positive emails to parents examples

In this environment, teachers recommendations are valued and applied at home, while parents, in turn, are present and contributing at school. Use correct spelling, grammar, spacing, and punctuation. Positive Emails to Parents Find below samples positive of emails you can send to parents Subject: Impressive Academic Performance Dear Mr. Austin, It is with positive remarks that I want to inform you of the great academic improvement that your son has achieved this year. Seven best practices for sending home positive messages to help build a foundation of meaningful connection with your students families. Parents Examples are Powerful A person's emotions, attitudes, and behaviors are not only self-reinforcing, they are also communicable to some degree through these shared neural connections. Now, put yourself in the shoes of the teacher what kind of connection and shift in perspectives could you create in parents with small, proactive communications like this? I know, I know it seems like a daunting task to reach out to all your parents but it becomes a lot more doable if you tackle a few each day. I just checked to verify that it was listed in [NEWSLETTER/WEBSITE/SCHOOL INFORMATIONAL SYSTEM]. Id love to know how you use email to communicate with parents. Hopefully you dont have that many students! WebCompliment letter to the parents of an employee for good work Example of a letter extending Father's Day greetings Farewell letter from a teacher to a parent First-grade welcome letter to parents Goodbye letter from a teacher to parents Guidance counselor's letter setting up meeting with parents I'm sorry letter to mom A menu will appear and you click on the account you want to use. How exciting! You may also want to include some words about confidence and kindness. [ASPEN/DISNEY WORLD/MILAN]! Want to learn about 8 different ways teachers and schools can communicate with parents? I know asking things of a teacher can feel intimidating, but Id love to give them a low-risk opportunity to practice self-advocacy. [Student] is a great student and I'm lucky to have them in my class! Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home. Consult with a school leader. Lastly, the importance of in-person communication is something one cannot stress enough. I was really impressed with Parker today. 1. Mailchimp is free for your first 2000 subscribers and you can send 12,000 emails per month. Let me know whether [SPECIFIC TIME] or [SPECIFIC TIME] works better for me to call. It can be uncomfortable to raise a concern. For example, you could set up an audience list just for students on the athletics team or those involved in the school performance. Have you found a fourth grade classroom for Scott yet? Understood does not provide medical or other professional advice. But where to begin? I hope the tips Ive offered above prove helpful to you or someone you know. You make me smile. Heres a tip to help you make personal connections with parents all it takes is a few minutes a day! Hello Ms. Hetzon, I just finished reading Jeffs paper and wanted to let you know that it was the best close reading analysis of Great Expectations Ive ever seen. ", Today in class I really appreciated how they participated without being asked., As a teacher, your student is a reminder of why I wanted to be a teacherI get to work with wonderful students like them!, Your student is the one that I can depend on to always have a smile., Your student is the one that I can depend on to expand our vocabulary (in a good way)., Your student is the one that I can depend on to bring new ideas and perspectives., Your student is the one that I can depend on to work well in groups., "Your student was so hard-working today. Thanking a particularly involved parents in a class newsletter will boost their confidence and give a sense of achievement while encouraging others to follow suit. Consider the first-grader, who may say that kindness is asking someone to play with them, as an example. Here are some examples of notes I have sent home: If this gives you the warm fuzzies to read, wait until you read the responses from the parents! Sending Home Positive Messages With Parentsquare Email is a favourite form of communication for many people regardless of their location, age, or confidence with technology. Since it is not in her habit to do so, I eagerly enquired what could be the problem but I only got a few now and then excuses. With confidence, your child will be able to do just about anything. [OR: While our grading policy does not allow students to retake quizzes, here are some other ways he can show his learning and recoup those points ]. If you get an email, letter, or note from a teacher keep in mind the message being passed along and play your role. [Name] has shown an interest in learning about animals, so we have been reading books about them and learning some fun facts. Im so glad you reached out. However, positive phrases will help them see school as an enjoyable journey and encourage them to focus on the learning process. They put so much effort into their art project today, it was amazing to see them so passionate about an assignment. Positive Email to Parents from Teacher: 15 Example Emails. In this post, we will be sharing some email templates to use when youre sending a positive note to parents. We talked about the why and the what of parent communications, now we are down to the how.. ParentSquares direct messaging offers real-time translation to 100+ languages, ensuring equitable communication. I hope all is well! Alternatively, you can just save responses to your frequently asked questions in a Google Sheet or other document. Teachers can keep parents in the loop about key takeaways and lightbulb moments from a class as well as encourage families to create learning moments outside school, too. Let me know and I can get you scheduled for a tour. Amanda Morin is the author of The Everything Parents Guide to Special Education and the former director of thought leadership at Understood. Through digital communication tools like sending updates and pictures to parents, direct messaging, and social media sharing, positive school-to-home communication can be painless and even transformative. Then you can copy and paste them into emails as needed. You make me happy. Its about informing and empowering teachers and families to make the most of them. ", "Your student was so lively today. Find more information on inviting parents here. Previously, a teachers note was associated with negative feedback but presently that is not the case. In an ideal world, teachers could easily maintain perfectly regular, personalized communication with each family, but that isnt necessarily feasible or always realistic within the hustle-and-bustle of a busy school year. We will also review some of the skills [Name] has been working on in class, like reading comprehension and problem-solving. Emails highlighting classroom activities help parents understand some of the things that happen during the school day. Every situation, child, and school is different, so youll have to adjust your responses accordingly. Step 1: Thank the parent for being invested in his/her child's education. Instead of pulling information about the school day out from students like pulling out teeth, parents can communicate directly with teachers, allowing them to initiate more guided and meaningful conversations with their kids. 9 Templates for Responding to Tricky Parent Emails 1. This is where a teacher can lead the way and share effective learning support strategies. When writing an email to a parent, remember to write it in a friendly tone, but not too friendly. Let parents know how to contact you for urgent issues (e.g. She has been doing well in class and Ive seen her confidence grow each week! Sharing special moments opens a channel to honest and direct one-to-one communication with a parent, which over time can build trust to discuss other important issues. I hope all is well. Still, emails can leave plenty of room for misinterpretation. With that in mind, we are sending this letter home for your awareness. While we believe that all of the elements are important, one that teachers can easily act upon is establishing effective communications. You can send emails to your whole list or a select audience. I wanted to send you a quick update on [Name] progress. I get to work with wonderful students like them! ", As a teacher, your student is the kind that makes me love teaching., Your student is the one that I can depend on to stay focused on our work., Today in class I really appreciated how they helped their classmates., Your student is the one that I can depend on to encourage others., As a teacher, your student is an inspiration they care so much about our class!, "Your student was so honest today. Ask them about it. The notes are in English and in Spanish if needed. Kids LOVE the recognition as well as parents. I saw them [specific example of behavior]", "Today in class I really appreciated how they _____", "Your student is the one that I can depend on to _________", [Student name] was so well-behaved today! Explore a teachers guide to having difficult conversations with families. It can be uncomfortable to raise a concern. If youre writing a handwritten note, include a signature as well. Not only would an address of [emailprotected] raise eyebrows, but you need to protect your privacy. This can be done by telling stories, giving examples relating to what theyve learned at school, critiquing rather than criticizing and giving children the freedom to fail. 2. Your child went somewhere. Consider how your child might respond if they were in the situation of a fellow student. Hi Mr. Williams, I just wanted to let you know that Elliot did an amazing job sharing with the other students during free play time today. I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to let you know that I am pleased and excited to have your child in my fourth-period Expanding Academic Opportunities class. All rights reserved. Im truly impressed with him! Is it safe? Brought so much enthusiasm and understanding to our game on Kahoot! When homework assignments and grades are parents only insights into academic activities, they miss out on the learning process and have trouble understanding how to best support their child. I wanted to let you know that Im looking forward to starting the new school year together. Thanks so much for your email. Hi [parent name]. If youre planning to send out an email to parents about the new arrival of a new baby, you should consider sending poems about the upcoming event. Let me know if you had access issuesI know that can happen sometimes. Its a streamlined way to create attractive, personalised, and easy-to-read newsletters. Its an instant mood booster and helps to build a positive mindset around school. Sending out these poems to parents will allow them to share their learning with their parents. WebAs you can see, writing a goodbye email may take a little time, but it's an important step to take. Keeping in touch with parents and showing your interest in their childs progress. With our support Sue, is destined for great things. Check out these 6 effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents! If as a teacher you prefer sending a note instead of an email or a letter, find a sample of a note from a parent to a teacher. Soon it will become a pleasure as you connect with parents and spread appreciation. Im so sorry to hear that [STUDENT] was feeling [UPSET/FRUSTRATED] about what happened yesterday. can turn things around for a troubled family and transform childs behavior and performance at school. Poems and other literary works can also help you show a positive tone. I have added it to the Whether its with a phone call, direct message, or face-to-face communication, keeping in contact with parents or guardians is essential to building a positive school climate for all stakeholders. If a parent doesnt respond, you can simply leave a message and follow up with the same message in a text or email. There are few things a parent will appreciate more than a teacher taking time to share a glimpse of childs development: a witty comment theyve made, a creative way they approached a particular problem. You can use merge tags to insert names automatically in an email (dont worry, its very easy to do!). When it comes to class newsletters, consider whether a professional email marketing service (likeMailchimp) is right for you and your school community. Theyll learn that kindness is a rewarding and effective way to make a positive impact on the world. [] 12 Tips For Teachers Communicating With Parents Via Email []. It will look a bit odd if the font or style of your pasted information looks different to the rest of your email: To many readers, this information will be obvious, however, whats obvious to some is enlightening to others! But with these email templates, you have a framework of how to respond professionally, kindly, and in a way that protects everyone involved. In the past, teachers reaching out to parents would most likely mean that a child is misbehaving or having learning difficulties. Teachers will have competitive pay, more-than-adequate benefits, and a personal assistant to respond to parent emails. The outcomes associated with positive parenting are long-term and often permanent. Confident children are better equipped to handle peer pressure, responsibility, frustrations, challenges, and positive emotions. Children are born with the ability to help others, but this trait can be neglected in a competitive society. ", "Your student was so organized today. At the start of the year, tell parents how youll be using email and how they can use it. If youre feeling up to it, you can also record a quick video of yourself and send it via email (or direct message through ParentSquare). Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home: Here are some email templates to provide an update on a childs progress: I hope youre having a great summer so far! Keep your emails professional but friendly; you dont need to be too stiff or formal. But what if an update isnt so positive? Based on your interest in her school work, lets work together to ensure she gets proper support and guidance to ensure she only achieves the best she is meant to achieve. Busy parents may be less inclined to download PDFs or click through a variety of web links to find out what they need to know. 10 Messages Every Teacher Should Send To Parents. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. Ive also recently started using Mailerlite and am finding it to be an excellent product too. Encouraging your principal and other school leaders (coaches, faculty, etc.) ], Brought so much positive energy to the classroom. It is worth noting as his teacher that his participation in the classroom has also increased. Example email from a teacher to a parent This simple example email is professional yet friendly, brief but addresses the issue at hand, and hopefully leaves the parent satisfied that their concerns are being addressed. Hi Mr. Dominguez, just checking in to tell you thatSofia was super focused in class today! We cant wait to welcome everyone back to class. Your school might even have its own email policy. ), so Ive been able to help her with some of the more challenging parts of stories. Our past survey indicated that 40% of teachers rank a supportive family as the number one factor in achieving student success even ahead of their own teaching skill, this is simply not good enough. Let me know whether [SPECIFIC START/END TIME] or [SPECIFIC START/END TIME] works better for me to call. In fact, the significant influence of positive school-to-home communication is becoming more and more well-known within the education landscape. Use of this website is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you're writing a letter that is to parents, perhaps from the Headteacher, the email should look largely like a 'normal' email, without distractions. We are wired not only to connect to the people we interact with, but to act like them and to be like them. That will be such a great learning experience for [STUDENT]. Thats called a canned response. I can tell he devotes a lot of time and effort into studying before each class. If you need time to gather information or come up with a response, send a quick email to let the parent know when youll get back to them with a more detailed response. I saw them excitedly describe in their break out room how a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly. Trust you are doing well. While this may seem obvious, its not always the most effective way. Recommend activities outside of school that help families bond around the current learning topics: taking their children with them to vote, swapping roles (parent is the student while the child explains a topic), discussing a newspaper article together. ", Your student is the one that I can depend on to be prepared., Their work is always well-organized and easy to read., school home communication, k12 communication, school-home partnership, school-home connection, school 2020, crisis communications, parent engagement, k12, PSquareLN, PSquareLN, ParentSquare Learning Network, k12, school, k12 webinar, k12 twitter chat, k12 communication, k12 best practices, school-home communication, school-home partnership, parent engagement, Enthusiastic about learning [excitedly talking to a peer about how a caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly], Considerate of others [bring over extra glue bottles for his classmates during art time], Polite [earnestly say thank you after I gave him a new pencil after his first one broke], Honest [admit that they didnt do their homework], Focused [very honed in on the writing task and wasnt distracted by their deskmate today], Hard-working [finish all of their math problems for both classwork AND homework], Patient [wait their turn to pick up their grammar packet], Lively [bring enthusiasm and energy to their group project], Organized [re-organize their binder its looking very put together! We will be working on addition and subtraction with numbers. Here are some examples of general email intros for parents: Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank you for coming to parent-teacher conferences. Weve had a lot of interest for fourth grade so we want to make sure you secure a spot this year. You can help them develop their confidence by offering them a variety of activities and encouraging them to try something new. Thank you for sharing these tips. Im glad you let me know. Mark J. Griffin, PhD was the founding headmaster of Eagle Hill School, a school for children with specific learning disabilities. Tip: Paste the copied text into an email as plain text. [emailprotected]). Let me know whether [SPECIFIC TIME] or [SPECIFIC TIME] works better for me to call. Most engaged teachers love that technology can give parents options to customize the frequency and types of updates, empowering them to participate in the communication on their terms. My Principal Took Away Our Lunchtime. , too. Please enjoy browsing my old posts. Good afternoon Mrs. Johnson! We still have a few spots available, and we would love for you to come and see our school first hand. The parent is also likely to tell their child about the call, reinforcing the positive behavior your student showcased. Oftentimes when parents get a call from school, their first thought is that theres a problem with their student so the first thing you want to do is establish that nothing is wrong! Thanks again for coming in today and I look forward to seeing you! Check out these 6 effective examples to help craft your own follow-up email to parents! We know that teachers and parents want to share experiences and stay connected, but many teachers are at loss about what kind of messages to share. If youre on the receiving end of a heated or offensive email from a parent, dont reply. Use a specific subject line that will attract the attention of parents. Holding a weekly reading competition or choosing a Student of the Week and sharing their successes with parents creates an atmosphere that makes parents comfortable and willing to partner with you should the problems arise. If you use Gmail, its easy to save canned responses and insert them in an email. Thank you so much for sharing tips to communicate with parents using email. Invite parents to email you with questions and concerns. Scroll down for a summary poster. Note: I think its important to set boundaries with families, including their ability to give you more work. We are so excited to have [name] in our class. Tip: Toggling between two Google accounts in Chrome is easy. I understand. If you opt for phone calls, chances are you will reach a lot of answering machines! Recognizing parents challenges can turn things around for a troubled family and transform childs behavior and performance at school. How did they achieve this level of success? She/he is doing great. *Note: While it may seem like this approach adds more to your workload, it actually takes less time to hop on a phone call than it would to scan the relevant materials, transcribe or copy-paste all the feedback you gave the student, and copy and paste relevant sections of the rubric, etc. Educators often have years or decades of experience, while parents dropping off their child to school for the first time really dont know what to expect. I saw them bring over extra glue bottles for his classmates during art time. So start by recognizing individual areas for family support. Below is the fastest way to say, Got it! while still remaining polite. Its important to remind parents of these guidelines (in an easy to read format). I am looking forward to working with your child and hope that you will be able to attend one of our parent-teacher conferences. Building a childs confidence is a crucial part of their development. 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