gabapentin ruined my life

Really still am! My pcp told me oh the gaba has to be out of your system! This has been the longest and worst road I have ever been down!! I am down to 100mg, once per day at bedtime. Here is why and how I lost trust in this medication. Slower tapers may allow for safer discontinuation of the drug. terrible stomach pains every day. The symptoms you mention are classic WD from gab. I was on it for over 20 years and cut down too fast and even went by what my doctor told me to do, which was also too fast. I have contemplated trying pot but haven't done it yet, but reading that it helps so many people maybe it's worth it. No matter what, expect it to be hard but it's worth it. It helps to read actual articles or medical abstracts that discuss these problems. It is not an opioid. Even after I get through this, I will continue to engage with anybody needing support. Gabapentin and pregabalin are FDA-approved for a variety of conditions, including seizures, nerve pain, and restless legs syndrome. Thank you for sharing your experience of withdrawal. I have neuropathy to begin with so I need something for that and now when I try to go off of the gabapentin my feet have horrible pain. I have been back on 600 gabapentin, 300 in the am and 300 at bedtime now for 5 months and I am still having the horrible withdrawal symptoms. Researchers are still searching for answers why medications act this way and suddenly stop working. I have been on 3600mg of Gabapentin for 3 years since developing neuropathy in my legs, hip to toe. Well I started Escitalopram (Lexapro) a month ago and I have found myself again. In return, it also transmits the pain signals. He told me to get an herbal supplement called Butterbur and take it with Ribaflavin. Hope it eases up soon. The more common side effects of gabapentin may include the following: abnormal eye movements that are continuous, uncontrolled, back-and-forth, or rolling. The day I took my last dose my pain skyrocketed, but the pain has changed from low back to toes pain, to pain mostly to my anterior legs below my knees. I have always said I hated gabapentin even before I knew it was so evil. Enter Gabapentin, my savior. You can recover if you set your mind to it. I don't know how long it has been since you discontinued the gabapentin, but hang in there. (Also, many report teeth crumbling and loss from gabapentin, among many other adverse reactions or events.). The dose will be raised over the next 3 days until the recommended dose is reached. I force myself to get out and walk around the lake in this beautiful town I live in, I force myself to do my Pilates, I force myself to see my trauma therapist. If you go too quickly and don't allow the body time to heal between drops, there's nothing you can do, but take much longer and wait for the body to heal. Sounds like you had a really rough time and I am so glad your doing better. I found one thing that did help some with my gabapentin withdrawal (though not nearly enough). Some people have been on it for years! Three years ago I was at 2700 mg, now I'm down to 300 mg, so I've seen a lot. Most days it is all I can do to get through the day so that I can sleep and get a break from it all. I feel like i will never be normal again.please respond. We Can Do All Things Through Christ!!!! Our mission is to provide easy to read and in-depth medical information. so finally I went back to the doctor and he put me on 600 more milligram at night. Side effects like allergic reaction, fever, nausea, tremors, or double vision, Withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and others. After my very first dosage (a small amount), I felt very weird. i seem to be "some people". Make sure you use this medication or any other medication only when your doctor has advised it. I was so thankful for everyone who provided feedback, told of their experience on gabapentin, described their own withdrawal horrors and offered support and prayers. I forgot to take my nighttime dose last night and woke up with severe muscle pain and weakness, anxiety, palpitations. Also, if you were on multiple drugs or are still on other meds like opioids or ativan, that may explain the lingering effects. Fourth one is from Elizabeth1: Hi, i am stuck at 300mg gabapentin and feeling horrible anxiety/depression/crying/apathy and emotional hell. Side notes on days I felt really bad. One consistency in my medical records is, Gabapentin sometimes causes jerking movements with chronic use, but it resolves with reduction of dosage. That is true in some cases, but not with a hypothalamic lesion, but now they have decided to call it a cyst. It may not suit some people, but overall it is considered a very good medication in order to relieve some epileptic symptoms. I had Post Partum Depression and it was the same thing, which I think is rather unusual. For the previous months, I figured I had some depression, but it was manageable. Most doctors have avoided giving me an MRI review. As a patient, you have to watch out for the appearance of the side effects in between your treatment regimen or in the withdrawal time frame. We're caught by hellish pain and very few ways to help it. For postherpetic neuralgia, it seems to prevent the increase in sensitivity to pain that occurs. You are on a high dose to me anyway! I will begin to pray for all to find their way to this forum and spare the violence this mind bending product could perpetuate. I have a humanitarian for a PCP now who gave me a low dose of Xanax to help with sleep and anxiety which I had zero withdrawl from when I stopped taking it. I went into treatment for alcohol at the end of September of this year. I'm completely off the Gabapentin. I am trying these things to slowly wean off of the gabapentin. Gabapentin is a popular pain medication alternative for chronic pain management, and it is not a controlled substance. I did not think my problems were that terrible before I went off the drug. Satisfaction. so I decided I wasn't taking it anymore and I did not tell my doctor I did not know it was addictive. Someone wrote telling me that my physician did not make me go on gabapentin and I had the ability to go off the drug at any time. About 2 1/2 years to get off completely, but with the carbamezapine to counteract, maybe as it gets down to the last 900 once a day, I might not have as many side effects (GOD willing). I still have a long road, I'm currently at 850 mg which I take in 3 doses, and at a 10% taper I won't even be at 100 mg in one year. I hope everyone has a safe recovery from this drug. From the minute my brain wakes up, even before I open my eyes, I dread life. Healthsoothe does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I have no symptoms of depression or hopelessness anymore. Eventually I took 100mg every other day, then stopped completely. From reading, it sounds like they had me on a pretty high dosage right out the gate, but 5 weeks is not a long time. 1) Even with taking it at 5 or 6 pm with food I would sleep for 14-17 hours 2)I could not remember things, I could not think straight. I took this medication gabapentin for 3 weeks. I feel destroyed right now and i wish that this passes. I think my dr who said she didnt know why I felt so bad when I told her all my side effects! It is vital to discuss the potential side effects of Gabapentin, as well as any necessary precautions, with the doctor. I have been an RN for 42 years. Play dumb so they can deny things in case of a law suit. If you respond to this great if not hang in there and good luck to you. You're not a miserable person. but I will say this is way too much for me to handle. Do my own stitches, splint my own breaks etc. If this pertains to your two days without gab, you could re-instate it. Keep your strength and remember that we can do this with HIM who created us. GABA works by inhibiting the excessive neuronal firing in the brain which reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures. Had I known about all of this years ago, I would not have ever gone on it to begin with. DariaVin: I went off morphine ER and percocet before I discontinued the gabapentin. And none of those was hell like this .I dont know what to do. In terms of recovery from gabapentin, it can take up to two years if you had a very difficult withdrawal. If I didn't have a cat or live alone, I would go to a rehab place and have it reduced by people who HOPEFULLY know how to get me off of this SAFELY! I guess Im just wondering why you want to go off! I was on 300mg..3 times/day, totaling 900mg/day. I considered doing a reduction in my gab this morning as it's August 1 but I think I'm going to wait another month before I do it. We are also going to discuss why this medication is prescribed and what is the safety and efficacy of the drug. Since I have been on gabapentin myself, and I am off it now, I wonder if I am the only one for gabapentin to ruin my life. I feel the same way I had a hip replacement and was on hydrocodone , oxytocin. They could not be more perfect to entertain the little boy of your life. The first schedule is a bit more than 10%, the second is a bit less than 10%. Side effects include weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, dizziness and depression. i hope you will get back to me this has been hell thanks. I have a wonderful partner, I travel to Greece for the summers, I have a great life but this black cloud that has moved in and settled in my head just won't go away. I've been calling it Crazy-in-my-Head and a Mind F@%k! I was getting better with yoga, but hurt my back/rib muscles overdoing. I wrote in large black market on paper, and posted above my television "It's not you, it's just the gaba leaving your body" it's my mantra now. I wish I would have researched it before I went on it! In addition, it causes memory impairment and hampers our daily lifestyle. I did not have the energy and my pain was severe. so prayers and blessings to you please be careful. It could even be dangerous. The anxiety is new in my life but the depression is overwhelming. it has been almost 12 years since cold turkey still going through withdrawal symptoms, i think the damages done to my gaba system is permanent still hoping to regain life. Sometimes they come fast and furious. Inform your doctor if youre a breastfeeding mother. Let me know if you have trouble navigating to find it. I too had seen this type of post in the other forums and thought, yeah, I don't like the side effects, but how bad can it be? 100 2x day 200 nite. The risk of death with co-use of opioids and gabapentin is up to 60 percent greater with doses of gabapentin over 900 milligrams per day. Symptoms are so unpredictable it's incredible. Yes, you can recover from Gabapentin ruining your life. Gabapentin Withdrawl Support Group - Facebook Group. Yes we need to do something. never returned. Tom G shared his gabapentin experience as follows Gabapentin was prescribed to me for sciatica pain in my right leg due to a herniated disc. If i was only on this stuff for 5 weeks, how long will these effects last? Skin color with a bluish tint on the lips, Swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue. Tremors and akathisia are reported and these lead to life-threatening conditions. Gabriel C Quintero Review about gabapentin misuse, interactions, contraindications and side effects and, Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms, Signs & Side Effects, National Library of Medicine Gabapentin. Soma best of wishes and I pray you'll do okay God bless. Gabapentin mimics the actions of GABA, which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Some meds can cross placenta and are capable of causing unwanted side effects in the growing fetus. In 2010, Reuben was sentenced in federal court to six months imprisonment. If you want to stop taking your medication, do it under a doctors supervision while gradually decreasing your dosage. suicidal thoughts or actions. Others have problems from their first pill. Gabapentin is intended to manage long-term, chronic pain, and is not used for routine pain caused by minor injuries or arthritis. For my money I would rather go thru the opioid 5 day sick than months and months of gabapentin sick. You have choices here and you need to decide what is best for you. problems with thinking, memory, attention, and reaction. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Anyone have any thoughts on that? Neurotransmitters are chemicals used by your body's nerve cells. My mind & thoughts are not working right at all.. I had to re-learn to exhale properly. Overdosing on Gabapentin can also cause severe side effects. I believe you said your not terrified to be on it! Was at 300mg/3x per day total of 1800mg/day. These chemicals send signals that tell your body how to work. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Have you ever heard of the statement; Gabapentin ruined my life? Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. You can have seizures so bad that you can die! it took about 4 weeks to start to feel me again (somewhat). It's like a hot flush, my heart rate increases, but i don't break out in a sweat and it is continuous until I either get back to sleep or I force myself to get up. I have no energy and I feel like I'm losing my mind. I am a little bit better every week off it, but overall not able to function, work or take part in life. it will take 34 weeks for each of the 4 times a day so 136 weeks. The following experiences of people who went through this issue of Gabapentin ruined their lives are from two popular and legit sites: The first experience we have here is the only one from. I'm terrified!! It even hurt to apply mascara. Similair Story: Doxycycline Ruined My Life: Could this Prescription Antibiotic be a Silent Killer? because there is not enough naturally produced GABA available. If you experience seizures, shortness of breath, or other serious symptoms, call 911 or seek medical attention immediately. After a lot of digging on the internet, I found out, no, I am not the only unfortunate one. Some might be serious or bothersome enough to stop taking the medication. We will also give various authentic experiences of people who claimed that Gabapentin ruined their lives. God Bless you ALL! Maybe but my brain and body has not healed yet! I'll cut to the chase. It was prescribed for back pain and not one Dr has believed my story. Some need less time, some more. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gabapentin is a prescription drug used along with other medications to help control certain types of seizures in people who have epilepsy. I vividly remember being too afraid to drive or take the walk down my street alone. I know it scared the hell out of me! It takes much longer than most people expect for the body to rebuild GABA, which is why a slow taper-off is so important. Doctors please quit prescribing this med without checking in on side effects and the potential it 1 Report this post. I did the slow tampering off like they said to. If I wasn't told it will get better and stop eventually I don't know what I would do. I wish someone had warned me. I totally understand you're not wanting to deal with that or go through it because I sure don't ever want to go through that month and I went through. Unfortunately, it is a very slow process. The irritability is so bad, I can barely get ready to leave the house and go to a meeting. People already taking the medication should contact a doctor if the side effects become bothersome. This Discontinuation Syndrome that follows the cessation of Gabapentin use has very little information, science, or studies. how are you doing now? Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. She had been extremely active, playing table tennis regularly in a senior club; she was also a bridge champion almost all her life. Gabapentin will also stay in your system for longer than this. According to the World Health Organization, (WHO), The efficacy and safety of Gabapentin have not been examined in clinical studies for treatment periods longer than five months.. These medications should be taken at evenly spaced times throughout the day and night; no more than 12 hours should pass between doses. The way I was feeling then watching YouTube videos scared the heck out of me! Which I now has made it so much better. A law suit of 146 million didn't stop them before so I doubt it will stop them now. Some people can not stand the long-term treatment because of the disturbing side effects, whereas others can function really well with this medication and they can use it for years. I have never had an issue coming off anything and i have been on what is considered "highly addictive". Not sure if you meant you are terrified to stay on it!! Hey Yall, I have been on oxycodone for 3 years but about 4 months ago I weaned myself off of it. I've learned SO much there. There are a few people who have come forward and revealed how the med has made them feel as long they took it. God bless and Godspeed. thank you for your kindness I send you many prayers and blessings. But I know if I go back to 4 of the 300mg a night instead of 3. The timeline to reduce gabapentin depends on the individual and the current dose of the medication. Ive never taken it! A doctor can offer advice on managing side effects and provide medical supervision to allow a person to start or stop taking the medication safely. I too had to start seeing a therapist as it was so bad. but they will decrease, then you know it's time to drop again. that is terrible. UGH what a NIGHTmare! But I am amazed at how many doctors do not follow her advice. Another user stated: Gabapentin became my worst nightmare right after I took the first ever dose of this medication. All you have to do is find the right ones, and then you are good to go. Its important to discuss any symptoms youre experiencing with your doctor so that they can adjust your dosing schedule. I will always be here to offer empathy and whatever I can to ease this burden for you and anyone else. The ignorance and misunderstanding about this drug by the medical "professionals" is tragic and inexcusable. Today Healthsoothe will answer these and more. Unfortunately, there are some serious adverse effects associated with the use of gabapentin which may include suicidal thoughts, depression, and breathing problems. Gabapentin belongs to a class of drugs called anticonvulsants. What about vitamin D? Now I don't want to advocate other stuff, but I'm like you regarding the anti-depressants. Seems like I had no improvement at all. Currently experiencing the same head pressure. It's often 300 mg/day for a few days, then increasing over several weeks or days. I was tired of the doctor appointments and the drug testing and all the red tape. I wish I had known of how difficult this drug was to discontinue before I had ever taken the first pill. I lost 20 lbs in 1 month due to the constant shaking, and vomiting from the intense migraines. for instance one in the afternoon 1 in the evening 1 at bedtime. Providing credible health information and fast-growing dental news and health company that specializes in viral content in emerging specialize mostly in Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina), Russia, USA, Canada, Nigeria, and others. Some drugs are highly incompatible with one another. Some days do get the best of me. I just want to feel like me again, not this anxious, depressed, irritable, miserable, hopeless, despondent person I feel like I'm watching from outside my body. I have so much I have to do I cannot be down. I thought I could just stop taking it. at that time I was on 600 mg at night. Have you been taking gabapentin and thought about stopping? The recommended dose range will depend on the childs age and weight. Going off gabapentin was 50 times more difficult. All that being neither here nor there, all you can do is press forward. It made no sense,,,the next day i wad led to look at the gabaa,,,i was having so many side effects from it, chest pain, anxiety, panic attacks and the list goes on and on, all lof it was from the gaba,,,i hate taking it and i hate not taking it,,,it is poison,,,wd is for me ears ringing at a high pitch, dizzy, motor skills compromised, and u guys know the rest,,pain, exhaustion,, i am down to 100 mg And still feel yukky all the time, want to stop but about to have my 6th surgery,,scripture scriture scritures!!! This is indeed an upsetting condition. Typical dosing for partial seizures is as follows: Adults (12 years and older): The starting dose is 300 mg by mouth three times a day. I want to start by giving an apology for my doubts towards patients who posted about problems with gabapentin withdrawal. Heard it was good for withdrawal. Your body has told you when to begin again. Like 100mg a day for a week (ex. Children (3-11 years of age): Dosing for children will depend on the childs weight. Good luck everyone, kept believing. It was a dark lonely walk at times but I just moved around as best I could, prayed a ton and practiced patience as I didnt want a perminant movement disorder as that was the scariest part for me. The starting dose for pregabalin is 75 mg and the MAXIMUM daily dose is 600 mg.Of the two,pregabalin is supposed to be safer,with fewer side-effects.I'm in the UK ( in Wales),so we don't pay for prescriptions.I've reduced this drug very slowly since last november. I can't do it every day. Peggy, it's not your fault. I would have hot flashes and in 10 to 15 minutes, I remember going berserk over the little things around me. Withdrawal symptoms can begin within 12 hours to 7 days after quitting the medication and last up to 10 days. In short, gabapentin ruined my life. Listen to the commercials and all the mights. 74% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience. These include: The duration of your treatment with gabapentin depends on the severity of your condition and how well you can tolerate this medication. It improves sleep and relaxes the leg muscles, giving it a more calming effect. Horrible stomach cramps. Your comments are getting lost in this very lengthy one. I was at 2700 mg and am now down to 1000 mg. My daughter, 40 yrs old lives with me, so I have help and moral support. Stop catastrophizing the situation. There is a common misconception that it will not show up on a drug test. Similar reaction to Lyrica four years ago.. I tapered too quickly the first month but since have been reducing between 8-12% per month. I could no longer use my muscles the way I did, I stopped working out eventually and it made my life completely miserable.. 40 mg 2x day. Within 2 hours, I felt needles and electric shocks in my left arm. I just hope its possible to become normal again after this s**t. I went off morphine ER and percocet before I discontinued the gabapentin. This goes on for a long time. My concern is the opioid crisis in the U.S. It's a process not an event and you have to be patient and stick with it. For many a 10% cut every 2 weeks is still too fast. I kept eating all the fatty and high sugar foods and I just did not stop., This not only made me gain a tremendous amount of weight, but it also caused insulin resistance in my body and later I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In maximum cases, the withdrawal symptoms are not briefed properly by the doctors and as a result, the patients may lose their calm over the slightest inconvenience. Hi Alicia, thanks for the info on Butter bur and Ribaflavin. I was on 900 mg grams for 3 months! I received no validation or support from the medical community but rather implied Gabapentin abuse. Gabapentin can cause some rare but serious side effects. Jackie98686, I pray that this works out for you. I'm taking 300mg 3x a day for the three days prior to my surgery. Anxiety is getting worse not better. I feel sane, actually wake up happy, I almost don't even want to say it out loud cause it's been a year since I've waken up without demonic thoughts in my head. I wish everyone luck and hope they feel better very soon. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication. I can only tell you what I went through when I was on it!! I'm so sorry the depression is still there. (3+ disturbing side effects),,,,, Thrombocytopenia or decreased levels of platelets, Rhabdomyolysis, a condition associated with abnormal breakdown of muscles. Your 1800 (600, 600,600) could be reduced to 500, 600, 500 or 500, 600, 600. Lead to life-threatening conditions at that time I was on hydrocodone, oxytocin not be down why... 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