what proof was whiskey in the 1800s

(We wouldnt, however, see the very last of the pot still until Prohibition, and one die-hard distillery in Pennsylvania was using a pot still for a secondary distillation in the late 1980s.). This passage shows the fallacy of the position taken by some agitators that even though wine was used authoritatively in Bible times, it was home-made wine only, and not bought and sold.. The U.S. had just come through two decades of decadence and was primed to get serious about over-consumption and take a hard look at what it was drinking. The other two formulas use less straight whiskey but add flavorings such as tinctures of cloves and allspice. Somewhere, close to the top of the log or in the lid itself, must have been a hole fitted with the copper pipe that carried live steam into the still from a nearby kettle. One such society in New York state allowed its members to choose between swearing off liquor only--giving them ample leeway to get rip-roaring drunk on wine or beer--and signing the pledge to abstain from any and all beverage alcohol--total abstinence. The Molasses Act of 1733 levied five shillings per hundredweight of sugar, six pence per gallon of molasses, and nine pence per gallon of rum. Many proofs were bottled, including 113 proof, 121 proof, 122 proof, 123 proof, and 127 proof. It had the power to soothe mens souls, to make them forget the carnage of the battlefield, and perhaps most importantly, whiskey often acted as the only anaesthetic available. And then theres the sour-mash component. By his accounts, this bar was indeed one worth frequenting. In Voyage louest des monts allghanys, dans les tats de lOhio, du Kentucky, et du Tennessee, 1804, French botanist, Franois Andr Michaux, explained that since he had missed the spring season when the water was high, he had to travel some 80 miles on land before boarding a boat in Pennsylvania to take him to Kentucky. Decorative glass and ceramic bottles containing whiskey were a novelty that had been around since the early 1800s. Referred to as a "Tribute to Warehouse H" by LMDW. As the name implies, Old Grand-Dad's 114 is indeed 114 proof. Some of them filtered the whiskey they purchased in bulk in order to rectify it, taking out some impurities and rendering the whiskey somewhat smoother. Stills had been commonplace on Scottish farms since the mid-1500s, usually little more than barrel-size (or smaller) enclosed copper pots with a metal pipe that emerged from the top and coiled down to a receptacle that caught the condensed spirit. But toward the end of Prohibition, those who were still producing whiskey were busy making plans for Repeal. They now own the Old Taylor, Old Crow, Old Overholt, and Old Grand-Dad brand names, in addition to four small-batch bourbons--Bookers, Bakers, Knob Creek, and Basil Hayden--and their signature Jim Beam whiskeys. To accomplish this, Hamilton persuaded Congress to introduce tariffs on imported goods, tax spirits, and charter the Bank of the United States, which would hold the governments revenues and stimulate economic growth by investing in American businesses. Since they didnt yet use any kind of crop rotation, the land they were farming was tired and worn out after seven or eight years. This shape is used, primarily, so that the bands that hold the barrel together can be tightened around the wider mid-section of the barrel, thus pushing the staves closer together and forming a watertight--or whiskeytight--seal. Buy British--or else. Craigs family didnt keep up the tradition of whiskey-making that Elijah started, although a whiskey has since been named for the man. We must give a little credit here to the lady; her tactics certainly had an effect on the illegal bars at the time--many of them closed. These are mere incidents in its progress. The number of crimes and misdemeanors that originated in drunkenness has declined. Once a small distillery became part of the trust, it was either closed down or production was cut back, the aim being to control production at as many distilleries as possible. The death knell was tolling for the slower, more work-intensive, old-fashioned pot stills. . B. Dant, son of J. W. Dant, built the Cold Spring Distillery in 1865 and would soon produce Yellowstone Bourbon. Since most people were used to the bold body and heady flavors of good whiskey, gin was far preferable to vodka, a spirit that was virtually unknown in America at the time. . A popular anecdote has it that a careless cooper accidentally let his staves catch fire and conveniently forgot to tell the distiller who bought the barrel about the mishap. The average bottle of whiskey is around 40 proof. Of course, her actions werent without their drawbacks, Nation was jailed in Wichita, and a few other towns, but it never stopped her from going out and smashing more saloons whenever she was released. People who had once enjoyed a few beers at the local saloon were now tossing back shots of whiskey and drinking fanciful cocktails made with poor-quality booze. Around the turn of the century, most saloons were unruly places that served liquor, wine, and beer to almost anyone--young or old, sober or drunk, morning, noon, or night. Every straight bourbon produced today is a sour-mash whiskey, in which a portion of the residue from one batch of mash is used to start the next, much as sourdough starter is used to start more batches of dough. But imported European barley took a long time before it became acclimatized to its new home. However, just to give Craig the benefit of the doubt, if bourbon whiskey had a good reputation down south (he did ship his whiskey down there), he may have *called his product bourbon even though he didnt there. Even so, Grant, at this point, made it clear that he wanted to clear up the whole mess and prosecute whoever was responsible for stealing the money. In a personal recollection of a meeting between Lincoln and Douglas in 1854, James S. Ewing referred to a decanter of red liquor, red liquor being a term for bourbon that would become widely used by the end of that century. Consequently, some at least were repeatedly looking for new land to farm. If temporary refuge from their plight lay in a slug of whiskey, they would find a way of getting it. He died in 1917. One man whose name has certainly not been forgotten was the notorious preacher, Elijah Craig, who arrived in Kentucky in 1786 and was making whiskey three years later. Additionally, trademark and copyright rules were lax. They carry the passion for gaming and for spirituous liquors to an excess. When they arrived, they needed whiskey, and distillers rushed to meet the demand. Just as their counterparts in Scotland had done, the American producers of blended whiskeys argued that their products were purer than straight whiskeys since they contained fewer impurities. Hard drinks were not sold in "shots". Only 140 bottles w With its 80-proof variety ranking as one of the top ten best-selling straight whiskeys on the market, this Jim Beam subsidiary has been at it since the 1800s with budget bottles that look like something your old man or his father would imbibe upon. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had paved the way with Standard Oil and all it took after that was a few clever men in Peoria, Illinois. Bourbon was becoming a little more sophisticated. By 1900, many of the smaller temperance societies had either given their support to or had become part of the Anti-Saloon League, founded in 1893. They were not, however, the only group of immigrants to have a major impact on the whiskey industry, the Germans who settled in Pennsylvania and became known as the Pennsylvanian Dutch were also well versed with the alembic, and by 1775, there were just as many Germans here as Scots-Irish. A similar trust of that time was the Kentucky Distilleries and Warehouse Company (KDWC), formed in 1899. In the twentieth century, Alcoholics Anonymous went on to prove his point. Even by 1939 when Charles H. Baker Jr.s excellent book, The Gentlemans Companion, was published, the author noted that vodka was unnecessary to medium or small bars.. Black marketeers who had the means to make whiskey simply couldnt restrain themselves. *motlow died in 1947. Members lectured and wrote to prominent people on both sides of the issue trying to bank the fire a little. Whiskeys made at this distillery include Very Old Barton, Ten High, Kentucky Gentleman, Colonel Lee, Tom Moore, and Barclays. 9: Alcohol and the City 1800-1900. Its interesting to note just how much the whiskey business helped the war effort at this time. The Industrial Revolution, both in the U.S. and Great Britain, saw inventors and inventions coming out of the woodwork, and more than a few people tried their hands at devising new types of stills. The black-market price for whiskey was, in 1863, about $35 per gallon, compared to about 25 cents for the same amount at the end of 1860. W. L. Weller (W. L. Weller Bourbon), whose grandfather, Daniel, had owned a distillery in 1800, formed a wholesale whiskey business in 1849, using the slogan "Honest whiskey at an honest price.". The theory that whiskey improved with age was proved once a whiskey-maker tasted his product after its journey downriver to New Orleans. Daniel Boone first ventured into the eastern part of what would become Kentucky on a hunting expedition in 1767, and due, in part, to his reports of its bounty, the land soon acquired a somewhat idyllic status. 10. These were to be trying times for the President. After taking a 10-year sabbatical from the industry, he returned to his whiskey roots, bought a plant in Loretto that he named Star Hill Farm, and started to produce Makers Mark bourbon in 1953. And as romantic as they seem, speakeasies werent the only places you could buy booze during Prohibition. Daniel Weller (W. L. Weller Bourbon) floated into Bardstown on a flatboat in 1794. Further amendments to the law made it possible to actually distill whiskey (during distilling holidays) that would be used for medicinal purposes. Kentucky became especially powerful as they had exceptional corn and limestone-filtered water, plus easy access to rivers, enabling them to get their whiskey on a flatboat to St. Louis or New Orleans. America's colonial thirst in the road leading to prohibition, which imposed a constitutional ban on production, sale, and consumption of alcohol in the 1920s, was at an all-time high in the. According to this booklet, over 12,000 saloons had been closed by various means in the year 1909, and over 41 million Americans were living in dry territory. There are three recipes for making imitation Old Bourbon in Stephens book, one calls for 20 gallons of proof spirit (neutral spirits diluted to 100? Pardons were offered to anyone who agreed to comply with the law henceforth. Not only are they, in many cases, less expensive than straight whiskeys, but the act of blending whiskey has now become an art form and results in a softer dram that is ideally suited for use with mixers, with some of the more expensive blends being complex enough to be savored for their own intricacies. In the years between the Civil War and 1900, the very ways in which whiskey was packaged and marketed were also updated and modernized. Any search for the first bourbon whiskey should begin with a look at what made Kentucky so darned perfect for such a whiskey to have been created there: Kentucky was an area with plentiful trees (17 varieties of oak are native to the state), pristine, limestone-filtered water, and arable land. Think about this: Early farmers, from time to time, must have had a bumper crop of grains. In Kentucky Bourbon--The Early Years of Whiskeymaking, Henry G. Crowgey describes an 1821 newspaper advertisement for bourbon whiskey, so its fairly safe to assume that the distiller of that time knew that the readers would understand what it was he had for sale. Bourbon was here to stay. Another liquor was far easier and much less expensive to produce, and it was about to become one of the first industries in America. So here we have a perfect place to make whiskey--the cultivation of corn was encouraged and therefore became the predominant grain, the water was perfect for distillation, and the settlers had plenty of wood from which to make barrels. Until then, glass bottles remained fragile, expensive, hand-blown vessels that were very dear in every way. From time immemorial, coopers have been forming barrels over fire, and therefore toasting the staves while they were making them bow. Hamilton had estimated the national debt at about $54 million, and on July 1, 1791, the government started to enforce an excise tax on all spirits--imported and domestic. And Washington did, indeed, make whiskey. Whiskey spurred the women of America to lead a crusade that led to Prohibition, and has played a part in every major war this nation has seen. Follow the American Whiskey Trail and the Distilled Spirits Council on Twitter! Dr. James Crow, a born and bred Scotsman, was working as a distiller in Kentucky around 1823. These scalawags blended small amounts of straight whiskey with huge quantities of flavorless neutral grain spirits (distilled out at a very high proof in Coffeys continuous still) and a few flavorings; and yet they sold their product as straight whiskey.. The timing was brilliant. Further north, the Pilgrims also were making beer, and according to John Hull Brown in his book, Early American Beverages, they werent above adding flavorings in the form of molasses, tree barks (spruce, birch, and sassafras were popular), and fruit and vegetables, such as apples and pumpkins, to their brews. As the U.S. population grew and the 1800's progressed, we see a steady rise in the consumption of American distilled spirits. According to most reports, Sylph was a woman said to have had an extra-marital affair with Grant, and she was a woman who had pestered him ever since. The distillery operated for a few years, but Hope was shattered and forced to close when all of the capital was spent. It was cheaper than beer, wine, coffee, tea, and milk in the 1820s than to buy whiskey. Back in 1850, both Old Pepper and Old Crow whiskeys were made at the same distillery. Among its offering is a whiskey, sold in ceramic jars and bottles, that Canale names Old Dominick. Aside from having no cash, the distillers in western Pennsylvania were also exasperated because, when summoned to court to answer their charges, they had to make their way to Philadelphia. (A wonderful twentieth-century example of this process can be seen in the case of A. Smith Bowman, a farmer in Virginia who, in 1935, produced Virginia Gentleman Straight Bourbon Whiskey using grains grown on his farm, made barrels from the trees on his land, and used the residues of his distillate to feed his farm animals.). He claimed that the ringleaders had encouraged the spirit of opposition by misrepresentation of the laws calculated to render them odious, and had sought to deter those who might be so disposed from accepting offices through fear of public resentment and of injury to person and property, and to compel those who had accepted such offices by actual violence to surrender or forbear the execution of them. He went on to say that the distillers had been inflicting cruel and humiliating punishments upon private citizens for . Yes, all sorts of deals were going on throughout this period--distilleries without a medicine license were selling their stocks to those who did, others maintained warehouses where those with licenses could store their whiskey under government supervision, and an unofficial cartel sent Owsley Brown of Brown-Forman to Europe to try to sell over 20,000 barrels of bourbon--a mission that was only partially successful. In 1865, Benjamin Harris Blanton started distilling whiskey in Leestown on the site where the Ancient Age Distillery now produces Blantons Single Barrel Bourbon. Laird settled in Monmouth County, New Jersey, in 1698 and set about applying his knowledge of distillation to apples rather than barley malt. Over 65 million gallons of the hard stuff was consumed by Americans. The manufacture of rum continued to be big business in America right through until 1808 when the U.S. prohibited the importation of slaves from Africa. B. Dant (Yellowstone Bourbon) built a distillery at Gethsemane, Kentucky, in 1912. Glenmore Distilleries (Kentucky Tavern, among others) survived Prohibition well and went on to become major producers and importers of a number of liquors and liqueurs. The James B. Beam Distilling Company was formed in 1933; it was purchased by what is now the American Brands Company in the 1960s and is currently called the Jim Beam Brands Company. I do not care to live in a world that is too good to be genial; too ascetic to be honest, too proscriptive to be happy. Specifically, when he . There is solid evidence, however, that by the mid-1800s, some whiskeys were being aged long enough to give them a decent amount of color. Upon his release from jail McDonald accused Grant of taking part in the Ring in his book, Secrets of the Great Whiskey Ring (1880). It was statewide in some instances, and under various forms of local option (towns, counties, municipalities, or city districts having the right to legislate and enforce prohibition) in others. Enter Colonel Edmund Hayes Taylor Jr. Taylor, the man responsible for giving us Old Taylor bourbon in 1887, was known as a discerning distiller who focused on the high quality of his products. A. Smith Bowman, a farmer in Virginia who had been in the whiskey business prior to Prohibition, started making Virginia Gentleman bourbon in 1935. Pennsylvania was solidly in the Union, but Kentucky, and Maryland were two of the four border states in which slavery existed and was legal, yet whose political leanings were mostly with the Union. Some sat alone at the bar taking notes on the particular malt they were sampling; others assembled in groups, experienced a few different drams, and discussed and compared each ones particular intricacies. According to Patricia M. Rice, author of Altered States, in 1873, Eliza Jane Thompson, a woman with a passionate distaste for the drinking classes, led 70 women to drugstores and bars in her hometown of Hillsboro, Ohio, where they stood outside and sang hymns and prayed. 2020 Distilled Spirits Council of the United States | Equal Opportunity Employer | Distilled Spirits Council. However, its interesting to look at why so many farmers in the century preceding independence were also distillers. We might as well ask who was the first person to bake bread. ), The farmers simply chopped down a few trees from their land, got the local cooper to make some sturdy barrels (every self-respecting settlement had a cooper or two since barrels were used to store and transport most products, from foodstuffs to hardware, at that time), and after bartering as much as possible with his immediate neighbors, he could easily send off a wagon load of whiskey to thirsty buyers further afield. Pulque, or octli is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of the maguey, and is a traditional native beverage of Mesoamerica. Carry Amelia Moore was born in Kentucky and raised there, in Missouri, and in Texas. The views and opinions expressed in the following book chapters are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Distilled Spirits Council or its member companies. It has no interest apart from the church. What could they do with all the leftover grain after all their neighbors had bought or bartered enough to keep them in their daily bread for the next year or so? World Class 'Sipping' Single Malt Whiskies Under $100, Ranked. Did Lincoln enjoy the warmth of an occasional glass of whiskey? Lems peach brandy was made in an old pot still. A Few Other Whiskey Men Who Appeared in Kentucky Before 1800, All of these families helped bring the tradition of American whiskey-making into the nineteenth and right through to the twentieth century. What a pleasant surprise on Rainey Street. Americans in 1825 were drinking almost three times as much alcohol as the people living in the somewhat wild days of 1970. However, McDonald had a few cards up his sleeve, and although he offered to replace the money in return for immunity (claiming he would get it from the distilleries), he also dropped mention of Grants name to add weight to his plea for clemency. The woman had a mission, but her ways were too radical even for the WTCU--they eventually rejected her, leaving her without financial support. They were shipping whiskey to all sorts of colorful Western towns--Laramie, Tombstone, Dodge City--but it wasnt always too good; much was completely unaged and cut with water. They spent it on the good stuff. Drinkers looked to fine wines in the 1970s, and a decade later they took the high road that led directly to single malt Scotches. But Kentucky whiskey-makers already had started refining and improving their methods. WhistlePig The Bhlden is aged for 21 years in American Oak ex-bourbon barrels and to give it that WhistlePig flair finished . He was buried in a drunkards grave. But still, no hard cash was changing hands. The Leagues 1910 yearbook contains a declaration signed by their fearless General Superintendent, Reverend Purley A. Baker, D.D. Old Taylor Bourbon first hit the shelves in 1887. Most of them didnt linger long to mingle with the settlers on the coast--they had left Ulster to go west and go west they did. The below information has been republished with permission of the authors, Gary Regan and Mardee Haidin Regan. Maybe as a matter of routine, distillers who invested in used cooperage would set fire to the interior of the barrel to rid it of any lingering odors or dirt, and once again, at some point, charred barrels were recognized as having a good effect on whiskey. But these were also the days when many people were stricken with a variety of weird and wonderful maladies that needed regular treatment with frequent tots of decent, aged, medicinal whiskey--the product of a loophole in the law that allowed certain distillers to sell whiskey for medicinal use. of Louisville, points out that, although quinine and laudanum were used medicinally in the mid-1800s, few other medicines, apart from whiskey, were available. Mellon private bottlings: After Prohibition, Richard King Mellon bottled some old vintages for his private use. Even the whiskey bottles had to be made to new government standards that called for thinner glass and no unnecessary designs. Even though some documents pertaining to the case were stolen (allegedly by a man in the employ of Grant himself), Babcock was indicted. An editorial in The New York World Telegram in 1944 stated, public and official alarm over the shortage of liquor is pathetic in a people who are supposed to be adult.. They had the right idea, and if they just could have waited another 50 years or so, they might have made a fortune. For the 18 year old rye whiskey, a special placard . All of the ingredients needed for whiskey-making were available to these early Kentuckians, but in a quest for the origins of a specific style of whiskey, its necessary to work backwards. Jim Beam died in 1915 *1947 and his son, T. Jeremiah (Jere) Beam, picked up where his father left off. Most of them were dismantled, and of the 17 plants operating in Kentucky prior to Prohibition, only seven were making whiskey in 1935. The biggest whiskey company was the National Distillers Products Corporation, a reputable company formed in the 1920s that was an indirect offshoot of the disreputable Whiskey Trust of the late nineteenth century. This version is Barrel 2 and bottled at 97 Proof. For many proponents of temperance, however, the word meant moderation, not complete abstention. Its important to remember that the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. was well on its way at this point. It wasnt politically correct, it wasnt good for the body, and it was no longer a laughing matter. My observations have convinced me that many fewer would drink were it not illegal.. The whiskey men of America were somewhat nervous that much of their audience was gone. In Europe, the Great War broke out in 1914, and although President Woodrow Wilson initially declared that the country would remain neutral, on April 6, 1917, the U.S. declared war on Germany. They had conned Grant into becoming an ally, and the scheme backfired. Paul Jones introduced his Four Roses whiskey to Kentucky in 1888. Lincolns secretary, John Hay, when recording the 1863 arrival of the Sons of Temperance at the White House, noted that the group blamed the defeats of Union troops on intemperance among the soldiers. And that is exactly what she did. Frankfort Distilleries (owners of the Four Roses brand) survived the dry years and was bought by the Seagram company in the 1940s. By 1790, George Washington had been inaugurated in New York City, the new countrys temporary capital, and after the long years of fighting the Revolutionary War, it was time to set up business. There was, however, another whiskey scandal looming, later in the 1800s--this time it came from within the industry itself, and had a direct effect on which brands of whiskey are available to us today. Demand was diminished--and things didnt change a great deal until some learned spirits aficionados decided that whiskey wasnt getting enough attention and started to shed some light on the intricacies of single malt Scotch in the 1980s. From there, things went from bad to worse for the investigators. It was a grand system that had actually been around since about 1870 when bottles became more common as a way of packaging whiskey, but as local Prohibition spread, drinkers in dry areas began writing away for whiskey like never before, and they were treated to some marvelous offers and premiums. That year saw the birth of yet another organization, The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, made up of many brewers, distillers, and some very wealthy and influential people, DuPont family members among them. We venture to guess that the practice of using charred casks to produce bourbon as we know it was more along the line of an evolved procedure--something that happened to be noticed, was experimented with a little, and gradually became the norm. And dont think they didnt complain. But the 1791 tax on American whiskey was, of course, very unpopular among the farmer-distillers. The whisky is a blend of rare stocks, including some that have been maturing at the distillery for more than 140 years. Is Barrel 2 and bottled at 97 proof accounts, this bar was indeed worth. To Warehouse H & quot ; Tribute to Warehouse H & quot.. Private citizens for straight whiskey but add flavorings such as tinctures of cloves and allspice Lee, Tom,... 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