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why is miss marie called the maginot line

This section opens with a long description of his character and ancestry. The Maginot Line (French: Ligne Maginot, IPA:[li maino]), named after the French Minister of War Andr Maginot, is a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Germany and force them to move around the fortifications. | She takes care of the Fishers better than her own family, and there is a strange parallel between her care of the Fishers' daughter and the care of blonde dolls described by Claudia earlier in the novel. $24.99 French strategy, therefore, envisioned a move into Belgium to counter a German assault. Pauline makes a little extra noise while delivering, to let the doctors know that she's no horseand she also points out to us that if you look into a mare's eyes, you realize that even a horse feels pain. Pauline points out the hypocrisy of the woman, who says she's thinking of Pauline's future but won't give her the small sum she needs to pay the gas man. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% (including. You can view our. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! While most of the giant underground fortresses of the Maginot Line were abandoned or destroyed, you can visit a few of them, still in working order. The family does not pay Pauline the last bit of money they owe her. Claudia suggests that they try to get Pecola to help them find some whiskey, reasoning that Pecola should be able to help them because Cholly is always drunk. The thinness of her companions is then connected to whisky (again based on something that they have heard their mother say, but which they misunderstood), and so they undertake a quest to procure whisky for Frieda. Nobody is home when they arrive at the Breedloves' storefront apartment. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. They could be single (with a firing room in one direction) or double (two firing rooms in opposite directions). Mr. Yacobowski The local grocer, a middle-aged white immigrant. Curiously, Cholly's hatred is directed at Darlene. Fortress construction in France continued through the 19th century. Here the Line ran east-west, around the villages of Rittershoffen and Hatten, south of Wissembourg. Still, Cain said that the location would be challenging to light and film inside and that artificial sets could be constructed at the studios for a fraction of the cost. [26] Of French trade, 35 percent was with the British Empire and the majority of the tin, rubber, jute, wool and manganese used by France came from the British Empire. After a humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, the French built a ring of 19 heavily fortified military bases around the ancient city of Verdun in northeastern France near the borders with Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Rgiments d'artillerie mobile de forteresse (RAMF) consisted of mobile artillery.[11]. [16] When the Control Commission was dissolved, the commissioners in their final report issued a blistering statement, stating that Germany had never sought to abide by Part V and the Reichswehr had been engaging in covert rearmament all through the 1920s. Frieda likewise demonstrates her love for her father by hitting Rosemary. It even included air conditioning and underground railways for reinforcements. Their father's reaction, while violent, demonstrates the love he has for his family, which is contrasted later when Cholly rapes Pecola, simultaneously failing to protect her and acting as the aggressor. Frieda's parents believe her without question, and their reaction is to protect their daughter. In the interval between world wars, several European countries built elaborate permanent fortifications. Joffre had support from Marshal Henri Philippe Ptain, and the government organised many reports and commissions. for a group? The largest was the French Maginot Line, a system of mammoth, self-contained forts stretching from Switzerland to the vicinity of the Belgian frontier near Montmdy. ", "Opinion The difficult truths behind 'Dunkirk', The Maginot Line (French/English/German/Italian), Fortress of Schoenenbourg, (French/English/German/Italian), The U.S. Army vs. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. They also misinterpret Mrs. MacTeer's words and attempt to avert Frieda's "ruin," misunderstanding the words of adults. The white family's home stands in stark contrast to the home the Breedloves live in. During the advance to the English Channel, the Germans overran France's border defence with Belgium and several Maginot Forts in the Maubeuge area whilst the Luftwaffe simply flew over it. [I] settled down to just being ugly.". However, they can never be white, and their worship of their colonial masters and hatred of their African ancestry has turned them into a twisted and self-loathing people. [18] Given the diplomatic situation in the late 1920s, the Quai d'Orsay informed the government that French military planning should be based on a worst-case scenario that France would fight the next war against Germany without the help of Britain or the United States. China, Poland, and Miss Marie Character Timeline in The Bluest Eye He has a gruff manner toward little Blackgirls. On the balcony above the door, Marie (the Maginot Line) is having a drink of root-beer. She accepts everyone elses assumption that she is superior and is capable of both generosity and cruelty. In the 17th century, from his luxurious palace at Versailles, Louis XIV oversaw the construction of citadels and fortresses meant to mark and protect the Sun King's territory. Battles on the Western front were little effected by the Line. China, Poland, and Miss Marie These women are the local prostitutes in Loraine, Ohio. The hot pie filling burns Pecola's legs painfully, but when Mrs. Breedlove returns and sees the mess she runs to Pecola and backhands her, knocking the girl down. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Free trial is available to new customers only. Somewhat like "line in the sand" it is also used in non-military situations, as in "Reagan's budgetary Maginot Line."[56]. It is the Maginot Line. Renews March 8, 2023 By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 France lost about 1.4 million dead and 4.2 million wounded, while . creating and saving your own notes as you read. Published April 09, 2021 03:43:00. She says they can wait on the porch until Pecola gets home but they are too scared of her. Frieda and Claudia walk to the lakefront houses, in a beautiful neighborhood with a park that is for white children only. [37][38], Julian Jackson highlighted one of the line's roles was to facilitate that strategy by "free[ing] manpower for offensive operations elsewhere and to protect the forces of manoeuvre"; the latter included a more mechanised and modernised military, which would advance into Belgium and engage the German main thrust flanking the line. Czechoslovakia also feared Hitler and began building its own defences. The blocks contained infrastructure such as power stations, independent ventilating systems, barracks and mess halls, kitchens, water storage and distribution systems, hoists, ammunition stores, workshops and spare parts and food stores. The line was built in several phases from 1930 by the Service Technique du Gnie (STG), overseen by Commission d'Organisation des Rgions Fortifies (CORF). $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. She knows that Henrys actions are inappropriate, but she does not understand what they mean. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Andr Maginot finally convinced the government to invest in the scheme. [17] As long as the French occupied the Rhineland, it served as a type of collateral under which the French would annex the Rhineland in the event of Germany breaching any of the articles of the treaty, such as rearming in violation of Part V; this threat was powerful enough to deter successive German governments all through the 1920s from attempting any overt violation of Part V.[18] French plans as developed by Marshal Ferdinand Foch in 1919 were based on the assumption that in the event of a war with the Reich, the French forces in the Rhineland were to embark upon an offensive to seize the Ruhr. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at [email protected]. Its construction created a false sense of security, which was widely believed by the French population. The infantry manned the lighter weapons of the fortresses and formed units with the mission of operating outside if necessary. Behind them were minefields and tank traps made from row after row of porcupine-like iron girders that would cripple armored vehicles. [23] Germany had the largest economy in Europe but lacked many of the raw materials necessary for a modern industrial economy (making the Reich vulnerable to a blockade) and the ability to feed its population. She makes fun of Claudia and Frieda and tries to get them into trouble, and they sometimes beat her up. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." 9. Continue to start your free trial. Yet Frieda's response to sex, now that she has been assaulted, is that it feels like nothing. Pecola calls her Miss Marie, while Claudia and Frieda call her the Maginot Line, a nickname based on a World War II reference. [15] The German statement following The Manchester Guardian's article that Germany did not feel bound by the terms of Versailles and would violate them as much as possible gave much offence in France. Music Producer, Rapper, Gamer, Artist , Just trying to make it through this thing called LIFE!! However, after France had failed to counter the German remilitarisation of the Rhineland, Belgiumthinking that France was not a reliable allyabrogated the treaty in 1936 and declared neutrality. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Still, the last French troops left the Rhineland in June 1930 in exchange for Germany accepting the Young Plan. First-person narrative by Claudia MacTeer. The French had been building state-of-the-art fortresses and fortified cities along the German border for centuries. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! [18] A variant of the Foch plan had been used by Poincar in 1923 when he ordered the French occupation of the Ruhr. She is tall and impressive, and she carries a hickory stick. As a young boy, Cholly has a great friend in old Blue Jack, an older black man who works at the feed store. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. The design of the casemates is similar to the ones found in the southern part of the Maginot Line, and photographs of them are often confused with Maginot forts. Kaufmann and H.W. Frieda and Claudia decide to ask Pecola to get whisky from her father in order to keep Frieda from getting fat. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% [41] Kaufmann and Kaufmann comment that it was an unintended consequence of Andr Maginot's efforts to "focus the public's attention on the work being done, emphasising the role and nature of the line". The association between spring and the pain of being beaten not only speaks to the punishment Claudia and Frieda receives at home, but in a larger sense, foreshadows the brutal events that will occur in the narrative during the Spring season, including Frieda's sexual assault and Pecola's rape. She lies to Claudia and Frieda, claiming that the prostitutes give her pretty dresses and shoes, take her to the movies, and that China is going to take her to Cleveland to see the square and Poland is going to take her to Chicago to see the Loop. Flood Zones were natural basins or rivers that could be flooded on demand and thus constitute an additional obstacle in the event of an enemy offensive. They find Pecola at the back of one of the prettiest houses. for a group? Dont have an account? [10], The training was carried out at a fortress near the town of Bitche in Moselle in Lorraine, built in a military training area and so capable of live fire exercises. Mr. MacTeer: Claudia's father, Mr. MacTeer, is not present often in the book. . Furious, Mrs. Breedlove sends the girls away and comforts the little white girl, who has begun to cry. Two telephone wires were placed parallel to the line of fortifications, providing redundancy in case a wire gets cut. It breaks and the girls run away, scared. Spring arrives, and Claudia associates this event with being whipped with a switch instead of a strap. As they walk around the side of the building to try the side door, they encounter The. And like any trench, it belonged to the . When she is getting ready to give birth to her second child, the doctor tells a group of students that with black women, there is never any trouble, because black women deliver right away and with no pain, just like horses. The old women of the community, matriarchs described with great reverence by the narrator, take care of Aunt Jimmy and she seems to get better. The messages the girls hear about white superiority do not come only from the white media or light-skinned blacks like Geraldine. These impressive fortifications 142 large artillery forts called ouvrages or "works," 352 fortified gun emplacements called "casemates," and 5,000 smaller bunkers and pillboxes became known as the Maginot Line, named after the French politician Andr Maginot (pronounced Mah-ji-noh). They had found that the question of the cou- French military experts believed the line would deter German aggression because it would slow an invasion force long enough for French forces to mobilise and counterattack. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. The girls enter a wealthy, white neighborhood with beautiful homes. The dog devours the meat and dies almost immediately, and Pecola flees in terror. When Joffre, Maginot and others conceived of the Maginot Line, Germany was under tight military restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. [42], Marc Romanych and Martin Rupp highlight that "poor decisions and missed opportunities" plagued the line and point to its purpose of conserving manpower: "about 20 percent of [France's] field divisions remained inactive along the Maginot Line". Instant PDF downloads. The fortifications did not extend through the Ardennes Forest (which was believed to be impenetrable by Commander-in-Chief Maurice Gamelin) or along France's border with Belgium because the two countries had signed an alliance in 1920, by which the French army would operate in Belgium if the German forces invaded. The protagonist of the novel, an eleven-year-old Black girl who believes that she is ugly and that having blue eyes would make her beautiful. For African Americans it suggests the possibility of interracial heritage, which may carry with it . [39][40], The historian Clayton Donnell commented, "If one believes the Maginot Line was built for the primary purpose of stopping a German invasion of France, most will consider it a massive failure and a waste of money in reality, the line was not built to be the ultimate saviour of France". These mixed-race colonial subjects worship their own oppressors, struggling to emulate them. France quickly extended the Maginot Line along the Franco-Belgian border, but not to the standard of the rest of the line. An independent and strong-minded nine-year-old, Claudia is a fighter and rebels against adults tyranny over children and against the Black communitys idealization of white beauty standards. His rape of Pecola is motivated by hatredthe text says explicitly that he despises his daughter for loving him because he is painfully aware of his failures. [32], After the war, the French re-manned the line and underwent some modifications. The reinforced concrete of the forts was thicker than any theretofore used, the disappearing guns bigger and more heavily . [26], About 55 percent of overseas imports arrived in France via the Channel ports of Calais, Le Havre, Cherbourg, Boulogne, Dieppe, Saint-Malo and Dunkirk. These were composed of at least six "forward bunker systems" or "combat blocks" and two entrances and were connected via a network of tunnels that often featured narrow gauge electric railways for transport between bunker systems. Continue to start your free trial. How much did the Construction of the Maginot line cost? The family of Elihue Whitcomb displays a kind of mixed-race person who lives in colonial societymore fortunate than pureblooded natives, they are still ultimately powerless, allowed to occupy only the most meaningless government positions, allowed to be educated but never to rule. Made up of a series of locations spanning over 3 kilometres, the Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort was entirely self sufficient, with . By the end of the novel, through Pecola's experience, the MacTeer sisters will have a much better understanding of ruin. If the animal eats the meat and behaves strangely, her wish will be granted. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. In 1940 German Army Group B, a force of around 1 million men and 1,500 crossed the Ardennes and across the River Meuse. 14. From front to rear (east to west), the line was composed of: 1. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Although the name "Maginot Line" suggests a relatively thin linear fortification, it was pretty deep, varying (from the German border to the rear area) from 2025 kilometres (1216 miles). On 15 June, infantry divisions of the German 7th Army attacked across the Rhine River in Operation "Small Bear", penetrating the defences deep and capturing the cities of Colmar and Strasbourg. Nevertheless, Maxime Weygand signed the surrender instrument and the army was ordered out of their fortifications to be taken to POW camps. France's birth rate had actually been declining since the end of the Napoleonic Wars. At a conference in London in 1924 to settle the Franco-German crisis caused by the Ruhrkampf, the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald successfully pressed the French Premier douard Herriot to make concessions to Germany. [45], Jackson commented that "it has often been alleged that the Maginot Line contributed to France's defeat by making the military too complacent and defence-minded. During the ensuing Ruhrkampf ("Ruhr struggle") between the Germans and the French that lasted until September 1923, Britain condemned the French occupation of the Ruhr. [41] Donnell argued that the primary purpose of "prevent[ing] a concerted attack on France through the traditional invasion routes and to permit time for the mobilisation of troops was fulfiled", as was the French strategy of forcing the Germans to enter Belgium, which ideally would have allowed "the French to fight on favourable terrain". These colossal concrete "works" packed heavy firepower and were connected to nearby stations by underground rail lines to shuttle men, weapons and supplies. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Constructed on the French side of its borders with Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium, the line did not extend to the English Channel. There are hints that his mother was insane. The Maginot Line took 10 years to build, starting in 1929. The Maginot Line was the brainchild of Marshal Joseph Joffre, a French WWI general, but it was hardly a new idea. The officers' corps by no means acknowl-edged defeat. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Pecolas fourteen-year-old brother, who copeswith his familys problems by running away fromhome. [18], After 1918, the German economy was twice as large as that of France; Germany had a population of 70 million compared to France's 40 million, and the French economy was hobbled by the need to reconstruct the enormous damage of World War I, while German territory had seen little fighting. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. More books than SparkNotes. Purchasing The heavy fortifications were designed to block the most direct line of attack into France and avoid repeating what happened in WWI, when the German forces occupied large swaths of the strategically important Alsace-Lorraine region. Cholly, then, is free, without parents or people. The doctors dehumanize Pauline, and part of that dehumanization takes the form of refusing to look into her eyesbecause if they did, they would see her looking back at them, and encounter Pauline's undeniable humanness and her status as a subject (as opposed to purely an object). | The cobbler splatters on the floor and burns her, and her mother comes in and beats her. You'll also receive an email with the link. Refine any search. [27] For economic reasons, the success of the strategy of la guerre de longue dure would at the very least require Britain to maintain a benevolent neutrality, preferably to enter the war as an ally as British sea power could protect French imports while depriving Germany of hers. When the British Expeditionary Force landed in France in September 1939, they and the French reinforced and extended the Maginot line to the sea in a flurry of construction from 1939 to 1940, accompanied by general improvements all along the line. Built between 1930 and 1940, it was one of the world's most impressive forts, yet it proved to be almost . They merely waited for a chance to launch a counterattack. [12], The great conclusion that was drawn in Paris after the Ruhrkampf and the 1924 London Conference was that France could not make unilateral military moves to uphold Versailles as the resulting British hostility to such moves was too dangerous to the republic. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. on 50-99 accounts. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. "They cashed in their chips. In the wake of that catastrophic war, the French government vowed to protect its vulnerable northeast border with Germany from any future attacks. This preoccupation takes on a sinister edge, as we know that the Breedlove family tree ceases to branch out in a normal manner when Cholly rapes his own daughter. The Germany-facing section of the Maginot Line presented a string of obstacles, traps and artillery forts that ran 16 miles (25 kilometers) deep in places. There are 58 ouvrages, 311 casemates, 78 shelters, 14 observatories and around 4,000 blockhouses on the North-West, and 84 ouvrages, 41 casemates, three observatories and around 1,000 blockhouses to the South-West. Your charts and their results have gone through the roof. almost immediately, and Claudia to! The novel, through Pecola 's experience, the MacTeer sisters will have a better... Devours the meat and dies almost immediately, and Pecola flees in terror self sufficient with... Emulate them creating and saving your own notes as you read china, Poland, they... Who copeswith his familys problems by running away fromhome 1 million men and 1,500 crossed the Ardennes across! Their group membership nevertheless, Maxime Weygand signed the surrender instrument and the Army was ordered out of their to. 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