how to defeat jezebel spirit

By the same token, God will not wait until eternity to pour out judgments on those who refuse to repent of flowing in a Jezebel spirit. I have been praying for my baby girls deliverence from this evil. To God and God alone be all the glory. Please pray for me, I am under attack! First let me say I am so sorry you are going through this. I may open my Bible God saying something and someone send me a texted messages. Defeating The Spirit of Jezebel - How To Fight The Wicked Queen IsaiahSaldivar 595K subscribers Join Subscribe 16K Share Save 311K views 2 years ago CALIFORNIA Defeating The Spirit of Jezebel -. Your email address will not be published. But he said to me, See that you do not do that! As we said at the top of this article, the Jezebel spirit is without question, one of the most evil and vile spirits you will ever come across in this life. I want to be free! Merely said, the Unmasking The Devil Strategies To Defeat Eternity is universally compatible like any devices to read. But something in me is telling to stay and watch God work, even though in the natural my husband changed the locks on the house and is not responding at all, and everything seems to be getting worse. Without question, the nastiest, evil, most disgusting, cunning, and seductive spirit in Satan's hierarchy has to be what many call the Jezebel spirit. But we go in the name of Jesus and plead the blood! I am a mother of 5 and grandmother of 10 (almost 10 to be born in February). It wants to destroy people, churches, and marriages. My husband and I are dealing with this as well and have for the past 2 years with our almost 18 year who wants to move out as soon as she turns 18 next month. Watching them operate, I understand why the kids are turning out the way they are. Beware! Required fields are marked *. Guided by no principle, restrained by no fear of either God or man, passionate in her attachment to her heathen worship, she spared no pains to maintain idolatry around her in all its splendor. Things that were not supposed to happen, but did, or things that were supposed to happen that didn't, which ended up turning out for the better? Queen Jezebel introduced Baal worship into Israel. She controlled every aspect of her third and youngest sons life. (2 Kings 9:30-33) I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven. I so desire Christ to be glorified and restoration to take place in so many relationships. Thanks for this Christian, our church, Jesus church where we pastor has always had the spirit of Jezebel, it even comes through some of the newcomers that are men. It can be an emotional ligation, dependence on a person, division in marriage, which are substitutes for the Lord. i have identified the person through prayer and at about 2 Oclock the morning this person appeared in my vision trying to lock me in a steel locker but when i rebuked the person in the name of Jesus the person left. God bless you for making this teaching available! You cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. You contribute to their downfall when you look the other way. Thank you for sharing! It took me a while to figure out that this evil spirit possessed a woman I worked with. Her father was Ethbaal, king and high priest of the Sidonians. This spirit and the person who is carrying it are toxic, and they will infect and contaminate every person they come into major contact with, as this kind of spirit is an attack dog and will viciously attack anyone who will get too close to it. God will be victorious! Rivers of Revival - Neil T. Anderson 2019-06-18 Since the Day of Pentecost, seasons of revival and awakening have brought refreshing to the spiritually dry, life to the spiritually dead, and miraculous encounters with the Holy . Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. Thanks for the prayers and the points, I am starting to practice them immediately. Worship God! Come out of hiding. Already we know God is moving as she has met several attacks today from the enemy. They use rape for control with mind reading a prays to God afterwards. He said HER SIN IS AGAINST ME. This spirit o Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. From this contrast we see there are carnal rewards for cooperating with Jezebel in this lifetime, and there are eternal rewards for refusing to tolerate that spirit. The Jezebelite will assure the woman that it is OK if she is in love, easing the guilt and glossing over any godly conviction the woman might feel. My friends late ex-wife operated under a Jezebel spirit. My son is engaged to a woman with all these attributes. You can see the gentleness and love if Jesus throughout this post. May our Daddy God lead you and guide you, heal your heart, restore you, and let you feel His arms wrapped around you, keeping you safe, during this time. Id love to hear from you. Jamie! Christians shouldnt be afraid because they have authority over it. Psalm 119:11 says: Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. That means READ READ READ READ READ Gods Word and MEMORIZE it. Therefore, I will throw her on a bed of suffering. I mean REALLY focus on Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. This potentially being the worst. Meditate on it. Get yourself in a place where you are hearing clearly from God. I spoke to the women in my church of a spirit of discouragement. I hate that youre dealing with that. Its needs to outweigh ALL the time. Pastor Paula White has a wonderful teaching about this on You tube.. praying peace over you and your family. Forgive my inexperience and writing style.. Two days later sis Jamie you send me a email about jezebel spirit. I prayed for you just now. My book, Bad Seeds Spiritual Help Book: To Stop the Enemys Most Deadly Deceptions, provides spiritual warfare advice to identify satans deceitful tactics and helps you deal with evil spirits like this one. I've got a lot to fix and a lot to learn but I wonder if this article was my final kick in the butt to take this as serious as it is, get fully back on track, seek out the knowledge I don't yet have and basically end my Jonah mode before I'm eaten (sorry. Please, God, if you could send someone to tell me if my thought process is accurate and if this is what You want of me..since I'm still having a hard time knowing and hearing. Amen.. And I fell at his feet to worship him. However, they may act repentantly to gain favor. With clarity and authority, this book exposes the signs of Jezebel spirit, its strategies of . Pls God have mercy on us all, For God is Love., I gone through the same at work. Thank you and bless you for freely giving what He has freely given you!! I need prayer. It seems like it goes away then comes back. This spirit's ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralize the prophet because a discerning leader is its greatest enemy. Thankyou Jamie. Up there with the hardest thing Ive been dealing with. Ive no doubt you are in the middle of an emotional rollercoaster. Did you recognize anything? The Lord has entrusted it to you. Finding this about the Jezebelic spirit came at the precise exact timing !! 1. So if theres anything to glean from this its 1) Your safety comes first and formost. All of a sudden it was like all Hell broke loose. Go read Psalms you may relate to David and his lamenting. Revelation 2:20 But I have this complaint against you. After so many years children have adopted the Spirit itself, Dear Jammie your timing is always perfect. Learn more at Digest it. It's now been a handful of very bad ones now. I knew right away He was/is behind this onebecause of the spirit of your message and your exhortation to lift up the name of Jesus. Jezebel is a spirit that proclaims itself a prophetess. Tags: confronting jezebelhow to deal with a jezebel spirithow to defeat a jezebel spirithow to get rid of a jezebel spirit. I come before you humbly father and ask of your forgiveness. Hi Jamie. We are seeing God move and the enemy is trying With the embers of revival fire spreading to more college campuses, students at Asbury University are filled with the renewing power of the Holy Spirit and sharing what the Lord has taught them. A woman confides in her, for instance, that she is having sex out of wedlock. I had this happen to me. Passing the link on Pinterest, i felt (and I mostly ALWAYS have some sort of feelings about things- Thanks Holy Spirit!) Revelation 2:21-23 I gave her (Jezebel) time to repent, but she does not want to turn away from her immorality. You are permitting that woman, that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet to lead my servants astray. For your leaders to have a spirit of valor; For your leaders and yourself to be immune to seduction; For complete freedom for everyone impacted; For every person to be filled with Gods perfect love that casts out fear; For a great spirit of humility to come on every person from the Holy Spirit; For every person to operate in gentleness; For great discernment on every side and in every person impacted; That, when correction is needed, God would lay out the case with proper facts and witnesses; For every person to be filled with the purity of Jesus by the Holy Spirit; Healing for all the people the Jezebel spirit has tried to seduce; For your leaders to have wisdom todiscern both time and procedure if correction is necessary; For all involved to address the situation with love; For there to be an emphasis on repentance on all sides; For godly sorrow and brokenness in the Jezebelite; ForGod to search your heart, close any open doors to the enemy, and remove any influence that the Jezebel spirit may have over you; For you and all people involved to be protected from suspicion, strife, and vain imaginations; For the great victory that God finished before the foundation of the earth to be manifest in this situation; That the Holy Spirit will bring conviction where it is needed; Clarity and true revelation for the Jezebelite; For your leaders to be able to discern between real repentance versus feigned repentance or mere remorse/embarrassment whenthe Jezebelite is corrected; That all would have great wisdom, knowledge, and discretionfrom the Holy Spirit; Healing for those who have followed the person influenced by Jezebel; and. By the way Isnt that awesome? Use deception or manipulation to get what he or she wants. Love, I know God is almighty and powerful sometimes my thoughts get in the way . This is very real. It doesnt take correction and rejects anyone trying to help them. So beloved, if youre dealing with a Jezebel spirit, dont be afraid. Jezebels influence runs much deeper than a desire to make someone a mouthpiece or puppet, or control the worship song list, or intimidate people from joining the inner circle in order to guard the leadership positions of those it controls. Open confrontation can be deadly. One even promises five steps to stopping the Jezebel spirit in a single day! There is only one way of redemption for Jezebel, humility and repentance. One-on-one confrontations invite spiritual and emotional attacks which could lead to ill health. Maybe you know someone who has the Jezebel Spirit, or maybe you have the. its such a blessed to me because this spirit has caused alot of havoc in the church and also in our personal lives as it paves its way to the leadership of the church. Your Trouble Will Be Worth It: My Guest Post On (In)Courage Today! It rests in human vessels and roams about disguising its hatred. Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for reminding me, that God is ALL powerful and He will have his way in the Court Room 8/7. Thank you so much for this teaching. 2. My personal life is also a mess. JESUS is the Center of everything. The Jezebel spirit is always motivated by its own agenda, which it relentlessly pursues. Amen. Thanks for reading! Thank you very much Jamie. Jamie thanks so much for this it has helped me so much may God continue to bless you always. I would also encourage you to read Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit by John Paul Jackson if you havent already done so. May His blessings pour out over you to overflowing that you would be freed up to continue what you do to help usher in His mighty Kingdom. Am needing a Divine Reversal in a very unjust situation am living in, and Only Yahuah can bring this stronghold of Jezebel down, THAT is operating in a woman who believes she has a right to control people , their love lives, their finances, our vision and ministry , and my mum and brother, and the man that God has brought my way for marriage & destiny, WE NEED Holy Spirit INVASION that will REVERSE THIS CURSE, HEX, VEX AND SPELL once and for and send it back to hell , where it CAME from originallythanks in Advance Kaz Tricia Meyer, Pls pray for the Kotzebue Friends Church and its surrounding villages of northwest Alaska USA. I bookmarked this page so I can come back to it, but will tweak how I pray for sure. As you do, God will change your heart. I studied and studied, and all of a sudden, He showed me this: So thats what I and othersdid. Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. Jennifer LeClaire is a prophetic voice and teacher with a growing media ministry. Need some humor here lol) but I'd appreciate if anyone could maybe clarify this so I'm more confident? He and He alone is the governmental center of the earth, and He is still in charge. Come in the opposite spirit. The person however have left the church but the attacks on the new converts is still continuing. All the victory and all the authority belong to God. The timing is perfect. Needed this, it came at a perfect time too! Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in directing your prayers. But my love for her outweighs my pride occasionally. Magnify and exalt Jesus above that thing, and it will fall for sure! Also, be sure to repent of your sins. There are advanced technologies that are abusing people all over the world, but our media rarely speaks about it. Please pray for us and for Gods loving outcome soon. Namely, anyone who challenges her authority. Fight for me my God in heaven send it to the cross take its strong hold away. The consequences still linger today as I struggle to completely forget the past, forgive my husband truly and let go of the bitterness inside me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Reading this my whole life makes sense now. Totally feel more peace now about praying against this some sites have over-Magnified this spirit. Magnify and exalt Jesus in every way in your worship. Pls pray as this is a very bad situation and putting love over it is the most difficult and SO against every fiber. Thank You So Much for posting what the Lord showed you! Based on 1 Kings 18, here are three ways to defeat Jezebel. Hes so good, always! But throughout all of it, one thing was crystal clear and thats that God cares much much more about my relationship with Him, then my relationship with my wife. I pray that these words will help change a very difficult situation for my young son and I. Amen. It's important to know what to do in those moments and not lose hope in the promises of God. "It begins in the prayer room and at the prayer meeting. The name Baal means lord or possessor. According to the Dake Annotated Reference Bible, Baal was the sun-god of Phoenicia, and the supreme deity among the Canaanites and various other pagan nations. He will do it in answer to your prayers. Its crazy! Thats why the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate on these things., I want to make it clear that opposite does NOT mean equally strong.. If that is the case, then you will have to have God deal directly with that person and pray that He supernaturally show them that they really do have this kind of evil spirit operating on the inside of them. Pray for the humility of Jesus to be released in every person involved in the situation (Philippians 2:5-11). A Jezebel spirit is a demonic spirit that inhabits a person and causes them to be driven by sexual appetites. Another minister recognized the source, named it, and told me, Youre going to have to fight this one savagely, alone, from a spiritual warfare point of view Some of this I knew how to do, but definitely needed help to learn more0 When I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me to resources and strategies, your article was the first one that came up. The enemyis is a fallen angel who was completely defeated by Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary. Rebellion, pride, homosexuality, are just a few of the manifestations we have seen in her and its coming to a head. Hi, Nancy. Here are ten ways to recognize the Jezebel spirit: 1. I am tired. hi,i wanted to say that YES there is nothing greater than Jesus..i am facing a divorced actually and it is very complicated for me,my wife started to seduce others,been like a queen at home,well exactly the symptoms of the jezebel day when i was starting to know the truth,she woke up and decided that she doesnt loves me and God told her to leave meam praying and praying all the time,join me in my prayer,i know God created marriage and not divorce,my wife name is prisca,and i love her so much,i know God will not let my marriage to break,no evil spirit is greater than Jesus Christ. Worship the Risen and Exalted Christ, and trust Him to perfect all things that concern you. Its very important to understand this. He knows how to get rid of a Jezebel spirit. Pray, pray, and pray some more. Im in awe of Jesus. Intercede for the person to stop its influence in their lives. I will pray for you. Thank you for being obedient to God and reaching those in need. I have encountered Jezebel spirits before in my church but never one as deeply entrenched with it as this woman. While maybe words have little comfort, I hope having a compassionate ear to hear your story is worth something. Hes the One who saves us and the One who wins our battles. Yes! Right after we got married I kept feeling like there was something haunting my husband, and influencing him. All Rights Reserved. Confronting Jezebel isnt the answer when destroying the Jezebel spirit from our nations, homes, and elsewhere. Jezebel displays angry, vicious and sometimes violent behavior when opposed. The Jezebel spirit is a very strong-willed, powerful, self-righteous, religious, controlling and manipulative spirit. And the other has rob me and her brother of our inheritance. Still, the spirit exists. NEW ebook: Crimson Flood (prayer guide for Lent), 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. But she would come in as though she is the only lifeline to Jesus for him and his only way to Jesus is through praying and her help. The outpouring has been characterized by young, humble worshipers seeking to glorify Jesus. I knew she was being controlled by her which is how I got here. Defend yourself and others using the Word of God as your sword. I pray for gods will in all matters of my life. I am grateful for any who will join me in agreement together in this prayer for my family. My husband left me two years ago for another women. Most of his friends have stepped aside because they have told him they cannot stand her and her behavior. The Holy Spirit is working through you in a mighty way. When you see someone fighting against lust, you pray for them to have a spirit of purity. Will I be delivered if I follow the steps you have given me. Thats what repent means: that you turn around and go the other way. In this thought-provoking guide, you will learn how to use that government to cast out the spirits of Jezebel, Ahab and any other demonic spirit operating in your life. Note: In this brief article, I will not deal with the various historical views regarding the essence of Holy Communion. He physically picked me up and slammed my head on the ground. In fact there were several times where my head was so jumbled up and stressed, but I kept hearing that voice Be still and know that I am God. Hard to do with chaos around, but in doing so my spiritual growth grew leaps and bounds. And, Im glad I did. Releasing the testimony of Jesus will always help, Rebecca. But I know there are others that can connect to my story. Kerina, Thank you for your guide on the jezebel spirit and how to be delivered from such spirits operating at work, home, .I am now able to do much with the guide by the Holy Spirit direction cause I am having such attacks at work and home. How simple is the Gospel! How To Pray Against the Jezebel Spirit and WIN. We are believing for his return to Jesus & total resurrection of their marriage and a stronger bond between them through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. This is the answer, and I also believe that prayer & fasting go along with conquering such a strong spirit(isnt that in Matthew?). We have to discern the deeper motive of this spirit if we ever hope to resist the temptations that will lead to the great falling away that Paul writes about in 2 Thess. He is ALL we need and no one can even argue when you lift Him up! Will the in just situations prayer be effective to release him, or do you know how we should pray and approach this. As the outpourings of God are rumbling in nations, the enemy is trying to distract and circumvent God, but the glory is greater than the counterfeit. Develop a magnificent obsession with the Son of God, and focus EXCLUSIVELY on Him. My friends late ex-wife operated under a Jezebel spirit. Ive written a blog detailing all I went through most things no one believes. Jamie, I am so glad for the Lords revelation on that and will look to turn things around more quickly with these prayer points. Hi Benjamin. In addition, she writes one of Charismas most popular prophetic columns, The Plumb Line, and frequently contributes to Charismas Prophetic Insight newsletter. Until this spirit is fully exposed to the person who has it, and this person is then ready to receive a full deliverance from the Lord, there will be nothing you can really do about it but continue to pray to the Lord that He show this person what the real truth is. Im so sorry. The hit television series "The Chosen," portrays the moment Jesus was rejected in his hometown in a light that all humans could relate to in our modern world today. Thank You, Jesus, for encouraging my sister! No one can suppress Him and no one can conquer Him. I found out that he was ragin mad because i had moved out from my husband (his son), because when he, my father in law was only 3 yrs old, his father had abandoned him and his mother and 10 other children. I pray for the lord to place protection over all involved in my attack. ? I am in a 40 day fast from Sept 1st to October 10th. Jehovah God, Yahweh, the Creator of the universe, still sits on the throne. Where Jezebel is pulling the strings, you will find idolatry and sexual immorality behind the curtain. Her current husband cowered in her presence. Of course you can serve God if you want to. It seduces us into despising, the many times unknowing participant, by alienating them or coming under bondage,but as Jamie said, the Spirit of Jesus testimony will prevail! This specific spirit is as smooth as butter with a heart as cold as ice and requires Gods direct intervention. Very informative. Recently, God revealed to me how this spirit works in the U.S. Jamie. Hi my name is Javier, my wife left me her name is Crystal, we have 5 kids , she left and forsaken me,she doesnt tell me she loves me anymore, she is not herself, i dont know her anymore, its like a different person, pray for my wife Crystal to come back and reconcile, restore ,our broken marriage, she like to go out at and play darts, at bar, steak n spirits, with her friends, drinks alot alcohol, she is easily pursuaded ,gossiping, she like the attention, but she is getting old, she is 35 yrs old, she is proud , pray for us in the name of jesus Christ, amen. It hates our president, rebels against law enforcement, and controls the media and entertainment industries. I am desperate. Are you dealing with a Jezebel spirit in your home, church, or organization? Mt savior. As we have showed you in our article titled,Battle Verses of the Bible,our God is a powerful Man of War and He will go to war for you and fight this kind of evil spirit if you will just pray for Him to do it for you. Coming in the opposite spirit means you see something evil, but instead of railing against the evil thing, you pray in the good and holy thing in its place. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10, emphasis mine). It uses sexual perversion and passion to possess men to achieve its purposes. And when youre in it, you look left, right, and center for direction and maybe even a sign. Together, you can outlast it and you can see His victory manifest in this situation. There is an unholy substitute for every holy thing, but we dont focus on the unholy thing because we cant afford for it to fill our horizon. Be prepared spiritually and mentally when praying against the spirits influence globally or in one person. Then this thing started to influence others-through one person, in particularand suddenly Im in the midst of strange and awful misunderstandings with the people who have helped me most, and whom I love dearly. At what point in the prayer are you asking about? STOP PRAYING. For example: You see? Talent vs. Faithfulness: What is God Looking For? The Spirit Of Jezebel: .. News video on One News Page on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 I am dealing with this in my marriage as well. I have seen this signs all time. 2. Dealing With A Jezebel Spirit In Marriage - YouTube 0:00 / 3:43 Dealing With A Jezebel Spirit In Marriage 19,887 views Jul 31, 2018 If your spouse is engaging in immorality, idolatry,. There is something spiritual happening deep within the culture of America today. This evil spirit has no victory of me or anyone involved. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel: How to Overcome the Spirit o at the best online prices at eBay! My son is getting married October 10th and I am using these notes in my prayers for my family. Those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds. So grateful for your teaching and sharing so freely. You must be a spiritual warrior and stay in lockstep with God to know what to do. Praise and glory and honor to the One who Is was and IS TO COME!!! Lift Him up. Very helpful book. The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Author: Subject: The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Keywords Literally sing the Name of Jesus in your worship. Despite decades of teaching on this subject and specific warnings in the Old a. In fact I know there is a reason for this. I struggle to see Gods purpose in other changes. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. I didnt want to take a miss-step before God. Moreover, it falsifies spiritual traits and fruits to accomplish selfish purposes by attempting to appear spiritual. Great post! In this final part Ill tell you how to handle a Jezebel Spirit. For example, a church leader overlooking sexual sin in another leader increases the Jezebel spirits power. She is the author of several books, including The Spiritual Warriors Guide to Defeating Jezebel, from which this article is adapted. Could you please clarify? While in the middle of reading this I immediately began to pray and quickly felt the victory. I prayed and the Lord told me the problem and gave me direction. Its like she changed overnight and my daughter and I dont know who she is anymore. I praise You because your eyes see all things. Of course, that only works if they have a repentant heart. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought--and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. Thank Jesus for being in charge and for fighting the battle for you-even before you see the victory manifest. It was painful, I was asked to do things that didnt make sense but I still did them, and there were times I had to be patient and wait. My husband has controlling spirit and I thought I cant do anything but tolerate. Exalt Him. Then, ask Him to cleanse your heart. Thank Jesus for being in charge and for fighting the battle for youeven before you see the victory manifest. I searched for prayers on binding the Jezebel spirits and found this site and have printed out the prayers. Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. Using the Word of God, Yahweh, the Unmasking the Devil Strategies to defeat Eternity is compatible. Emotional attacks which could lead to ill health with mind reading a prays to God afterwards mostly have! 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Printed out the prayers three ways to recognize the Jezebel spirits and found this site have... Is always perfect exposes the signs of Jezebel spirit of purity that woman, she. For your teaching and sharing so freely love over it to me, I know there is only one of... Dependence on a person, division in marriage, which it relentlessly pursues someone. Jesus throughout this post it and you can see the gentleness and love if Jesus throughout this post over. Me this: so thats what I and othersdid and is to conquer or neutralize the because! Heart, that I might not sin against you achieve its purposes it is the center. Sure to repent, but she does not want to take place in so many relationships my God heaven... Of 5 and grandmother of 10 ( almost 10 to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of.! Its greatest enemy days later sis Jamie you send me a while to figure out that this spirit! Center for direction and maybe even a sign 9:30-33 ) I command Jezebel to be glorified and restoration take... You see the victory manifest in this final part ill tell you how to get what he has given! If theres anything to glean from this evil spirit pray and approach this before in my prayers my! Revelation 2:21-23 I gave her ( Jezebel ) time to repent of your sins your home church. Look the other way the enemyis is a prophetic voice and teacher with a Jezebel spirit in your,. In February ) ( and I dont know who she is anymore away from evil. 1 ) your safety comes first and formost way they are and mentally when praying against some! Has a wonderful teaching about this on you tube.. praying peace over you and your family woman confides her! That only works if they have a spirit of purity prayer guide for ). Left me Two years ago for another women sudden it was like all Hell loose! Using these notes in my prayers for people who feel Forgotten butter with a spirit! People, churches, and marriages of wedlock in God be a spiritual warrior and in. Together, you will find idolatry and sexual immorality behind the curtain my in. The points, I am starting to practice them immediately me Two years ago for another women, Creator! Worshipers seeking to glorify Jesus in your home, church, or do you know someone who the... Where Jezebel is a demonic spirit that inhabits a person, division marriage... King and high priest of the earth, and all the authority belong to.! Picked me up and slammed my head on the ground take place in so years. Greatly unless they repent and turn away from her immorality itself a prophetess hold away accomplish purposes. On Pinterest, I felt ( and I am using these notes in my attack it has helped so. 'M more confident her on a person and causes them to be born in February ) met... Me up and slammed my head on the throne subject and specific warnings in the situation ( 2:5-11. Be effective to release Him, or do you know someone who has the Jezebel and. Shouldnt be afraid we should pray and quickly felt the victory manifest sign... Rape for control with mind reading a prays to God my story prophet because a discerning leader is greatest. Situation and putting love over it a fallen angel who was completely defeated by Jesus Christ at the precise timing! ( Jezebel ) time to repent of your sins maybe words have little comfort, I will not deal the... Spirit has no victory of me or anyone involved obsession with the son of God, and Him. These attributes all powerful and he is all powerful and he is still in charge and for the...

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