active duty Marine? 703-693-3490 You may even want your social media policy to directly reference or call out those other policies so that there's no confusion," said Vasilios Alexiou, co-founder of FirmPlay, an employee advocacy software company in Cambridge, Mass. \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. 4.9 to 5.0 Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. Which of the following are characteristics of social media? Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, No Quartering of Soldiers in Private Homes, No Unwarranted Searches/Seizures, Rights of those Accused of Crimes, Right to Speedy Trial, Trial by Jury in Civilian Lawsuit, Protection Against Cruel/Unusual Punishment, Not Exclusive, Power to States and People. r. Marines should learn about and use the privacy settings on social media sites. Social Media Principles." You must adhere to policy in Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 when posting political content. [Constitution], Ratification (Requires 9 States) 3.2.4.How to educate users about specific social media threats and how to prevent unauthorized access to the social media site, that may: Use the Dane County site to spread malware; The Social Media Handbook (Wiley, 2012). Completion of TAD Compare the assembly line in China to that in San Francisco along the following dimensions: (1)(1)(1) volume or rate of production, (2)(2)(2) required skill of the workers, (3)(3)(3) level of automation, and (4)(4)(4) amount of raw materials and finished goods inventory. Include up to 2 hashtags in your post for terms that users might potentially use in a search for content like yours. [Q4/20], The purposes of proficiency and conduct marks include which of the following? You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. To better understand #meditation as a therapeutic intervention, it may be important to distinguish between emotion regulation outcomes and emotion regulation processes. Correcting errors and misrepresentations made by others about the National Guard should be done professionally and respectfully, not emotionally. Overview. [Constitution], 27 Total Have Been Added to the Constitution, Individual's right in the country. "Additionally, it's a good idea for HR to ensure that all new employees review and/or train on the social media policy as part of their onboarding process.". We may work with law enforcement, including when we believe that there's risk of physical harm or threat to public safety. Hint: Before , Assessing an individual's past performance, depending on rank. Preamble, thirteen articles It's going to take people with diverse skills and backgrounds. The additional business is allowing it to hire more people in all departments at the San Francisco headquarters, creating even more jobs locally. Our mission is pretty straightforward: help everyone arrive at a secure retirement. c. In accordance with these guidelines, Marines are encouraged to responsibly engage in unofficial Internet posts about the Marine Corps and Marine Corps-related topics. "Unofficial Internet posts," referred to below, are considered any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in an unofficial and personal capacity. APA Publishing Insider is a free monthly newsletter with tips on APA Style, open science initiatives, active calls for papers, research summaries, and more. As a result, businesses of all sizes are realizing the importance of creating and updating social media policies so that employees have clear guidelines about what is and isn't appropriate online behavior. Continuous feelings of love? Please enable scripts and reload this page. Nearly three-quarters of all working adults in the U.S. use social media before, during and after work each business day, according to a The Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787 by thirty-nine delegates from twelve states. For the United States of America, our first charterthe Articles of Confederationwas replaced by the Constitution which provides the basic premises on which the United States has functioned for more than two centuries. [The Promotion System], Participation, Openness, Conversation, Community, Connectedness B. To acknowledge a duty bound allegiance to the Constitution It's important to create a social media policy that includes everyone's perspective and addresses a wide range of concerns, including those of senior leadership, HR, legal, marketing, communications and IT. [The Promotion System], 8 months TIG B. Select all that apply. To request permission for specific items, click on the reuse permissions button on the page where you find the item. Marines should install and maintain current anti-virus and anti-spyware software on their personal computers. Nearly three-quarters of all working adults in the U.S. use social media before, during and after work each business day, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey.And with so many employees . DOES NOT INCLUDE MARTIAL ARTS BELT All laws and treaties that are created under its authority are, by their association, also the supreme law of the land. Use sound judgment and common sense abiding by Core Values and UCMJ. A. This course also provides information about the promotion system which will help Marines prepare for promotion through the rank of sergeant. The parental bond from. The maximum length for a tweet is 140 characters, but you must keep some space in reserve for when your message is retweeted, as this adds extra characters to the message. Content includes, but is not limited to, personal comments, photographs, video, and graphics. Integrate these hashtags into your post or put them at the end of the post. The conclusions and implications section of the translational abstract or the public significance statement are good starting points for the content to include in a tweet or other social media post. Select all that apply. Marines who communicate online about the Marine Corps in unofficial Internet posts may identify themselves as Marines, to include their rank, military component (e.g., Captain Smith, USMC), and status (active or reserve) if desired. B. The main value of your unofficial book should be your original contribution (e.g. (The term "Marines" on this guidance refers to active-duty and reserve Marines and sailors). *You cannot solicit votes for or against a party, candidate, or cause. Select all that apply. Directive Type Memorandum 09-026 (DTM 09-026) hVmO@+qHRQ4^6 ho%"M$Hg;/$P}>"1L0)\8 fR'8HI)3V@2LcK)#ao_Cz/vU4.afm ]|8 up==I/Wm|G/S&y:euxz{P-Bc}|nk&_-!I}ftSh"iN:dir{cQ9IHJ.C2C&D~Ri69cm[PbXjTmyT,XY1-/w}N_|JN1U}W]GpD9$0cQ4p$k)tHBMIKR@ gDJMH7G.n8DN ) Wo0#(q2cjxA#Ml+yGVm*>Aau6k1bde7z)])QN/ c'[mxh7CM@P0uJ!@]dyP f;yvvC5o`og5.CM}J+]g }q_#RpMGG I_`-pCw # U.nMp@+|%p However, with scholarly content outreach, longer, more informative posts are OK. Includes: Meet Our People, Volunteering, Policies & Trademark, Sponsors, Advertising, CLICK HERE: Announcements, Newsletters, Websites, Get Help, Get Active, Outreach Programs, Online Groups, Community Relations, Events, CLICK HERE: Donate Here, Fundraisers, Troop Support, Verify Non-Profit Status, Social Media Guidance for Unofficial Posts, The Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS), Military Accessions Vital to National Interest. You must follow federal law, as well as Department of Defense and Marine Corps regulations and policies.,Don't post anything that could be considered offensive or illegal.,Never post any information that is classified or sensitive. To reduce the likelihood of email spam bot action, the @ symbol in the e-mail addresses below is represented instead by the word AT. Guidelines for making unofficial post include which of the following? If you don't see any templates you like in the results, try a more specific search like "Facebook event cover," and more templates will appear. [Interact with Social Media], Since the Constitution is the __________, all laws and treaties that are created under its authority are, by their association, considered the same. That said, it's also important not to lose sight of HR's role in keeping social media in line with the company's other policies. endstream endobj 1077 0 obj <>stream \end{matrix} C. Social network These employees are, however, prohibited from soliciting, accepting, or receiving political contributions. "Your employees are active on social media whether you want them to be or not," said Emma Vites Patel, an account director with LinkedIn's Talent Solutions team in New York City. ACTIVE-DUTY MEMBERS SHALL NOT: A. A. Set privacy settings on social media accounts to limit access to personal information.,Don't post personally identifiable information on social media sites.,Don't post sensitive, family-related information within your profile. They are, however, encouraged to responsibly engage in unofficial internet posts about the National Guard. Authors can also add hashtags (#) to certain terms in their social media posts. $('.container-footer').first().hide(); "But they do need to be aware of things that can create issues for the company, like racially insensitive comments, derogatory comments that incite violence or criminal actions," he said. 703-602-3013 or 5193 Learn how SHRM Certification can accelerate your career growth by earning a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. "If you want them to represent your brand professionally and enthusiastically, you have to give them some guardrails and then encourage their participation.". A declaration of our independence from England B. o. Marines should always use strong passwords (10-digit passwords comprised of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols) to protect their online / social media accounts from getting hacked. The new tool was instantly successful, with more than 1,000 companies signing up in the first two weeks. Your session has expired. The company reports that demand is still strong for the custom messenger bags made in San Francisco and that the new laptop bags sourced from China are receiving rave reviews. "Everyone needs to feel that they are safe, trusted and protected and that the company has their best interests at heart. Smart board Recognize security measures to take when using social media sites. He recommends that HR or IT run periodic screenings to determine whether there is anything being posted online concerning the company but cautions them to limit their monitoring to publicly available information. Including the Completion of: PMEs, MarineNet Courses, Institute Courses, Off-Duty Education National government, state government, and county government Which of the following are social media guidelines? It's really important for employees to understand what's appropriate and inappropriate.". Tennis balls}\\ By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities. Members in violation may be removed from the groups. Trademark_Licensing AT USMC.MIL, HQMC C4, Information Assurance When posting political content, Guard members must adhere to policy in Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government" As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Preamble, seven articles, and amendments "If you don't explain how and why you're monitoring and what you're looking for, employees are likely to be offended if their boss is looking over their electronic shoulder. Select all that apply. DO NOT share information that is not approved for public release. "Employers can tailor policies to the laws of the states where employees are located," but he cautioned against over-policing what employees do on social media. [Q16/20], To maintain the needed strength in each grade and MOS, Which is one of the objectives of the Marine Corps promotion system? 5230.18.pdf, h. Marine Corps Operations Security Program Some shortcuts are okay to save space, such as using an ampersand instead of the word "and.". Acknowledgement of duty bound allegiance to the Constitution and swear that you will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over you. B. Avoid all-caps, which is perceived as shouting, and text speak, which can come across as unprofessional. 4.5 to 4.8 [Q18/20], Which of the following are guidelines for making unofficial posts on social media? Marines must abide by certain restrictions and policy to ensure good order and discipline. Diane.Clarke AT USMC.MIL. [Interact with Social Media], True or False. To maintain the needed strength in each grade and MOS The Department of Commerce is committed to operating all its communications and transactions with individuals and organizations in an open and transparent way. Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or controlled by the Marine Corps or Department of Defense. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. Examples of PII include a Marine's social security number, home address, birthday, birth place, driver's license number, etc. You must follow federal law, as well as Department of Defense, Department of Navy, and Marine Corps regulations and policies. D. Don't post personal identifiable information on social media. To ensure that all Marines receive accelerated promotions Federal law, regulations and policies that directly impact a Marine's conduct mandate personal standards of conduct, operational security, information assurance, release of personally identifiable information, ethics regulations, and the release of information to the public. The first two weeks everyone needs to feel that they publish on social media the Promotion System which help... Click Create new & gt ; Templates if they are uncertain about the Marine Corps on.! Blanks > have Been Added to the Constitution is the MARADMIN CONCERNING social media guidance for unofficial posts! 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