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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

Conditions caused by Agent Orange include: Yes, research suggests that children born of veterans who had Agent Orange exposure may have spina bifida or other congenital disorders (disorders from birth). Hello. Why wont the US Government cover her? Use more good research. perhaps they need to be removed for these centers do not decide your exposure. Lock Be prepared for a fight when you file a claim because they dont want to admit a darn thing!! Lesions related to prostate cancer metastasis and multiple myeloma! If a womans eggs could be affected why cant the sperm be? Thank you. My veteran died in 1997 from Melanoma.he was only 51! My dad served during this time, not only does he have health issues but so do my sister and i, both with reproductive issues. AO was in our drinking water, coffee, and food0. I had a radioactive isotope to kill the thyroid and have taken synthyroid for over 40 yes. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: Agent Orange exposure is associated with a number of medical conditions, some of which are. Now, he is thinking the war isnt over, do to him fighting for his life, my life, my brothers life and my sister life, al do to Agent Orange Exposure. Now I, along with many others, are paying the price! Dioxin has a long half-life and stays in the body for decades. VA disability ratings range from zero to 100%, in ten-percent increments. There are several other medical conditions that appear to be strongly linked to Agent Orange exposure, but which have not yet been added to the presumptive list: Again, if you have any symptoms that are severe or that worry you, you should seek medical attention, either through the VA health care system or your own providers. While the herbicide received a ban in 1971 and the U.S. destroyed all remaining inventory shortly after, there are still lingering effects present among veterans and Vietnamese people who lived in areas where the U.S. sprayed Agent Orange. Ive put up with all kinds of temper tantrums from this veteran I know for a fact most wives will not tolerate! Get a Free Case Evaluation, health care system to receive a registry health exam, Agent Orange Babies: The Effects of Agent Orange on Veteran's Offspring, Agent Orange Presumptive Benefits and Presumptive Conditions. Just who in the hell does a so called disease expert has the federal autocratic authority over my body? Former President Reagan, Honored them a Medal, To what they than in battle ship, yrs. My late hubby was exposed to Agent Orange. Thus, common symptoms include dizziness, headaches, numbness, Phoenix, AZ: One Renaissance Tower, Two North Center Avenue, 18th & 19th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Skin injuries similar to frostbite can occur if it is exposed to liquid chlorine Burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes Coughing Chest tightness Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. 3. I did all the research and we filled out forms, filed them ourselves and called directly to follow up. The U.S. military used over 20 million gallons of Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam in order to strip the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army of cover and concealment and to kill off crops they depended on to feed their fighters. Skin conditions and skin disorders associated with Agent Orange, Other presumptive diseases associated with Agent Orange. I also served in Viet Nam. U.S. pays to clean up Agent Orange on Vietnam War anniversary. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, (, ( 101st Airborne (Vietnam, 1967-68), Chico, Ca. These men and women went above and beyond to serve our country. I served as a commo man with the 27 engr. Agent Orange effects range in severity. Could this be related to Agent Orange? National Institutes of Health Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides. My genes were altered be it. I would go again if told again. Symptoms are usually equal on both sides of the body (called symmetric). Initial claims are often wrongly denied. Yes. He served in Vietnam 67-68! I was in Vietnam 1961-1962 and for years, I wasnt even aware that I was exposed until 2 years ago. My life has been forever changed because of Agent Orange. VA reps are swamped and it takes much longer. I was denied AO and I will be damned to file again. and First. a high percentage of viet nam soldiers are just included with todays todays army. If you are an eligible veteran (see below for eligibility criteria), you dont have to prove that Agent Orange caused your condition or made it worse. Although the findings of your exam may be used to inform your subsequent care, they may not be used when applying for compensation as a separate exam is required. Contact Us Healthy as an ox until age 79, came down with acute leukemia and died a year later. Just this week she was diagnosed with multiple herniations in her lower back. An official website of the United States government. Treatment for one person wont be the same for someone else because each persons body reacts differently to the toxic chemicals in the herbicide. I was at Ka shaun when 3 C-123s came flying right out the perimetere spraying. I served in the USAF from 1956-1986. Agent Orange exposure and VA disability compensation. Portland, OR: 650 N. E. Holladay Street, Suite 1600, Portland, OR, 97232 APPROACH EVERY AVENUE OF COMMUNICATION WITH THEM.BUY DO IT NOW AND CONTINUE FORWARDYOUR ARE AN AMERICAN VET. I know Agent Orange was tested there in the 50s. BUT I WAS A MERSHANT SEAMAN ON A SHIP TAKING BOMBS UP THE SAGON RIVER AND TO DA NANG THREE TRIPS ONE EVERY YEAR RA24652607, Another example of great tactics by the US Military. In regards to the time limitations of Neuropathy, what happens when you were not aware you were exposed to Agent Orange until much later in your life? Weve been disconnected from close family and friends for reason of outburst PTSD they dont understand. We were exposed to AO all the time in the Delta Region. Attention A T users. I applied at the local Veterans Affairs office. Does he need to be wheelchair bound ? Served in VN in the early 70s. Omissions? I was up north by the DMZ, as a Marine and you know we were all exposed to this stuff. Compensation benefits are available to Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange and their affected offspring. A medical record of having been diagnosed with an Agent Orange-related illness or condition, Service in or near the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). I have not been able to locate the attorney. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The chemicals in the herbicide affect everyone who had exposure differently. 2022;12(08):363-426. doi:10.4236/ojss.2022.128016. They will be able to work around the red tape inherent to any government program. collect your medical history from your doctors (a copy of your med. Agent Orange gets its name from an orange stripe painted on its storage containers. Prickling, numbness or tingling in feet and hands, Sharp, throbbing, burning or jabbing pains, Blood pressure changes resulting in lightheadedness or dizziness, Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome, Enlarged tongue, sometimes scalloped around the edge, Unexplained weight loss of 10 pounds or more. Should Veterans With VA Health Care Sign Up for Medicare? Policy. we represent clients nationwide. Absorbing it through your eyes, mouth or breaks in your skin while the chemicals were in the air. I lost 2 babies before conceiving my oldest who just turned 6. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. What are the health effects of Agent Orange exposure? If I get my congressman involved, that will put a hold on everything while congress takes a year or two to get the same information I already have. I was diagnosed with the Multiple Myeloma about 7 years ago by a private doctor and it took me two years for the VA to finally acknowledge that it, as well as the other ailments were all related to Agent Orange and the experiences of combat. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do for him? yellowing of eyes, skin, and urine (Jaundice) Olson KR, Speidel DR. Please talk about what happened at Fort McClellan, AL. HA! These three centers assist veterans with deployment health concerns and difficult diagnoses. I have been receiving since my husbands death in 2007. I developed Diabetes ll in 2001 and applied for diisability at that time. Frumkin H. Agent orange and cancer: an overview for clinicians. all I know is I was a healthy 19 rear old when I was drafted but came home and got sick.. Get help from state VA offices. How about talking about Ft. McClellan the moat contaminated site in the United States.Nobody ever brings it up,but 60 minutes DoD a report on Ft. McClellan you cant even get now.Monsanto,and our crooked government knew about this,and never informed the military.Yet the city of Anniston,Alabama won a 700 million dollar settlement in which our department of Veterans was approached,but declined stating We take care of our ownDeny,Deny Deny!!!! I never knew about prostate cancer or multiple myeloma being related to agent orange. You cant prevent Agent Orange effects after exposure to the herbicide. The molecules of these chemicals are toxic to plants, animals and humans. Although exposure to Agent Orange is linked to serious health complications and possible birth defects in Vietnam veterans and babies exposed to dioxin in the womb, there isn't a scientific consensus about its intergenerational effects. Despite the difficulty of establishing conclusive proof that their claims were valid, in 1979 U.S. veterans brought a class-action lawsuit against seven herbicide makers that produced Agent Orange for the U.S. military. Agent Orange was a toxic herbicide that the U.S. military used during the Vietnam War. Now me and my siblings, got to live the rest of our lifes with this disability. Im a USAF Veteran 1958-1962, working and living/working on all the major Military bases in VN (1966-1968,169-1971), plus time on US Navy Carriers and other ship of the coast. I have had prostate problems since being assigned to Avon Park. WebPeople exposed to a small amount of cyanide by breathing it, absorbing it through their skin, or eating foods that contain it may have some or all of the following signs and symptoms within minutes: Dizziness Headache Nausea and vomiting Rapid breathing Rapid heart rate Restlessness Weakness They completely missed problem, and after he fractured a rib, I insisted on a full thoracic series and they discovered bone lesions. (My father was an Italian immigrant; not sure how my extended family in Italy passed.) Get the recommended health screenings, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and don't smoke. Respiratory disorders veterans who inhaled the chemicals in Agent Orange on a regular basis may experience chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other They sprayed the surrounding area as well as other places. Numbness, prickly or tingling feeling in your hands and feet. Passed away within 6 months of diagnosis. Another one has had cancerous tumors removed. Dioxins are common chemicals that often result from burning trash and leaves and in certain manufacturing processes. I sent the VA a copy of my DD Form 214, which they said they couldnt read. was also used) Our daughter had severe jaundice when she was born and has crohns now. My dad served our country from 1969 to 72. He has been DENIED on his VA claim because VA says he cannot prove it. Coincidence or consequence of Ft. WebAgent Orange, Cardiac Signs and Symptoms & Tachycardia: Causes & Reasons - Symptoma About COVID-19 Jobs Press Scholarship Terms Privacy Imprint Medical Device Language 2.1 An internal server occurred, please try again later. Under SAM ROBERT Historical Story, years 1988. Exposure might McToxic??? Because of how my father has been treated by VA, I HATE I served my country for 25 DAMN years! The dioxins in Agent Orange are highly lipophilic, meaning that they dissolve in fat and are stored in the body's adipose tissue (body fat). AO has been proven to be multi-generational. Appreciate any info. Health Care My husband is a vet 68-69 our son was born 10 months after he came home , he has Crohns disease. muscle weakness. The drug normally used on Lupis patients was tested as a precursor drug for atropine injection in combat zones that have exposure to nerve agents. I was stationed at Ft. McClellean, where agent orange and other chemicals were manufactured and stored. My husband was a marine and in Viet Nam 68-70. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Even my parents, family, relatives. I went for a c/p exam and the regional office ordered a environmental exam but the places where they sent me for the exam refused to put me on the registry to get the exam go figure there are intirely to many want-to-be chiefs costing the VA time and money to do absolutely nothing. He said plane s in crisis dumped their loads of agent orange on the barracks where the crew stayed and the end of the runway. There is a growing body of medical evidence linking other conditions not listed here to Agent Orange exposure we will also discuss those below! I cant help but think if I had known these potential issues I could have told doctors he could be high risk. The U.S. Department of Defense developed tactical herbicides specifically to be used in combat operations. They were not commercial grade herbicides purchased from chemical companies and sent to Vietnam. Symptoms could include the following: The chemicals in Agent Orange caused several diseases and health-related issues in people who were exposed to the herbicide. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Nearly 3 million American soldiers served in the armed forces in Vietnam during this time who may have been exposed to the herbicide. One surgery already, more to come. And Ive seen the effects of Agent Orange on the people we like. Served in Vietnam, Korean demilitarized zones or at Air Force bases in Thailand. In addition, studies suggest that Agent Orange exposure reached over 3 million people living in Vietnam during the conflict. The chemicals in the herbicide affect everyone who had exposure differently. Anyone (Veteran, Family members for living or deceased) in need of Agent Orange exposure research should contact, in writing, the Department of the Army, Joint Services Records Rearch Center (JSRRC), 7701 Telegraph Road, 3rd Floor Kingman Bldg, Alexandria, VA 22315. I wish someone could explain to me the scientific reason why the child had to be from a female veteran. Corrections? Parkinson's Disease A progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects muscle movement Peripheral Neuropathy, Early-Onset A nervous system condition that causes numbness, tingling, and motor weakness. Tomorrow is not a promise, only a gift. While U.S. veterans have been compensated for their exposure to the herbicide mix since they filed a lawsuit in 1979, Vietnamese peoples efforts to secure similar compensation in a 2004 lawsuit was rejected by a U.S. court. What are symptoms of being exposed to Agent Orange? The VA presumes that certain birth defects in the biological children of female Vietnam Veterans were caused by military service if the birth mother was in Vietnam between Feb. 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975. The veteran filing that claim was represented by an attorney who appears to be located on the other side of the country. blue water navy here on board the Robert k hunington dd781 we cooked washed with agent orange water I have chest pain dibeties type 2 when will the v help us. For no one mention the agent till just these past couple of year. The U.S. military is still in the process of cleaning up Agent Orange contamination in Vietnam. An official website of theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services? The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs allocates disability benefits for Agent Orange exposure. When dioxins contaminate soil or water supplies, the food generated from these sources can be toxic. The IOM then issues its reports, including its conclusions and recommendations to VA, Congress, and the public. So sorry for all you have gone through. However, veterans who qualify and participate in this program receive a free medical exam, lab tests, and free referrals to medical specialists if appropriate. To the best of my knowledge all cases submitted to the VA have been denied. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). I was not told about any benefits resulting from exposure to Agent Orange upon discharge. Presently I am at 70% and Agent Orange was not included. Learn how ricin Veterans and Agent Orange. I was fixing and repairing tanks from viet-nam and there was this powdered stuff which was Agent Orange our Lt fresh out of school said it wouldn t hurt us so we were ankle high in this stuffdid not have any problems health wise.till 2010 I went in the hospital for diff to was there the hospital stay of 6 days said I had I went to a va hospital who said they didn t know what it was.after 5 heart failures on cpaP ,OXYGEN, thyroid ,and neorapathy of my arm and fingers the conclusion was agent orange so I submitted a claimand got denied so far twice.I feel like a vegetable I can t do anything getting up in the morning is a chore.I feel all our brother and sisters missing arms and legs I pray that in my lifetime somebody would get it right.the duty stations are Lejeune and Camp Pendleton Ca.I didn t run to Canada like my friends. There is an undiagnosed illness associated with Agent Orange that includes symptoms such as: Fatigue Rashes Headaches Muscle pain Joint pain Respiratory If the dr says yes, VA must error on the side of the veteran. Dioxins are fat-soluble. My Dad passed in 2009 due go Agent Orange. Maybe my experience will help someone else. My claim was approved and Im 100% disabled. Thats why its important to seek an experienced attorney with Veterans Affairs claims. 1989;27(2):165-171. doi:10.1080/15287398909531288. Visit VAs Health Benefits Explorer to check your eligibility and learn how to apply. I was diagnosed with lung cancer May 2014 and filed for disability August 29, 2014. I, too, have NEVER been able to have children. You may first notice weakness as difficulty climbing stairs or with walking. Atypical Parkinsonism refers to any condition characterized by Parkinsons-like symptoms such as tremors, slow movement, impaired speech, or muscle stiffness Birth defects in children of women Vietnam Veterans. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. While assigned there during the time frame listed I know other defoliants if not Agent Orange was used. Dioxins metabolize slowly. Public health assessment of dioxin-contaminated fish at former U.S. airbase, Bien Hoa, Vietnam. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Do to 2nd generation exposure of Agent Orange, cause there is no help in the government system for us to get. Im his DRIVER, his NURSE, SECRETARY, MAID, COOK, etc. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. I live in Maryland and my representitive is the Maryland Veterans Assistance. Post WW 11, it was the Atomic veterans that heard the denials. Peripheral neuropathy, early onset: An illness of the nervous system that causes numbness, tingling, and motor (or muscle) weakness. VA has recognized that certain birth defects among Veterans children are associated with Veterans qualifying service in Vietnam or Korea. My husband is battling Agent Orange complications, but the VA is very difficult to deal with regarding increasing his disability rating. Is a short sketch of his life. the The Veterans Benefits Administration automatically presumes that certain diseases and disabilities were caused by military service; they call these "presumptive conditions." I believe it came from my exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. Dioxin is a compound made from burning chlorine with carbon and hydrogen. If your disability rating is 30% or higher, you may also qualify for additional monthly compensation if you are married or have dependents. VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases associated with exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service. Ive been trying to get VA medical for years and keep getting turned down. Even though the U.S. military stopped spraying Agent Orange in the early 1970s, the dioxins in this herbicide continue to have an impact on Vietnamese people over a half-century later. I was in the Navy from 1962 to 1966 and was in Vietnam up and down the rivers and qualify under agent orange. Causes and Risk Factors of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, What Is Happening In Ohio? My eyes are still being treated for graves disease. The higher your assigned disability percentage, the greater the monthly compensation. I have been receiving benefits since my husband passed in 2007. our hands and arms were routinely exposed to the liquid and vapors during Developing fetuses are sensitive to dioxin exposure, and Agent Orange exposure is linked to increased miscarriage rates, spina bifida, and other brain and nervous system disorders. Learn more about benefits for Veterans children with birth defects. I do know that my paternal grandfather died from liver failure; my paternal uncle passed from a brain aneurysm; my paternal grandmother died of congestive heart disease and other complications of being 94. I have health issues secondary to, and as a result of my diabetes. Blistering or increased hair growth on areas of skin exposed to sunlight. In 1984, a class-action lawsuit by over 100,000 Vietnam veterans led to the Agent Orange Act of 1991 and presumptive disability benefits for those exposed to it herbicide during military service. Learn more about Agent Orange related studies and their outcomes here: She has been sick so much in her life time. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1994. We are sorry that this post was not as useful for you! I am still able to receive monthly cash benefits and medical. Is my mother eligible for compensation? Will you give more info on Dr Erickson Other signs and symptoms may include fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain or swelling, chest pain or trouble breathing, itchy skin. muscle twitching and tremors. When will we get help from the VA? my late husband was tdy multiply times in Thiland during the Vietnam Nam war. You have a health conditioncaused by Agent Orange exposure. Pain in upper left abdomen (enlarged spleen), Pain in lymph nodes after drinking alcohol, Cough that does not go away, or gets worse, Chest pain, aggravated by laughing, coughing or deep breathing, Bronchitis and pneumonia infections that keep recurring, Swelling of lymph nodes in neck or collarbone. Check your PSA etc brothers and good health to you all! Pulled many ambushes at the end of the air base runway. Additionally, exposure to Agent Orange may have long-lasting impacts on pregnancy, including miscarriages and abnormal fetal development. Hill & Ponton P.A. the worst part is how I get judged years after its all over. then have the legion va rep file a claim for all of your medical conditions, whether you think they are related to agent orange or not is irrelevant. If you do have an Agent Orange-related disability or health condition, you may receive free health care for those conditions through the Veterans Administration. Removal surgery or radiation for cancers. Any help is much appreciated. Sincerely, Jackie Stewart. I have been waiting three years for an answer to my appeal for the varices and for my liver damage and all I get is a stock answer from the VA. Thank you for your help. Agent Orange is an herbicide. Veterans are eligible to receive an Agent Orange health exam, clinical treatment and healthcare benefits. The chemicals in the herbicide caused Agent Orange effects. My husband served in the Air Force and was stationed at Osan AFB, Korea from 1970-1971. Our sons both have chronic coughs and asthma. Navigating the Veterans Affairs bureaucracy is notoriously difficult. Served at herbicide test locations or storage facilities outside of Vietnam. Agent Orange contains a chemical called dioxin. In some cases, you may be referred to one of the VAs three War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) facilities Washington, D.C., East Orange, NJ, and Palo Alto, CA. After years of being the one lifting luggage sat airports for hospital appointments from Saipan, Guam, and tripled in Hawaii, Las Vegas, Oregon, now Washington, my physical healt now shooting 55yrs of age, mental, physical and emotional Heath of my being is really taking a big toll on me. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. You served in the military in a location that exposed you to Agent Orange. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Thank you. Agent Orange was sprayed all over that the 60s. Agent Orange was a plant-killing chemical (herbicide). The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). I now have KIdney disease related to DMll. The benefits given to someone with a presumptive condition are called "presumptive disability benefits.". There isn't a specific test to show if you are an Agent Orange victim. Does anyone know how we would go about accomplishing his wish? We saw this awful poision being sprayed almost everyday but were told it was just bug spray and not to worry. You have received an unjustly low disability rating. People who come into contact with Agent Orange, depending on the length, intensity, and timing of their exposure, may suffer from skin diseases or congenital deformations. Agent Orange was a blend of tactical herbicides the U.S. military sprayed from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War to remove the leaves of trees and other dense tropical foliage that provided enemy cover. Google Edgewood arsenal experiments to see how the VA treats veterans. Today the U.S. Veterans Administration recognizes that exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service is the probable cause of these types of cancer in Vietnam veterans: Soft tissue sarcomas (but not osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposis sarcoma or mesothelioma) Im not sure of HCM would be considered a version of ischemic heart disease, as stated above. What are the symptoms of Agent Orange effects? This has been a fifteen year odyssey, please help me if you can. My father died of heart failure caused by HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) in October 2000. Read our. WebThe main chemical mixture sprayed was Agent Orange, a 50:50 mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. At the time of the spraying, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), the most toxic form of dioxin, was an unintended contaminant generated during the production of 2,4,5-T and so was present in Agent Orange and some other formulations sprayed in Vietnam. No significant relationship was seen between exposure to pesticides and Alzheimer's disease." Exposure to Agent Orange is linked to certain cancers and other illnesses. Too much information, too late. There are steps Veterans can take to help prevent heart disease, cancer, and other common diseases of aging. Seems funny that Prostrate Cancer is listed yet not Colon Cancer. Any necessary blood test, x-rays, imaging, or other tests and procedures, History of known or suspected exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicide, In some cases, you may be referred to one of the VAs three, War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC). do not delay. What about the research done at the DeBakey VA Hospital in Houston that identifies many genetic mutations caused by Agent Orange and passed to children of male Veterans. The effects of Agent Orange use are still present today among Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese people living in central and southern Vietnam. You CAN be service connected for neurapathy in lower extremeties years after Vietnam. 214, which they said they couldnt read turned down may be some discrepancies on the other side the... As difficulty climbing stairs or with walking clinical treatment and healthcare benefits... Military in a location that exposed you to Agent Orange victim your med had! 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